Abdulcabbar Kartal
Assoc. Prof.

Abdulcabbar Kartal

He has been working as a general surgeon at Anadolu Medical Center since 2021


  • Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery
  • Laparoscopic and Open Colorectal Surgery
  • Benign Perianal Disease Surgery
  • Laparoscopic and Open Gastric Cancer Surgery
  • Obesity Surgery (Botox-İntragastric Baloon-Sleeve-Bypass)
  • Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery (TAP-TEPP-Ventral Hernia)
  • Surgical Endoscopy
  • Periampullary Tumor And Pacreas Surgery


  • Istanbul University, Istanbul Medicine Faculty (2007)
  • Sisli Etfal Education and Research Hospital (2013)    
  • Istanbul Okan University Medicine Faculty, General Surgery Clinic (2016)

Institutions Worked At

  • Şanlıurfa State Service Obligation 
  • İstanbul Okan University 
  • Anadolu Health Center
  • European Society of Coloproctology (Board certified),member(FEBS-C)
  • Turkish Surgical Society (Board certified), member
  • Turkish Society of Colon and Rectal Surgery, member
  • Turkish Assosiation of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, member
  • Turkish Assosiation of Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery, member
  • Cytoreduction and HIPEC Course in Metastatic Colorectal and Appendix Cancers to Peritoneum, 2017
  • Bariatric Surgery masterclass, 2017
  • Laser Technique Workshop for the treatment of hemorrhoidal diseases, 2018
  • Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Course, Safe Gallbladder Surgery Techniques Course, 2012
  • Surgical Endoscopy Training Certificate, 2013
  • Turkish Surgical Association Qualification Certificate, 2014
  • Advanced Endoscopy Course, Interventional Endoscopic Procedures Course, 2015
  • Medical Statistics Course, 2015
  • Diagnostic and Interventional Endoscopy, ERCP and Endosonography Course, 2016
  • Ethical Approaches in Clinical Researches Course, 2017
  • Intraoperative nerve monitoring course in thyroid surgery, 2017
  • Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Training, 2018
  • Surgical Endoscopy Training Certificate, 2013
  • Advanced Endoscopy Course, Interventional Endoscopic Procedures Course, 2015
  • Medical Statistics Course, 2015
  • Diagnostic and Interventional Endoscopy, ERCP and Endosonography Course, 2016
  • Ethical Approaches in Clinical Researches Course, 2017
  • Intraoperative nerve monitoring course in thyroid surgery, 2017
  • Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Training, 2018

1) Kartal A, Yalcın M, Citgez B, Uzunkoy A. The effect of chronic constipation on the development of inguinal herniation. Hernia. 2017 Aug;21(4):531-535. doi: 10.1007/s10029-017-1604-0.

2) Kartal A, Aydın HO, Oduncu M, Ferhatoğlu MF, Kıvılcım T, Filiz Aİ. Comparison  of Three Surgical Techniques in Pilonidal Sinus Surgery. Prague Med Rep. 2018;119(4):148-155. doi: 10.14712/23362936.2019.2.  

3) Kartal A, Ekici U, Ferhatoğlu MF, Gürkan A. Gall Bladder Surgery: Is it Still a Dilemma for General Surgeons?. J Surg 4: 1200. 2019.

4) Kartal A, Yalçın M, Oter V, Ferhatoğlu MF, Uzunköy A. Asymmetric sinüs excision and primary closure with additional skin excision technique. Effect of reduction of dead-space with Karydakis modification. Ann Ital Chir. 2019 Apr.16;8. pii: S0003469X19029920. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 31354153.

5) Kartal A, Kebudi A. Evaluation of the Reliability, Utility, and Quality of Information Used in Total Extraperitoneal Procedure for Inguinal Hernia Repair Videos Shared on WebSurg. Cureus 11(9): e5566.DOI: 10.7759/cureus.5566.

6) Kartal A, Ferhatoğlu MF. Unusual complication of gallstone:Perforated appendicitis due to gallstone. Chirurgia. 2019;(32):  Doi:10.23736/S0394-9508.18.04821-0.

7) Ekici U, Kartal A, Ferhatoğlu MF. Association Between Hemorrhoids and Lower Extremity Chronic Venous Insufficiency. Cureus. 2019. doi: 10.7759/cureus.4502

8) Köneş O, Kartal A, Akarsu M, Akarsu C, Güneş ME, Alış H. Colonic Stent Use in  Patients With Malignant Flexure Tumors Presenting With Obstruction. JSLS. 2019 Jan-Mar;23(1). pii: e2018.00088. doi: 10.4293/JSLS.2018.00088.

9) Battal M, Kartal A, Citgez B, Yilmaz B, Akcakaya A, Karatepe O; -. Impact of allyl disulfide on oxidative damage and liver regeneration in an experimental hepatectomy model. Chirurgia. 2015 Mar-Apr;110(2):117-22

10) Battal M, Çitgez B, Kartal A, Kemik A, Yildirim P, Ozdenkaya Y, Yilmaz A, Karatepe O. Impact of GLP-1 analogue on oxidative damage and hepatic regeneration in experimental 70% hepatectomy model. Hepatogastroenterology. 2015 Mar-Apr;62(138):257-60.

11) Ekici U, Kanlıöz M, Ferhatoğlu MF, Kartal A. A comparative analysis of four different surgical methods for treatment of sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus. Asian J Surg. 2019 Jan 23. pii: S1015-9584(18)30741-3. doi: 10.1016/j.asjsur.2018.12.011.

12) Ferhatoglu MF, Kartal A, Filiz Aİ, Kebudi A. Comparison of New Era's Education Platforms, YouTube® and WebSurg®, in Sleeve Gastrectomy. Obes Surg. 2019 Jun 6. doi: 10.1007/s11695-019-04008-x

13) Ferhatoğlu MF. Kartal A, Gürkan A. Evaluation of Male Circumcision: Retrospective Analysis of One Hundred and Ninety-eight Patients. Cureus. 2019; doi: 10.7759/cureus.4555.

14) Ferhatoğlu MF, Kıvılcım T, Vural G, Kartal A, Filiz Aİ, Kebudi A. Comparison of the effects of two different marine-derived omega-3 fatty acid sources, krill oil, and fish oil, on the healing of primary colonic anastomoses after colectomy applied Wistar albino rat model. Turkish Association of Trauma and Emergency Surgery. 2019 Jul;25(4):324-330. doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2019.03051. PubMed PMID: 31297772.

15) Ferhatoglu MF, Kıvılcım T, Şenol K, Vural G, Kartal A, İncir S, Filiz Aİ, Kebudi A.The positive of the human amniotic membrane on the healing of staple line after sleeve gastrectomy applied long-evans rat model. Obes Surg. 2019 Jun 6. doi: 10.1007/s11695-019-04027-x.

16) Ferhatoglu MF, Kıvılcım T, Kartal A, Gurkan A, Filiz Aİ, Kebudi A .General surgeons’ approach to laparoscopic inguinal hernia surgery and training expectations in Turkey: A webbased survey. Annals of Medical Research. 2019;26(5):932-937. doi: 10.5455/annalsmedres.2019.03.134.

17) Ferhatoglu MF, Kartal A, Ekici U, Gurkan A. Evaluation of the Reliability, Utility, and Quality of the Information in Sleeve Gastrectomy Videos Shared on Open Access Video Sharing Platform YouTube. Obes Surg. 2019 May;29(5):1477-1484.  doi: 10.1007/s11695-019-03738-2.

18) Kıvılcım T, Altıntoprak F, Memiş B, Ferhatoğlu MF, Kartal A, Dikicier E, Ciftçi İH, Dilek FH. Role of Bacteriological Agents in Idiopathic Granulomatous Mastitis: Real or Not? Eur J Breast Health. 2018 Nov 5;15(1):32-36. doi: 10.5152/ejbh.2018.4249.

19) Uludag M, Yetkin G, Oran ES, Aygun N, Celayir F, Kartal A, Isgor A. A palsied recurrent laryngeal nerve should be explored and evaluated by intraoperative  neuromonitoring during secondary thyroidectomy: report of two cases. Surg Today. 2014 Oct 19.

20) Uludag M, Yetkin G, Kartal A. Single-incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy in situs inversus totalis. JSLS. 2011 Apr-Jun;15(2):239-43.

21) Uludag M, Ozdilli K, Citgez B, Yetkin G, Ipcioglu OM, Ozcan O, Polat N, Kartal A, Torun P, Isgor A. Covering the colon anastomoses with amniotic membrane prevents the negative effects of early intraperitoneal 5-FU administration on anastomotic healing. Int J Colorectal Dis. 2010 Feb;25(2):223-32.

22) Karakoc SC, Yetkin G, Citgez B, Uludag M, Akgün I, Kartal A. Appendicitis epiploicae: a rare cause of acute abdomen. BMJ Case Rep. 2010 Apr 22;2010.

23) Karakoc SC, Yetkin G, Citgez B, Uludağ M, Akgün I, Kartal A. A rare case of acute abdomen. BMJ Case Rep. 2009;2009.

24) Çitgez B, Atay M, Yetkin SG, Kartal A, Uludag M. The breast lesion excision system (BLES): Initial              Experience. Annali Italiani di Chirurgia.  2016;87:583-588.

25) Cıtgez B, Yetkın G, Uludağ M, Karakoç S, Akgün I, Kartal A. A rare combination of intestinal invagination and Meckel's diverticulum in an adult: a case report.  Turk J Gastroenterol. 2012 Feb;23(1):63-5. doi:10.4318/tjg.2012.0283

26) Citgez B, Yetkin G, Uludağ M, Akgün I, Ekici U, Kartal A. A rare complication  of aortobifemoral bypass operation: internal herniation. Turkish Association of Trauma and Emergency Surgery.. 2013 Mar;19(2):164-6. doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2013.25902

27) Aydın HO, Kartal A, Oduncu M (2016). Co-Occurence of helicobacter Pylori and Intestinal Metaplasia in Patients with Dyspepsia. J Clin Anal Med (Yayın No: 2978282)

28) Ferhatoglu MF, Kivilcim T, Kartal A, Filiz AI. A Rare Pathology Mimicking the  Gallstone: Heterotopic Pancreas in the Gallbladder. Cureus. 2018 May 21;10(5):e2659. doi: 10.7759/cureus.2659

29) Ferhatoglu MF, Kartal A..Porcelaın Gallbladder: A Case Report. Sanamed. 2019; 14(1): 79–81. doi: 10.24125/sanamed.v14i1.294

30) Ferhatoğlu MF, Kartal A, Kıvılcım T, Gastrointestinal stromal tumor mimicking such as incarcerated inguinal hernia. Medical Science and Discovery 2018; 5(3):166-8.DOİ: 10.1754/msd.407478 ISSN: 2148-6832.

31) Kartal A, Eray Atlı, Taner Kıvılcım, Alp Gürkan. Migrated Dual Meshes Causing Fluid Collections Due to Folding Over on itself: A Rare Complication of Laparoscopic Hernia Repair. J Surg: JSUR-1196. 2019;(2) doi: 10.29011/2575-9760.001196.

32) Ferhatoglu MF, Kartal A, Ekici U, Kebudi A. Effects of Bathing Habits on Postoperative Wound Complications Following Sacrococcygeal Pilonidal Sinus Surgery: A Retrospective Analysis of 67 Adolescent Patients. Wounds. 2019 Nov;31(11):292-296. PMID: 31747369.

33) Ferhatoglu MF, Kartal A, Filiz AI, Kebudi A. The Positive Effects of a Calorie-Restricting High-Protein Diet Combined with Intragastric Botulinum Toxin Type A Application Among Morbidly Obese Patients: A Prospective, Observational Analysis of Eighty-Seven Grade 2 Obese Patients. Obes Surg. 2020 Sep;30(9):3472-3479. doi: 10.1007/s11695-020-04597-y. Erratum in: Obes Surg. 2021 Apr;31(4):1901. PMID: 32306298.

34) Ferhatoglu MF, Kartal A, Filiz AI, Kebudi A. Correction to: The Positive Effects of a Calorie-Restricting High-Protein Diet Combined with Intragastric Botulinum Toxin Type A Application Among Morbidly Obese Patients: A Prospective, Observational Analysis of Eighty-Seven Grade 2 Obese Patients. Obes Surg. 2021 Apr;31(4):1901. doi: 10.1007/s11695-021-05224-0. Erratum for: Obes Surg. 2020 Sep;30(9):3472-3479. PMID: 33475950.

35) Kartal A, Yalçın M, Kıvılcım T, uzunköy A.Effect of Dead Space Reduction in P. Sinus Surgery: Introduction of a novel technique.Wounds.Accepted in February 13, 2021.


1) Kartal A, Ferhatoglu MF, Kivilcim T, Filiz Aİ, Kebudi A,  Yildiz G, Gurkan A. Evaluation of the relationship between perioperative urine culture and postoperative urinary tract infections in renal transplant patients. Annals of Medical Research. 2019;26(10):2281-5. DOI: 10.5455/annalsmedres.2019.06.352.

2) Kartal A, Çitgez B, Öden S, Yetkin G, Mihmanlı M, Aygün N, Uludağ M. Risk factors in the occurance of persistent primary hyperparathyroidism. The Medical Bulletin of Şişli Etfal Hospital 2014;48(3):213-26.

3) Kartal A, Çitgez B, Besler E, Yetkin SG, Mihmanlı M, Aygün N,Özşahin H, Akgün İE, Uludağ M. Our experince of incarcerated inguinal hernias. The Medical Bulletin of Şişli Etfal Hospital, 2014;48(4):287-90.

4) Ferhatoğlu MF, Kartal A, Kıvılcım T, Filiz Aİ, Kebudi A, Gürkan A. Retrospective Analysis of the first 100 Kidney Transplants at the Istanbul Okan University, Health Application and Research Center. Med Bull Sisli Etfal Hosp. 2019;53(3):221–227.

5) Akçakaya A, Hatipoğlu E, Kartal A, Yaprak E. ’’Safe Cholecystectomy. Turkish J Gen Surg-Special Topics 2014;7(1):7-15.

6) Akçakaya A, Kartal A, Hatipoğlu E. Innovative Advances in Endoscopy. Turkish J Gen Sur-Special Topics 2014;7(3):69-78.

7) Citgez B, Akgun İ, Ferhatoglu MF, Kartal A, Akcakaya A.’’ Case report: Giant Lipoma of the Breast’’ Breast case Vol 1, No 1 (2012).

8) Çitgez B,Uludağ M,Yetkin G, Akgün İ,Karakoç S, Kartal A, Ferhatoğlu F, İşgör A. Indications for surgical intervention in secondary hyperparathyroidism. Endokrinolojide Diyalog 2012; 9(4): 172-178.

9) Yetkin G, Akgün İ, Uludağ M, Karakoç S, Çitgez B, Kartal A. The Colonoscopy Outcomes Of The Patients That Present With Hematochezia    Turk J Colorectal Dis 2009;19(4):163-167  

10) Yetkin G, Uludağ M, Çitgez B, Kartal A. The role of stereotactic excisional biopsy in nonpalpable breast lesions. The Medical Bulletin of Şişli Etfal Hospital. 2009:43;123-125.

11) Çitgez B, Yetkin G, Uludağ M, Akgün İ, Kartal A, Ferhatoğlu F, Kabukçuoğlu F, Akçakaya A. Thyroid hemiagenesis: a case report. Turk J Surg. 2019;35(4):329-331

12) Ferhatoglu MF, Kartal A. Bouveret syndrome: A case-based review; case presentation, diagnostic methods and treatment approaches. The Medical Bulletin of Şişli Etfal Hospital. doi: 10.14744/SEMB.2018.03779

13) Ferhatoglu MF, Kartal A, Kivilcim T. Gastrointestinal stromal tumor mimicking such as incarcerated inguinal hernia. Medical Science and Discovery. 2018; 5(3):166-168

14) Ferhatoğlu MF, Şenol K, Kartal A, Kıvılcım T, Filiz Aİ. Importance of Neutrophil / Lymphocyte Ratio in Helicobacter Pylori Eradication Follow-up. Med. J. Ankara Tr. Res. Hosp. 2018 ; 52/1 : 38-42.

15) Ferhatoğlu MF, Şenol, Kıvılcım T, Kartal A, Gürkan A. Clinicopathological and Prognostic Properties of Gallbladder Malignancy: Retrospective Analysis of Five Thousand Two - Sixty Cases. Med Bull Haseki. 2019; 57: 147-152. doi: 10.4274/haseki.4500.

16) Ferhatoğlu MF, Karagüven D, Kartal A, Kıvılcım T, Mesenchymal Chondrosarcoma Of The Spine, A Giant Retroperitoneal Mass: A Case Report And Review Of Literature. The Journal of Turkısh Spınal Surgery. 2018;29 (1): 61-64.

17) Ferhatoğlu MF, Kıvılcım T, Kartal A, Filiz Aİ, Kebudi A. An analysis of general surgery theses set up between years 1998-2018 in Turkey: Evidence levels and publication rates of 1996 theses. Turk J Surg. 2020;36(1):009-014.

Areas of Interest

What is a Polyp? What Are the Symptoms and Treatment Methods of Polyps?

Polyps are growths that form on or inside an organ in the body, resembling small lumps. These abnormal growths are mostly benign, but some types can turn into cancer over time. Polyps can consist of cells from different tissues within the body. They are often seen as stalked or non-stalked protrusions. In the treatment of polyps, doctors can use different methods depending on the type, size, and location of the polyp. For example, small and benign polyps can usually be removed using endoscopic methods without surgical intervention. For gastrointestinal polyps, procedures such as colonoscopy or endoscopic polypectomy are frequently used. However, polyps that carry a risk of cancer or cause symptoms may require more aggressive treatment. In this case, methods such as surgical intervention, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy may be preferred.

What is Thyroid Cancer? What are the Symptoms of Thyroid Cancer?

Thyroid cancer is an uncontrolled cell growth that starts in the thyroid gland and has many types. While most types grow slowly, some can be aggressive. This type of cancer may not cause any symptoms in its early stages; however, as the cancerous tissue grows, it can lead to symptoms such as swelling in the neck, changes in voice, and difficulty swallowing. Thyroid cancers account for approximately 1% of all cancers【1】. In recent years, the incidence has increased particularly among the female population. Imaging methods may be used during the diagnosis stage. Most thyroid cancers can be treated with various procedures, and the types of cancer that respond best to treatment are small tumors in the early stages.

Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Methods of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women and the leading cause of cancer-related deaths. It accounts for 24% of all female cancers and 15.5% of cancer deaths. It is reported that 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in their lives. Rarely, breast cancer is also seen in men, with 1 man diagnosed for every 100 women. The incidence of breast cancer has been found to increase every year.

Lipoma: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

The skin is an organ that protects the body against external factors such as heat, light, microorganisms, and injury. Acting as a vital barrier for organs, the skin helps maintain body temperature, receive various signals from the environment, and provide immune system defense. The thickness and texture of the skin can vary among individuals. However, all humans have skin composed of three layers. The outermost layer of the skin is the epidermis, which contains melanocytes that give color to the skin. Beneath the epidermis lies the dermis, which houses sebaceous glands, hair follicles, nerve endings, and sweat glands. The innermost layer, the hypodermis, is a fatty tissue where body fat is stored. Each layer can have different functions. The sebaceous glands in the dermis are small glands that help reduce fragility by covering hair follicles. The lumps that occur due to the excessive growth of cells in this fatty tissue are called lipomas. Lipomas can form in any area where fat cells are present, and they are generally benign and usually harmless. Known as "lipomas," these lumps are painless, mobile, and fatty. They typically occur in adults aged 40-60 years. The formation of cancerous lipomas is rare and is referred to as "liposarcoma." Dermiste bulunan yağ bezleri kıl köklerini kaplayarak kırılganlığı azaltmaya yardımcı olan küçük bezlerdir. Bu yağ dokusundaki hücrelerin aşırı şekilde büyümeleri sonucu oluşan yumrulara yağ bezesi denir. Yağ hücrelerinin bulunduğu her bölgede oluşabilen yağ bezesi iyi huylu ve genellikle zararsızdır. “Lipom” olarak bilinen yağ bezeleri ağrısız, hareketli ve yağlı yumrular şeklindedir. Genellikle 40-60 yaş yetişkinlerde görülebilir. Kanserli lipom oluşması nadirdir ve “liposarkom” olarak adlandırılır (1, 2).

Screening Methods in Breast Cancer

The high prevalence of breast cancer, its increasing frequency, the possibility of treating it in its early stages, and the ability to diagnose it at an early stage under current conditions all increase the importance of screening methods for breast cancer.

What is an Ingestible Gastric Balloon? How is it Done?

Due to various factors, including poor eating habits, the number of obese individuals worldwide has been increasing steadily. This situation has brought about innovations and developments in obesity treatment. One of the non-surgical treatment options for obesity is the new generation gastric balloons. If you are curious about what an ingestible gastric balloon is, who it is applied to, and its advantages, you can find the answers by reading the continuation of this article.

Obesity Surgery: What is it, What Diseases Does it Address, and What are the Treatment Methods?

Today, obesity has become a disease that threatens public health. The prevalence of obesity has increased across all age groups, especially in children, and as a result, obesity-related diseases have become more common. Obesity is particularly a condition that seriously threatens cardiovascular health. To prevent diseases associated with obesity, it is essential to treat obesity.

Pilonidal Cyst and Its Treatment

A pilonidal cyst is typically seen in the coccyx (tailbone) area, where hair collects under the skin and forms a cystic condition.

Symptoms of Inguinal Hernia and Inguinal Hernia Surgery

A hernia is a condition that occurs in different areas of the body, disrupts the quality of life, and can lead to serious health problems.

What is Hemorrhoid (Piles)? Symptoms and Treatment

Hemorrhoid, commonly known as piles or "mayasıl" in Turkish, is a condition caused by the relaxation and outward sagging of the veins around the anus.

What Causes an Umbilical Hernia, and How is it Treated?

A hernia, which occurs in 2-4% of the population, is a serious condition that can lower the quality of life, lead to job loss, and sometimes even pose a life-threatening risk.

What is Pancreatic Cancer and How is the "Whipple Surgery" Applied in the Treatment Process?

Pancreatic cancer is one of the most common types of cancer. What is pancreatic cancer, what are its symptoms, and what is done in treatment? How is the "Whipple technique," one of the most difficult surgeries in the field of general surgery, applied?

Dense Breast Tissue

The breasts are composed of tissue made up of lobules that produce milk, ducts that transport the milk to the nipple, and supporting tissue such as fatty tissue and fibrous connective tissue. The lobules and milk ducts form the structure of the breast and are responsible for milk production. Fatty and fibrous tissues give shape to the breast. The combination of fat and fibrous tissue is referred to as the "glandular" structure.

What is Rectal Cancer? What Are the Symptoms of Rectal Cancer?

The rectum is the last 15 cm of the muscular channel called the colon, which is an important part of the digestive system. Tumor cells that develop in this 15 cm area may lead to rectal cancer once they reach a certain number. It is a type of cancer with a high mortality rate, which is why early diagnosis and treatment are critical. Rectal cancer may develop without symptoms in some cases. Some patients may experience symptoms such as rectal bleeding, diarrhea, constipation, and unexplained weight loss. A family history of rectal cancer and certain hereditary disorders may increase the risk of rectal cancer. Treatment procedures may vary depending on the stage of the cancer. The general treatments include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and targeted therapy.

Symptoms and Treatment Methods of Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer is a condition that affects the pancreas, an organ located in the abdominal region that helps with digestion. Symptoms may include nausea, bloating, fatigue, jaundice, and loss of appetite. Treatment methods include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. Due to the difficulty of detecting the disease in its early stages, it can lead to serious complications.