Ayhan Erdemir
Assoc. Prof.

Ayhan Erdemir

He has been working as a general surgeon at Anadolu Medical Center since 2006.


  • Breast Health Center


  • University 

    Fırat University Medical School, Elazığ 1994 

    Specialty Education 

    Dr. Lütfi Kırdar KEAH, General Surgery, Istanbul 2003

    Assistant Professor

    Republic of Turkey Maltepe University Medical School, Istanbul 2006 

Institutions Worked At

Ayhan Erdemir, MD, was born in 1971 in Elazığ. Erdemir completed his undergraduate education at Fırat University Medical Faculty. Married and with two children, Erdemir, respectively worked at Erkenek Health Center, Alacakaya Health Center, Hankendi Health Center, Dr. Lütfi Kırdar Kartal Training and Research Hospital.   He served as assistant professor, assistant physician-in-chief, and assistant coordinator at Republic of Turkey Maltepe University, Medical School.  Erdemir, MD, has been working as a general surgeon at Anadolu Medical Center since 2006. 
  • Cytoreductive Surgery & Hipec Course, Surgical Oncology Society, Ankara 20-21 November 2014
  • Acıbadem University, da Vinci Robotic Surgery Training Program Certificate, Istanbul 31 March – 1 April 2014
  • Intuitive Surgical,da Vinci Surgical System Online Training Module, Online Certificate, 19 March 2014
  • Turkish Surgery Qualification Certificate, Recertification 2013  
  • Turkish Surgery Qualification Certificate 2003  
  • Gamma Probe Applications in Surgical Interventions course, Denizli 9 April 2005
  • VIIIth National Breast Diseases Congress, Breast Surgery Course, Istanbul, 21-24 September 2005
  • Republic of Turkey Istanbul University Experimental Medicine Research Institute, Applied Experimental Animals Course, Istanbul 27 May 2005

International scientific publications

1) Mustafa Haksal, Yasar Ozdenkaya, Ali Emre Atici, Nuri Okkabaz, Nihat Aksakal, Ayhan Erdemir, Osman Civil, Mustafa Oncel. Safety and Feasibility of Laparoscopic Sigmoid Colon and Rectal Cancer Surgery in Patients with Previous Vertical Abdominal Laparotomy. Int J Surg. Sept 2015 Vol 21 Pages:97-102 doi: 10.1016/j.ijsu.2015.07.687. 

2) Kebudi A, Manukyan MN, Uludag M, Erdemir A, Citgez B, Severge U: Aberrant breast cancer. Breast J 13(5): 532-533, 2007.

3) S. Unalmışer, A. Erdemir, L.Çelik, Richter hernia in the umblikal trocar site following Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. Laparoscopy Today 3-1 - LSR V2 N[3]v1

International scientific presentations 

1) A.Erdemir, F.Gezen, N.Benzonana, T.Çinçin, C.Menteş. Effects of Metronidazole on Bacterial Translocation in an obstructive joundice animal model. Fourth Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress (MEMC IV). Oral abstract session, 15-19 September 2007, Sorrento, Italy.

2) A.Erdemir, S.Kihtir, H.Bilgel, F.Gezen, O.Aydıner, O.Yapıcıer, M.Kement. A rare cause of recurrent gastrointestinal hemorrhage: Gaint stromal tumor(GIST). Fourth Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress (MEMC IV). Poster session, 15-19 September 2007, Sorrento, Italy

3) S.Vural, C.Gezen, F.Onuray, M.Karakoç, A.Erdemir, G.Dalkılıç, C.Menteş, A.Alıcı. Consevative management of a patient with tracheal trauma: a case report. The Third Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress, 1-5 september 2005, Nice, France

4) M.Karakoç, S.Vural, C.Gezen, A.Erdemir, C.Menteş, F.Onuray, E.Baştürk, T.Akın. Focused assessment wşth sonography for trauma (FAST): experience in blunt abdomşnal trauma. The Third Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress, 1-5 september 2005, Nice, France

5) C.Gezen, S.Vural, A.Erdemir, G.Dalkılıç, E.Tuncay, N.Süslü, T.Akın, M.Karabulut. Traumatic diaphragmatic injuries. The Third Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress, 1-5 september 2005, Nice, France

National scientific publications

1) A.Erdemir, C. Uygur. Factors Affecting Robotic Surgery and the Learning Curve. Türkiye Klinikleri J Urology 2015;6(1):1-9

2) A. Erdemir, F. Ağalar, M. Çakmakçı, S. Ramadan, H. Baloğlu. A rare cause of mechanical intestinal obstruction; Pharmacobezoar. Ulusal Cerrahi Derg 2015;31:92-3 

3) A. Erdemir, S Kihtir, H Bilgel, Ö. Aydıner, A. Bozbaş. A rare cause of mechanic obstrucition: Primary Internal Pericecal Hernia. Causepedia. 2014;3:726

4) F Ağalar, A. Erdemir, O Karadeniz, S Ramadan, F Güçer, C. Uygur. Pelvic Exenteration: Colon Rectal Diseases Journal. 23(4); 212-217:2013

5) S.Sezgin Ramadan, Ö, Yapıcıer, S. Kihtir, A. Erdemir, T.H.Doğan, İ.N.H.Üskent, H.Onat, M.Çakmakçı. Cerrelaiton of HER 2/neu gene amplification with immunohistochemistry and other prognostic factor in breast carcinoma. Türk Patoloji dergisi. 2011,27:196-202.

6) A.Erdemir, U.Severge, N.Aytuğ, Ö.Peker, S.Unalmışer. Mide lipomu. Türkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci 2005, 25:732-735.

7) A.Erdemir, TG Çinçin, C Menteş, G. Dalkılıç, FC Gezen, D.Yavuzer, M.Çalıkapan. Changes in Intestinal Absorption Capacity in Obstructive Jaundice. An Experimental Study.   Contemporary Surgery Journal. 19(2):49-53, 2005

8) TG Ç,nçin, A Erdemir, N Süsülü. A new parameter in the diagnosis of empty organ injury. Contemporary Surgery Journal. 19(2):66-70, 2005

9) T.G.Çinçin, C.Gezen, M.Öncel, A.Erdemir, S.Vural, G.Dalkılıç, F.Onuray, B.Tüzün, M.Karakoç. Is is possible to follow up patients with blunt abdominal trauma by hemodynamic stability and abdominal examination? Kartal Training and Research Hospital Medical Journal vol: XV:3 :162-165, 2004.

10) A.Erdemir, C.Menteş, F.Onuray, C.Gezen, M.Öncel, S.Vural. A series of cases involving four retrorectal tumors operated using the posterior approach.  Kartal Training and Research Hospital Medical Journal vol: XV 1:  28-30, 2004

11) S.Vural, S. Çil, T.G.Çinçin, A.Erdemir, N.Süslü, F.Onuray. The importance of endoscopic biopsy for malignancy in patients with chronic epigastric pain and dyspepsia.  Kartal Training and Research Hospital Medical Journal vol: XV:3 :14-17, 2004.

12) C.Menteş, A.Erdemir, E.Tuncay, C. Gezen, F.Onuray, S.Vural. Our treatment approaches to traumatic spleen pathologies on a year basis.  Kartal Training and Research Hospital Medical Journal vol: XV:1 :-4, 2004.

13) C.Menteş, T.G.Çinçin, A.Erdemir, N.Süslü, E.Olcay. A technical modification to change local hemodynamics in end-to-side anastamosis in arteriovenous fistulas at the wrist level.   National surgery journal vol:19, no:3, S:163-167, 2003

14) S.Vural, T.G.Çinçin, G.Dalkılıç, C.Menteş, A.Erdemir, M.ÇAlıkapan. Mesh plug method in inguinal hernia repair. National surgery journal vol:19, no:2, S:111-114, 2003

15) C.Menteş, A.Erdemir, T.G.Çinçin, G.Dalkılıç, E.Tuncay, S.Vural. The effect of intraperitoneal lavage on complications with metronidazole in secondary peritonitis.  Kartal Training and Research Hospital Medical Journal vol: XIV:1 :8-10, 2003.

16) G.Dalkılıç, A.Erdemir, N.Süslü, T.Erginel, E.Olcay. Importance of diagnostic peritoneal lavage in penetratings stab wounds of the abdomen. 5th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery free papers. Ulusal travma dergisi, vol:8, num:4 October 2002

17) S.Vural, A. Erdemir, G.Dalkılıç, F.C.Gezen, T.G.Ç,nçin, E.Olcay. Comparison of our clinical experiences and the literature regarding primary partial closure in pilonidal sinus surgery.  National surgery journal vol:18, no:2, S:118-122, 2002

18) N.Kurt, M.Öncel, S.Gülmez, Y.E.Altıntaş, H.F.Küçük, A. Erdemir. The consequences of operations performed with low TSH values in patients with goiter. National surgery journal vol:18, no:5-6, P:261-265, 2002

19) F.C.Gezen, M.Öncel, G.Dalkılıç, A. Erdemir, E.Akgün, M.Aydınlı, N.Kurt, S.Vural, E.Olcay. The value of preoperative ultrasonography in patients with acute cholecystitis. Kartal Training and Research Hospital Medical Journal vol: XII:1-2-3 :56-58; 2001.

20) N.Kurt, M.Öncel, E.Tuncay, F.C.Gezen, A. Erdemir, E.Olcay. Ulcer treatment after primary raphy in patients with duodenal ulcer perforation.  Kartal Training and Research Hospital Medical Journal vol: XI:3 :896-900, 2000.

National scientific presentations 

1) A. Erdemir, F Ağalar, M. Çakmakçı, S Ramadan, H Baloğlu. Pharmacobezoar causing mechanical intestinal obstruction. Colon and Rectal Surgery Journal. P96, S:97, 2013

2) A. Erdemir, F Ağalar, Ö. Aydıner, M. Çakmakçı, S. Ramadan, H Baloğlu. Intestinal perforations associated with chemotherapy. Colon and Rectal Surgery Journal. P105, S:157, 2013

3) Ö. Aydıner, S Ramadan, A. Erdemir, K. Raşa, M. Çakmakçı. A rare case: Primary lymphoma of the breast. P0742, 34th National Radiology Congress, 6-14 November 2013, Antalya

4) T. Tanug, A. Çakmak, K.Raşa, A. Erdemir, F. Ağalar, M. Çakmakçı.  Robotic Sleeve Gastrectomy. 18th National Surgery Congress, 23-27 May 2012, İzmir 

5) Ö.Aydıner, K.Karaman, A.Keskin Akça, S. Ramadan, Ö.Yapıcıer, M Sezer, A. Erdemir, A. Çakmak, K.Berberoğlu. Primary hepatic neuroendocrine tumor presenting with multiple intraabdominal abscess. A case presentation.  32. nd National Radiology Congress, 28 October - 2 November 2011, Antalya

6) A.Erdemir, K.Raşa, Ö. Aydıner. Our laparoscopic appendectomy experiences.  Endoscopic laparoscopic surgery journal. 10th National Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Congress 27-30 April 2011, 18:1 

7) A. Erdemir, A.Çakmak. Laparoscopic repair in peptic ulcer perforation associated with Bevacizumab. Endoscopic laparoscopic surgery journal. 10th National Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Congress 27-30 April 2011, 18:1 

8) A. Erdemir, K. Raşa, E Sönmez Duman. Acute lung damage after laparoscopic hydatid cyst operation.  Endoscopic laparoscopic surgery journal. 10th National Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Congress 27-30 April 2011, 18:1 

9) A.Erdemir, A.Çakmak, Ö, Yapıcıer. Laparoscopic resection of GIST of the small intestine.   Endoscopic laparoscopic surgery journal. 10th National Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Congress 27-30 April 2011, 18:1 

10) Ö.Aydıner, T.H. Doğan, K.Karaman, O.Karadeniz, A:M:Dökdök, A.Erdemir, K.Raşa. Percutaneous breast abscess drainage.  30. th National Radiology Congress, 4 -9 November 2009, Antalya

11) A.Erdemir, S.Kihtir, H.Bilgel, O.Karadeniz, S.Ramadan, Ö.apıcıer. An isolated appendiceal endometriosis case.  IIIrd Çukurova Colo-Proctology Stoma-Therapy symposium, 12-14 April 2007, Adana

12) A.Erdemir, S.Kihtir, H.Bilgel, Ö.Aydıner, A.Bozbaş. Pericaecal internal hernia (A case presentation). IIIrd Çukurova Colo-Proctology Stoma-Therapy symposium, 12-14 April 2007, Adana

13) A.Kebudi, A.Erdemir, G.Yetkin, M.Uludağ, İ.Akgün, A.İşgör. Breast cancer arising from aberrant breast tissue. VIIIth National Breast Diseases Congress. 21-24 September 2005, Lütfi Kırdar Congress and Exhibition Hall, Istanbul

14) A.Erdemir, A.Kebudi, U Severge. Our patients applying to our outpatient clinic with breast mass complaints.   VIIIth National Breast Diseases Congress. 21-24 September 2005, Lütfi Kırdar Congress and Exhibition Hall, Istanbul

15) A.Kebudi, A.Erdemir, Gyetkin, M.Uludağ, İ.Akgün, U.Severge. Our patients with breast lesion who underwent wire-guided excision.  VIIIth National Breast Diseases Congress. 21-24 September 2005, Lütfi Kırdar Congress and Exhibition Hall, Istanbul

16) A.Erdemir, L.Çelik, S.Ünalmışer. Breast cancer with cutaneous metastasis in the other side.  VIIIth National Breast Diseases Congress. 21-24 September 2005, Lütfi Kırdar Congress and Exhibition Hall, Istanbul

17) A.Erdemir, A.Kebudi, M.Uludağ, B.Çitgez, Ş.Şahin, Ö.Aydıner, U.Severge. Vth National Trauma and emergency surgery congress. S267 16-20 November 2005, Antalya

18) A.Kebudi, A.Erdemir, M.Uludağ, B.Çitgez, Ö.Aydıner, U.Severge. Pancreatic pseudocyst after laparoscopic cholecystectomy.  Vth National Trauma and emergency surgery congress. S356 16-20 November 2005, Antalya

19) A.Erdemir, A.Kebudi, M.Uludağ, B.Çitgez, L.Çelik, E.Sğatlı, U.Severge. Spontaneous rectal hematomas.  Vth National Trauma and emergency surgery congress. S266 16-20 November 2005, Antalya

20) A.Erdemir, A.Kebudi, M.Uludağ, B.Çitgez, Ö.Aydıner, Ş.Yıldırım, M.S.Kapaklı. A rare case causing mechanical intestinal obstruction:  Mesenteric panniculitis. Vth National Trauma and emergency surgery congress. S265 16-20 November 2005, Antalya

21) A.Erdemir, B.Tümerdem, Ö.Aydıner, S.Ünalmışer, A.Kebudi. Heterotopic ossification in the abdominal wall.  Vth National Trauma and emergency surgery congress. S112 16-20 November 2005, Antalya

22) A.Erdemir, T..Çinçin, A.Kebudi. The importance of lactic acid in acute abdominal diagnosis.   Vth National Trauma and emergency surgery congress. S90 16-20 November 2005, Antalya

23) S.Vural, F.C.Gezen, A.Erdemir, S.Alkan, E.Tuncay, G.Dalkılıç, E. Baştürk, Alıcı, H Uzun, N.Kurt. Penetrating injuries of the heart.  Vth National Trauma and emergency surgery congress. S153 16-20 November 2005, Antalya

24) F.C.Gezen, S.Vural, C.Menteş, T.Akın, A.Erdemir, F Onuray, N.Süslü, L.LAptanoğlu, N.Kurt. Classification of trauma etiologies and diaphragm injuries. Vth National Trauma and emergency surgery congress. 16-20 November 2005, Antalya

25) C.Gezen, S.Vural, F. Onuray, C.Menteş, E.Tuncay, A Erdemir. Isolated rectal injury ending up with exitus: A case presentation. Çukurova Colo-Proctology Stoma-Therapy symposium. P-12, 14-16 April 2005, Adana 

26) C.Gezen, A.Erdemir, S.Vural, E. Tuncay, C.Menteş, E: Baştürk. Colon injuries caused by sharp objects. Çukurova Colo-Proctology Stoma-Therapy symposium. P-20, 14-16 April 2005, Adana 

27) C.Gezen, A.Erdemir, S.Vural, C.Menteş, G.Dalkılıç, T.Akın. Our cases with colon injuries.  Çukurova Colo-Proctology Stoma-Therapy symposium. P-19, 14-16 April 2005, Adana 

28) C.Gezen, A. Erdemir, S. Vural, N. Süslü, T.Akın, H. Acar. Our cases with colon cancer who applied due to mechanical intestinal obstruction.  Çukurova Colo-Proctology Stoma-Therapy symposium. P-18, 14-16 April 2005, Adana 

29) C.Gezen, S. Vural, A. Erdemir, F.Onuray, T.Erginel, A.Alıcı. Our cases with colon cancer.  Çukurova Colo-Proctology Stoma-Therapy symposium. P-17, 14-16 April 2005, Adana 

30) A.Erdemir, C.Gezen, F.Onuray, S. Vural. Our clinical experiences regarding primary partial closure in pilonidal sinus surgery.  Çukurova Colo-Proctology Stoma-Therapy symposium. P-4, 14-16 April 2005, Adana 

31) A.Erdemir, C.Gezen, S.Vural. The effect of metronidazole on bacterial translocation in obstructive jaundice (An experimental study). Çukurova Colo-Proctology Stoma-Therapy symposium. P-3, 14-16 April 2005, Adana 

32) A.Erdemir, C.Gezen, A Kebudi. Changes in intestinal absorption capacity in obstructive jaundice.  Çukurova Colo-Proctology Stoma-Therapy symposium. P-3, 14-16 April 2005, Adana 

33) C.Gezen, E.Tuncay, S.Vural, A.Erdemir, D. Yavuzer, E. Baştürk. 100 consecutive colonoscopy results.  Çukurova Colo-Proctology Stoma-Therapy symposium. P-16, 14-16 April 2005, Adana 

34) S.Vural, C.Gezen, F.Onuray, T.Erginel, A.Erdemir, E. Baştürk. Our cases with rectal injuries.  Çukurova Colo-Proctology Stoma-Therapy symposium. P-14, 14-16 April 2005, Adana 

35) C.Menteş, S. Vural, C.gezen, T.Erginel, G.Dalkılıç, A. Erdemir. Selection of surgical method in acute obstructions due to left colon tumors.  Çukurova Colo-Proctology Stoma-Therapy symposium. P-25, 14-16 April 2005, Adana 

36) C.Menteş, C.Gezen, S. Vural, F.Onuray, H.Acar, A. Erdemir. Anorectal abscesses. Çukurova Colo-Proctology Stoma-Therapy symposium. P-24, 14-16 April 2005, Adana 

37) C.Gezen, A.Erdemir, S. Vural, H.Acar, T Akın, E. BAştürk. Comparison of colon and small intestine injuries. Çukurova Colo-Proctology Stoma-Therapy symposium. P-22, 14-16 April 2005, Adana 

38) C.Gezen, A.Erdemir, S. Vural, F.Onuray, C. Menteş, A. Alıcı. Comparison of colon injuries caused by firearms and sharp objects.  Çukurova Colo-Proctology Stoma-Therapy symposium. P-21, 14-16 April 2005, Adana 

39) O.Aydıner, L.Çelik, S.Güney, A.Erdemir, S.Ünalmışer, C.Kalaycı, M.M.Atasoy, U.Severge. A hydatid cyst opening in the biliary tract. 25th National Radiology Congress, 27 -31 October 2004, Antalya

40) S.Vural, C.Gezen, B Tüzün, M. Karabulut, H.Yıldız, A. Erdemir. The causes of mechanical intestinal obstruction.  National surgery congress. P-365, 26-30 May 2004, Antalya

41) C.Gezen, S. Vural, M.Karabulut, H.Yıldız, A. Erdemir. The effect of ultrasonography in patients with acute cholecystitis. National surgery congress. P-210, 26-30 May 2004, Antalya

42) A.Erdemir, C.Menteş, N.A.Benzonana, D.Yavuzer, F.Onuray, S. Inalmışer. The effect of diltiazem on bacterial translocation in rats.  2. nd national surgery congress, No:9, 20-21 September 2003, Ankara

43) G.Dalkılıç, A.Erdemir, N.Süslü, T.Erginel, E.Olcay. Importance of diagnostic peritoneal lavage in penetratings stab wounds of the abdomen. 5th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery free papers. National trauma journal, vol:8, num:4 October 2002

44) S.Vural, A. Erdemir, G.Dalkılıç et al. Retrorectal tumors. National surgery congress,  TP 21, 15-19 May 2002, Antalya

45) S.Vural, T.G.Çinçin, G.Dalkılıç, T.Erginel, H.Acar, A. Erdemir, S. Çil. M.Karakoç, G.Kuzu, F.Onuray, E. Olcay. Mesh plug method in inguinal hernia repair. National surgery congress,  TP 117, 15-19 May 2002, Antalya

46) N.Kurt, M.Öncel, S Gülmez, YE Altuntaş, HF Küçük, A. Erdemir. Thyroidectomies performed when TSH is low  2nd Turkey Thyroid Diseases Congress P 5326-28 October 2002 Istanbul.  

47) C.Gezen, H.Acar, TG Çinçin, G Kuzu, T Erginel, B Demirca, S Vural, M Karakoç, A. Erdemir, E Tuncay. Malignancy incidence in mechanical icterus.  Dr.Lütfi Kırdar Kartal Training and Research Hospital Medicine Days ”Oncology” 07-09 November 2001

48) T.Erginel, A. Erdemir, M ÇAlıkapan et al. Examination of the relationship between establishment of oncology services and increase in cancer cases.  Dr.Lütfi Kırdar Kartal Training and Research Hospital Medicine Days ”Oncology” 07-09 November 2001

Participation certificates 

1) Cerrahpaşa Surgery Meetings: Minimal Invasive Colorectal Cancer Surgery. 6-7 December 2014, Istanbul

2) XIVth National Colon and Rectum Surgery Congress. 15-19 May 2013, Antalya

3) 18. th National Surgery Congress, 23-27 May 2012, İzmir 

4) Basic Life Support Training Certificate, Medical Center, Kocaeli, 2012

5) 1st National Robotic Surgery Congress, 10-12 March 2011, Istanbul

6) 10. th National Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Congress, 27-30 April 2011, Istanbul

7) 10. th National Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Congress, Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery Course 27-30 April 2011, Istanbul

8) Bakırköy Medicine Days “New methods and technologies”, 23-24 April 2010, Titanic Port Hotel, Bakırköy, Istanbul

9) Hernia Istanbul 2010, October 6-9, 2010, Istanbul

10) NOTES Single incision laparoscopic surgery symposium, 19-20 February 2010, American Hospital, Istanbul

11) Bakırköy Medicine Days “New methods and technologies”, 23-24 April 2010, Istanbul

12) Cerrahpaşa surgical meetings “Single-incision/Nonscar laparoscopic surgery, SILS” 15-16 May 2010, Istanbul

13) 1. Minimal Invasive Surgery Congress 30 April-3 May 2009, Girne-TRNC

14) IIIrd Çukurova Colo-Proctology Stoma-Therapy symposium, 12-14 April 2007, Adana

15) American College of Surgeons, Turkey Division Meeting, 2-3 June 2007, Istanbul

16) Vth National Trauma and emergency surgery congress, 16-20 November 2005, Antalya

17) VIIIth National Breast Diseases Congress, 21-24 September 2005 Istanbul

18) American Collage of Surgeons Division of Education Continıing Medical Eduation Certificate, september 17-18,2005, Istanbul

19) American College of Surgeons, Turkey Division Meeting, 17-18 September 2005, Istanbul

20) Çukurova Colo-Proctology Stoma-Therapy symposium, 14-16 April 2005, Adana

21) Bursa Surgery Association Regional Meeting “Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery”, 26 May 2005, Bursa

22) Consensus meetings for lung, breast and gastrointestinal cancers, 09-11 March 2006, Istanbul

23) ASM-Johns Hopkins Conferences,12 May 2006, Istanbul

24) Vth National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress, 16-20 November 2005, Antalya

25) Acıbadem-Harvard Medicine Days, 30-31 March 2005, Istanbul

26) 2nd National Experimental Surgery Congress, 20-21 September 2003, Ankara 

27) 4th National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress, 1 October 2002, Istanbul 

28) 5th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, October 01-05,2002 Istanbul

29) National Surgery Congress, 15-19 May 2002, Antalya

30) 5. National Endoscopic-Laparoscopic Surgery Congress, 22-25 April 2002, Istanbul

31) Colon, Rectal and Anal Diseases Course, 11-12 October 2002, Istanbul

32) 3. Gastrointestinal Endosonography and Endoscopy course, 10 June 2002, Istanbul

33) 14. Turkish-German Gastroenterology and Hepatology Congress, 11 June 2002, Istanbul

34) IU Cerrahpaşa Medical School, Continuous medical education activities, Dermal diseases and wound care symposium, 18-19 October 2001, Istanbul

35) IInd Trauma and Emergency Surgery Postgraduation Training Course, 13-14 April 2001, Istanbul 

36) 1. st National Thyroid Surgery Congress, 6-9 Cctober 1999, Istanbul

References (64 references)

1) Vural S, Erdemir A, Dalkılıç G, Gezen FC, Çinçin TG, Olcay E. Comparison of our clinical experiences and the literature regarding primary partial closure in pilonidal sinus surgery.  National surgery journal 18(2):118-121, 2002; 1 reference to this study.  

2) A.Erdemir, U.Severge, N.Aytuğ, Ö.Peker, S.Unalmışer. Gastric lipoma. Türkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci 2005, 25:732-735. 4 References to this study. 

3) S.Sezgin Ramadan, Ö, Yapıcıer, S. Kihtir, A. Erdemir, T.H.Doğan, İ.N.H.Üskent, H.Onat, M.Çakmakçı. Cerrelaiton of HER 2/neu gene amplification with immunohistochemistry and other prognostic factor in breast carcinoma. Türk Patoloji dergisi. 2011,27:196-202. 59 references to this study

Book chapters
1) Gastric cancers.  Dr.Ayhan Erdemir Genel Cerrahi, Prof. Dr.Halil Bilgel (Editor): Avrupa Tıp Kitapçılık. 3:18;2007

Areas of Interest

What is a Polyp? What Are the Symptoms and Treatment Methods of Polyps?

Polyps are growths that form on or inside an organ in the body, resembling small lumps. These abnormal growths are mostly benign, but some types can turn into cancer over time. Polyps can consist of cells from different tissues within the body. They are often seen as stalked or non-stalked protrusions. In the treatment of polyps, doctors can use different methods depending on the type, size, and location of the polyp. For example, small and benign polyps can usually be removed using endoscopic methods without surgical intervention. For gastrointestinal polyps, procedures such as colonoscopy or endoscopic polypectomy are frequently used. However, polyps that carry a risk of cancer or cause symptoms may require more aggressive treatment. In this case, methods such as surgical intervention, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy may be preferred.

What is Thyroid Cancer? What are the Symptoms of Thyroid Cancer?

Thyroid cancer is an uncontrolled cell growth that starts in the thyroid gland and has many types. While most types grow slowly, some can be aggressive. This type of cancer may not cause any symptoms in its early stages; however, as the cancerous tissue grows, it can lead to symptoms such as swelling in the neck, changes in voice, and difficulty swallowing. Thyroid cancers account for approximately 1% of all cancers【1】. In recent years, the incidence has increased particularly among the female population. Imaging methods may be used during the diagnosis stage. Most thyroid cancers can be treated with various procedures, and the types of cancer that respond best to treatment are small tumors in the early stages.

Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Methods of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women and the leading cause of cancer-related deaths. It accounts for 24% of all female cancers and 15.5% of cancer deaths. It is reported that 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in their lives. Rarely, breast cancer is also seen in men, with 1 man diagnosed for every 100 women. The incidence of breast cancer has been found to increase every year.

Lipoma: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

The skin is an organ that protects the body against external factors such as heat, light, microorganisms, and injury. Acting as a vital barrier for organs, the skin helps maintain body temperature, receive various signals from the environment, and provide immune system defense. The thickness and texture of the skin can vary among individuals. However, all humans have skin composed of three layers. The outermost layer of the skin is the epidermis, which contains melanocytes that give color to the skin. Beneath the epidermis lies the dermis, which houses sebaceous glands, hair follicles, nerve endings, and sweat glands. The innermost layer, the hypodermis, is a fatty tissue where body fat is stored. Each layer can have different functions. The sebaceous glands in the dermis are small glands that help reduce fragility by covering hair follicles. The lumps that occur due to the excessive growth of cells in this fatty tissue are called lipomas. Lipomas can form in any area where fat cells are present, and they are generally benign and usually harmless. Known as "lipomas," these lumps are painless, mobile, and fatty. They typically occur in adults aged 40-60 years. The formation of cancerous lipomas is rare and is referred to as "liposarcoma." Dermiste bulunan yağ bezleri kıl köklerini kaplayarak kırılganlığı azaltmaya yardımcı olan küçük bezlerdir. Bu yağ dokusundaki hücrelerin aşırı şekilde büyümeleri sonucu oluşan yumrulara yağ bezesi denir. Yağ hücrelerinin bulunduğu her bölgede oluşabilen yağ bezesi iyi huylu ve genellikle zararsızdır. “Lipom” olarak bilinen yağ bezeleri ağrısız, hareketli ve yağlı yumrular şeklindedir. Genellikle 40-60 yaş yetişkinlerde görülebilir. Kanserli lipom oluşması nadirdir ve “liposarkom” olarak adlandırılır (1, 2).

Screening Methods in Breast Cancer

The high prevalence of breast cancer, its increasing frequency, the possibility of treating it in its early stages, and the ability to diagnose it at an early stage under current conditions all increase the importance of screening methods for breast cancer.

What is an Ingestible Gastric Balloon? How is it Done?

Due to various factors, including poor eating habits, the number of obese individuals worldwide has been increasing steadily. This situation has brought about innovations and developments in obesity treatment. One of the non-surgical treatment options for obesity is the new generation gastric balloons. If you are curious about what an ingestible gastric balloon is, who it is applied to, and its advantages, you can find the answers by reading the continuation of this article.

Obesity Surgery: What is it, What Diseases Does it Address, and What are the Treatment Methods?

Today, obesity has become a disease that threatens public health. The prevalence of obesity has increased across all age groups, especially in children, and as a result, obesity-related diseases have become more common. Obesity is particularly a condition that seriously threatens cardiovascular health. To prevent diseases associated with obesity, it is essential to treat obesity.

Pilonidal Cyst and Its Treatment

A pilonidal cyst is typically seen in the coccyx (tailbone) area, where hair collects under the skin and forms a cystic condition.

Symptoms of Inguinal Hernia and Inguinal Hernia Surgery

A hernia is a condition that occurs in different areas of the body, disrupts the quality of life, and can lead to serious health problems.

What is Hemorrhoid (Piles)? Symptoms and Treatment

Hemorrhoid, commonly known as piles or "mayasıl" in Turkish, is a condition caused by the relaxation and outward sagging of the veins around the anus.

What Causes an Umbilical Hernia, and How is it Treated?

A hernia, which occurs in 2-4% of the population, is a serious condition that can lower the quality of life, lead to job loss, and sometimes even pose a life-threatening risk.

What is Pancreatic Cancer and How is the "Whipple Surgery" Applied in the Treatment Process?

Pancreatic cancer is one of the most common types of cancer. What is pancreatic cancer, what are its symptoms, and what is done in treatment? How is the "Whipple technique," one of the most difficult surgeries in the field of general surgery, applied?

Dense Breast Tissue

The breasts are composed of tissue made up of lobules that produce milk, ducts that transport the milk to the nipple, and supporting tissue such as fatty tissue and fibrous connective tissue. The lobules and milk ducts form the structure of the breast and are responsible for milk production. Fatty and fibrous tissues give shape to the breast. The combination of fat and fibrous tissue is referred to as the "glandular" structure.

What is Rectal Cancer? What Are the Symptoms of Rectal Cancer?

The rectum is the last 15 cm of the muscular channel called the colon, which is an important part of the digestive system. Tumor cells that develop in this 15 cm area may lead to rectal cancer once they reach a certain number. It is a type of cancer with a high mortality rate, which is why early diagnosis and treatment are critical. Rectal cancer may develop without symptoms in some cases. Some patients may experience symptoms such as rectal bleeding, diarrhea, constipation, and unexplained weight loss. A family history of rectal cancer and certain hereditary disorders may increase the risk of rectal cancer. Treatment procedures may vary depending on the stage of the cancer. The general treatments include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and targeted therapy.

Symptoms and Treatment Methods of Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer is a condition that affects the pancreas, an organ located in the abdominal region that helps with digestion. Symptoms may include nausea, bloating, fatigue, jaundice, and loss of appetite. Treatment methods include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. Due to the difficulty of detecting the disease in its early stages, it can lead to serious complications.

Staging of Breast Cancer

There are 4 stages in breast cancer. These are:

Dilation of Milk Ducts (Ductal Ectasia)

Ductal ectasia is the dilation and hardening of the milk duct. Dilation of the milk ducts is more commonly observed in women aged 40 and 50.

Dense Breast Tissue

The breasts are composed of tissue made up of lobules that produce milk, ducts that transport the milk to the nipple, and supporting tissue such as fatty tissue and fibrous connective tissue. The lobules and milk ducts form the structure of the breast and are responsible for milk production. Fatty and fibrous tissues give shape to the breast. The combination of fat and fibrous tissue is referred to as the "glandular" structure.

Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Methods of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women and the leading cause of cancer-related deaths. It accounts for 24% of all female cancers and 15.5% of cancer deaths. It is reported that 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in their lives. Rarely, breast cancer is also seen in men, with 1 man diagnosed for every 100 women. The incidence of breast cancer has been found to increase every year.

Screening Methods in Breast Cancer

The high prevalence of breast cancer, its increasing frequency, the possibility of treating it in its early stages, and the ability to diagnose it at an early stage under current conditions all increase the importance of screening methods for breast cancer.