Breast Center

Breast Center

What do we do at the Breast Center?

The present state achieved by the world of medicine in the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer is promising. While all these developments increase importance of early diagnosis in breast cancer, they also emphasize the necessity to address breast cancer specifically. Following the developments in medicine closely with its mission to provide high-quality health service, Anadolu Medical Center opened a Breast Center to meet all these needs. The Breast Center provides a single point where patients with breast cancer can reach all treatment needs from testing to examination. The Breast Center enables the patient who would otherwise be lost in the hassle of the hospital to reach the services and treatments easily, offering us the opportunity to raise our service quality to the world standards.

Areas of Interest

Staging of Breast Cancer

There are 4 stages in breast cancer. These are:

Dilation of Milk Ducts (Ductal Ectasia)

Ductal ectasia is the dilation and hardening of the milk duct. Dilation of the milk ducts is more commonly observed in women aged 40 and 50.

Dense Breast Tissue

The breasts are composed of tissue made up of lobules that produce milk, ducts that transport the milk to the nipple, and supporting tissue such as fatty tissue and fibrous connective tissue. The lobules and milk ducts form the structure of the breast and are responsible for milk production. Fatty and fibrous tissues give shape to the breast. The combination of fat and fibrous tissue is referred to as the "glandular" structure.

Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Methods of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women and the leading cause of cancer-related deaths. It accounts for 24% of all female cancers and 15.5% of cancer deaths. It is reported that 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in their lives. Rarely, breast cancer is also seen in men, with 1 man diagnosed for every 100 women. The incidence of breast cancer has been found to increase every year.

Screening Methods in Breast Cancer

The high prevalence of breast cancer, its increasing frequency, the possibility of treating it in its early stages, and the ability to diagnose it at an early stage under current conditions all increase the importance of screening methods for breast cancer.


Breast Center

Assoc. Prof. Özgür Sarıca


General Surgery

Prof. Ali Uğur Emre


General Surgery

Assoc. Prof. Ayhan Erdemir


General Surgery

MD. Surgeon Kemal Raşa


Breast Center

Assoc. Prof. Özgür Sarıca


General Surgery

Prof. Ali Uğur Emre


General Surgery

Assoc. Prof. Ayhan Erdemir


General Surgery

MD. Surgeon Kemal Raşa

Department Articles

All articles
“I had a disease that spread from my breast to my ribs and spine; but I overcame it all.”

“I had a disease that spread from my breast to my ribs and spine; but I overcame it all.”

What Causes Shape Deformities in the Breast?

What Causes Shape Deformities in the Breast?

What Are the Causes of Redness in the Breast?

What Are the Causes of Redness in the Breast?

How Can a Lump in the Breast Be Detected?

How Can a Lump in the Breast Be Detected?

Types of Breast Cancer

Types of Breast Cancer

What Do Breast Pain and Swelling in Women Indicate?

What Do Breast Pain and Swelling in Women Indicate?

Rules for Living with Breast Cancer

Rules for Living with Breast Cancer

Misconceptions about Breast Cancer and the Truth…

Misconceptions about Breast Cancer and the Truth…

It was said to be mastitis, but it turned out to be stage 4 breast cancer

It was said to be mastitis, but it turned out to be stage 4 breast cancer

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