Wednesday, August 23, 2023
10 Ways to Prevent Urinary Tract Infections During Pregnancy
Menstrual bleeding that falls outside the normal period is known as menstrual (regl) irregularity.
Menstrual bleeding that falls outside the normal period is known as menstrual (regl) irregularity.
In a normal menstrual cycle, there are 21-35 days between the start of one period and the start of the next.
Menstrual irregularity, also known as dysmenorrhea, refers to the deviation from the normal menstrual cycle. In a normal menstrual cycle, there is a period of 21 to 35 days between the start of one menstrual period and the start of the next. The bleeding lasts for a maximum of 8 days, and there should be no excessive pain or bleeding. Any deviation from these definitions is a sign of menstrual irregularity. Under normal conditions, menstrual cycles typically stabilize within about two years after the first menstruation begins at puberty. This regularity continues until menopause. Menstrual irregularities are quite common during puberty or near menopause.
Symptoms can include frequent menstruation, infrequent menstruation, absence of menstruation, mid-cycle bleeding, excessive or scant menstrual bleeding, and variations in the length of the menstrual period.
If no significant abnormalities are observed in irregularities during puberty or menopause, there is usually no need for extensive treatment. However, unexpected, irregular, spotting, or prolonged bleeding requires investigation and treatment. Any bleeding occurring after menopause, regardless of the amount, is very important. In cases of menstrual irregularity during the reproductive age, the possibility of pregnancy should be considered first. If pregnancy is ruled out, investigations should be conducted for other hormonal causes.
In addition to these, tumors seen in the uterus, known as "myomas," which are considered benign, are among the most common causes of bleeding irregularities, aside from hormonal effects. Myomas, commonly referred to as fibroids, can increase the amount of bleeding depending on their location and can be identified through gynecological and ultrasound examinations. Excessive thickening of the uterine lining can also lead to bleeding, and if this lining develops excessively, particularly in older age, it requires monitoring. Bleeding occurring after sexual intercourse primarily suggests lesions in the cervix. Regular smear tests, whether there is bleeding or not, are of great importance for women's health.
In cases of irregular menstrual bleeding, the patient should be examined by a gynecologist. Factors that could cause bleeding are investigated, and the vagina, ovaries, and uterus are evaluated. Then, treatment is applied according to the factors causing menstrual irregularity. For example, if a large myoma or cancer in the uterus is causing the irregularity, a specific treatment program is determined accordingly.
Last Updated Date: 15 January 2016
Publication Date: 30 December 2015
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