What Causes Shape Deformities in the Breast?

The breast, an organ with an important role in women’s health, has the primary function of producing milk. The breast undergoes various changes due to the effects of different hormones at different stages of life, which can lead to various disorders and diseases.

Asymmetric Deformities in the Breast

When the shape and size of the two breasts differ to a disturbing extent, it may not only be aesthetically uncomfortable but could also be a sign of serious health issues. Changes in the shape of the breast can be caused by various factors. Developmental disorders, menstrual cycles, pregnancy, breastfeeding periods, and hormonal changes can all lead to asymmetries in the breasts. Another cause of shape deformities in the breast is cysts. These cysts may be benign, but they can also indicate breast cancer. Any abnormal growth or shape changes in the breast should prompt a visit to a doctor. If the cause of the asymmetric appearance is not related to tumor formation, a plastic surgeon may plan treatment to correct breast asymmetry. The use of high-quality silicone implants that match the body can help achieve symmetry between the two breasts, thereby eliminating the aesthetically distressing asymmetric appearance.

What Causes Dimpling in the Breast?

Dimpling in the breast refers to the inward indentation of the nipple. This inward or recessed appearance of the nipple can be due to structural reasons. Beneath the pink or brown skin surrounding the nipple, there is a layer of muscle, and under the nipple, there are milk ducts. If the milk ducts are structurally short or the muscle around the nipple is too wide, it can cause the nipple to become recessed or indented. Additionally, later developments such as infection and inflammation in the breast tissue, significant weight changes, breastfeeding, breast trauma, or breast cancer can lead to the nipple becoming inverted. In cases where the nipple slightly retracts, it may protrude again when pressure is applied to the tissue surrounding it. However, in more severe cases of nipple inversion, the nipple will remain retracted, even after external manipulation, and will be completely inverted.

How to Recognize a Cancerous Breast?

Breast cancer occurs due to the uncontrolled growth of cells in the breast tissue, which form the milk ducts and milk-producing cells. Accounting for approximately 33% of cancers in women, breast cancer's early detection significantly improves treatment outcomes.

Symptoms of Breast Cancer:

  • Hard, painless lumps in the breast that move or stay fixed and gradually grow
  • Visible increase in breast size or shape changes, with asymmetrical deformities
  • Structures resembling orange peel appearance, small lumps, nipple retraction, expanded veins, bruising, and redness on the skin of the breast
  • Enlargement, color changes, flattening, sores, or cracks in the pink or brown area surrounding the nipple
  • Discharge from the nipple (can be blood-tinged or clear)
  • Swellings under the armpit that can be felt during a physical examination (may or may not be painful)
Sağlık Merkezi
Anadolu Sağlık Merkezi

Breast Center

Breast Center , General Surgery

Department Doctors


Breast Center

Prof. Ali Uğur Emre


Breast Center

Prof. Ali Uğur Emre


Breast Center

Assoc. Prof. Ayhan Erdemir


Breast Center

Assoc. Prof. Ayhan Erdemir


Breast Center

Assoc. Prof. Özgür Sarıca


Breast Center

MD. Surgeon Kemal Raşa


Breast Center

MD. Surgeon Kemal Raşa


General Surgery

Prof. Cengiz Erenoğlu


General Surgery

Prof. Sedat Karademir


General Surgery

Prof. Vafi Atalay


General Surgery

Assoc. Prof. Abdulcabbar Kartal


General Surgery

MD. Surgeon Ömer Faruk Inanç


Breast Center

Prof. Ali Uğur Emre


Breast Center

Prof. Ali Uğur Emre


Breast Center

Assoc. Prof. Ayhan Erdemir


Breast Center

Assoc. Prof. Ayhan Erdemir


Breast Center

Assoc. Prof. Özgür Sarıca


Breast Center

MD. Surgeon Kemal Raşa


Breast Center

MD. Surgeon Kemal Raşa


General Surgery

Prof. Cengiz Erenoğlu


General Surgery

Prof. Sedat Karademir


General Surgery

Prof. Vafi Atalay


General Surgery

Assoc. Prof. Abdulcabbar Kartal


General Surgery

MD. Surgeon Ömer Faruk Inanç

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