Anadolu Medical Center Hospital Receives Gold Accreditation for the Second Time

Since its establishment, Anadolu Health Center Hospital has been providing services with a People-Centered Care approach, and it has become the first hospital in Turkey to receive the Planetree Gold Accreditation for the second time due to its success in this field. During the ceremony held at Anadolu Health Center Hospital, Planetree President Michael Giuliano presented this valuable award to Timur Atsüren, the General Manager of Anadolu Health Center Hospital.
Additionally, a celebration was held within the hospital for the employees. During the celebration at the Efes Meeting Hall, directors, patients, and employees shared their feelings and thanked everyone who contributed to this achievement. The cake, specially prepared for the occasion, was cut by members of the Patient and Relatives Advisory Board.
With its success in People-Centered Care, Anadolu Health Center Hospital has become the first hospital in Turkey and the surrounding region to receive the Planetree Gold Accreditation for the second time. Auditors from the civil society organization Planetree, which is a leading authority in People-Centered Care, conducted focus group interviews with 25 patients/patient relatives, 55 employees, and 11 doctors. Field inspections were also carried out to observe the improved environment and spontaneous discussions with patients and staff. A total of 108 people were interviewed during the auditing process.