What is an Ovarian Cyst?

They are formations of various sizes that occur in one or both of the right or left ovaries and may be fluid-filled, blood-containing or denser.

They are formations of various sizes that occur in one or both of the right or left ovaries and may be fluid-filled, blood-containing or denser.

What is an Ovarian Cyst?

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled, blood-filled, or more dense formations of various sizes that appear in one or both ovaries. This health issue, which nearly every woman experiences at least once in her lifetime, may not always be of the same type. Cysts can grow into various forms due to the influence of different factors, depending on the type of cells they contain. These formations, also known as ovarian cysts, can arise due to hormonal imbalances, excessive exposure to radiation, or past ovarian inflammations.

What are the Types of Ovarian Cysts?

The most common benign and malignant cysts are as follows:

  • Follicle Cyst: Common in young people, these cysts occur when the developing egg cell does not rupture and continues to grow, typically ranging from 2-4 cm and often resolving on their own after menstruation.
  • Polycystic Ovary Cyst: A disorder where the ovaries enlarge and contain many small cysts due to irregular ovulation, leading to irregular menstrual bleeding, infertility, and increased body hair.
  • Corpus Luteum Cyst: Forms when the tissue from the egg cell transforms into corpus luteum after ovulation, typically ranging from 3-4 cm and often resolving on their own after menstruation.
  • Endometrioma (Chocolate Cyst): Occurs when the endometrium lining the uterus is found in the ovaries and bleeds during menstruation, forming cysts. These cysts may contain various tissues such as hair, skin, teeth, and cartilage, causing abdominal pain but often not requiring surgical treatment.
  • Serous Cystadenoma: The most common cysts, typically occurring in women of reproductive age, ranging from 5-15 cm, with about a 30% chance of being malignant, requiring surgical intervention as they do not resolve on their own.
  • Mucinous Cystadenoma: The largest cysts observed in patients, ranging from 15-30 cm, requiring surgical treatment as they do not resolve on their own.

What are the Symptoms of Ovarian Cysts?

Ovarian cysts often do not show symptoms and are detected incidentally during gynecological examinations. The most common symptoms are menstrual irregularities, abdominal bloating, abdominal pain, digestive system disorders, and urinary tract complaints. Cysts that do not grow significantly do not cause pain or abdominal swelling. If abdominal pain is felt, it may indicate an inflamed mass. Frequent urination, constipation, or pain during defecation may suggest that the cyst is growing and putting pressure on the bladder. This issue can also lead to loss of appetite, weight loss, and mild nausea, among other digestive system complaints.

What are the Treatment Methods for Ovarian Cysts?

To decide on the treatment method, the patient is examined, considering the type, size, symptoms, patient's history, and age of the cyst. Most ovarian cysts disappear on their own over time. In other cases, especially for simple cysts, follow-up and shrinkage of the cyst with birth control pills are preferred.

When is Surgery Performed for Ovarian Cysts?

Regular antibiotic treatment may be necessary for inflammatory cysts. However, surgery is required for cysts that cause pain and are suspected to be malignant. Nowadays, these surgeries are performed much more carefully and in detail using laparoscopic and robotic surgical methods. New surgical techniques that offer significant advantages to the patient shorten the recovery period, making it possible to return to normal life more quickly and perform surgery with smaller abdominal incisions.

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Gynecology and Obstetrics Department

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Gynecology and Obstetrics Department

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