Wednesday, August 23, 2023
10 Ways to Prevent Urinary Tract Infections During Pregnancy
Heartburn during pregnancy is one of the most common issues experienced by people worldwide. At the junction of the esophagus and stomach, there is a valve known as the lower esophageal sphincter. This valve opens in the direction from the mouth to the anus and prevents stomach acid from passing into the esophagus. Heartburn occurs when the flow direction at the level of the stomach and esophagus reverses. During pregnancy, heartburn occurs when stomach contents move towards the esophagus, causing irritation in the esophagus. If structural changes in the esophagus begin to affect the person's quality of life, a specialist doctor should be consulted. Although this condition varies between countries, it is seen in approximately 30% to 50% of pregnant women on average.
What Causes Heartburn During Pregnancy? How Does It Go Away? What Are the Symptoms of Heartburn During Pregnancy? What Causes Heartburn During Pregnancy? What Medications Are Used to Treat Heartburn During Pregnancy? What Relieves Heartburn During Pregnancy? How to Relieve Heartburn During Pregnancy with Natural Methods at Home?Heartburn during pregnancy often occurs when consuming fatty and spicy foods, eating more than a certain amount of chocolate, or drinking freshly squeezed fruit juices. The most common symptom of heartburn is a burning sensation that spreads from the stomach to the throat immediately after eating. This causes the stomach contents to move towards the mouth, making swallowing difficult. Symptoms of heartburn during pregnancy include:
These symptoms may appear intermittently rather than constantly. However, heartburn during pregnancy often occurs in the last three months of pregnancy and disappears after childbirth.
If there is no improvement even after providing the necessary nutrition and living conditions during pregnancy, medication treatment is initiated. For pregnant women with mild symptoms, antacids or sucralfate medications containing water-soluble substances, which are non-absorbable and affordable, are preferred. The medications used under doctor supervision for treating heartburn during pregnancy include:
These medications help minimize mild, moderate, or severe heartburn problems.
During pregnancy, certain foods and medications can further trigger heartburn, while others aim to resolve this problem. Generally, the following help relieve heartburn during pregnancy:
These foods, containing natural and health-safe substances in small amounts, have various effects such as balancing acidity and soothing the stomach. After consulting a specialist doctor for heartburn issues, you can try these simple methods at home to minimize the problem.
Heartburn during pregnancy is a common problem, and dietary and lifestyle changes are often recommended before medication treatment. To prevent or reduce this problem, there are several measures you can take at home:
If you experience heartburn during pregnancy, you can consult your doctor and minimize the problem with natural methods at home under your doctor's guidance. If these methods are ineffective for painful heartburn, you can start medication treatment with your doctor's guidance and follow an appropriate course of action.
Last Updated Date: 17 April 2024
Publication Date: 17 April 2024
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