Necdet Üskent

Necdet Üskent

He has been working as a medical oncology and hematology specialist and director of medical oncology at Anadolu Medical Center since 2005.


  • Breast cancer
  • Gastrointestinal cancers
  • Lung cancers
  • Lymphomas
  • Myeloma



Ankara University Medical School, Ankara 1971 

Specialty education 

GATA Medical School, Ankara 1979 

Wadley Institutes of Molecular Medicine, Granville-Morton Cancer Hospital, Medical Oncology and Hematology Sub-specialties, 1982

Assistant Professor

GATA Medical School, Medical Oncology Clinic, Ankara 1984 

Associate Professor 

GATA Medical School, Medical Oncology Clinic, Ankara 1989 


GATA, Medical Oncology and Hematology Clinics, Istanbul 2001

Institutions Worked At

Prof. Necdet Üskent, graduated from Ankara University Medical School. He completed his residency training  in internal medicine at Ankara GATA Medical School.  He has done  his clinical fellowship training  in Medical Oncology and Hematology  in the  USA, Dallas, Texas.  He took part in  the Bone Marrow Transplantation team that performed the first transplantation in Turkey.  At different times and for long terms, he served as visiting lecturer at Westminster Hospital Charing Cross, Hammersmith, Royal Free and University College Hospital, in London UK, and at Basel Cantone Hospital in Switzerland. Passing the exam organized by European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO), he obtained the European Medical Oncology Certificate.  Being one of the 7 founding members of The Turkish Society of Medical Oncology, Prof. Üskent was also a founder of Turkish Oncology Group (TOG).  


After serving as director of Istanbul GATA Medical Oncology and Hematology Clinics for 13 years, Prof. Üskent later worked as lecturer – professor at Kadir Has University (Bilim University), Medical School, Internal Medicine Clinic.   He also served as medical oncology and hematology specialist and lecturer at Florence Nightingale Hospital, a hospital associated to the university.  Prof. Üskent who started to work at Anadolu Medical Center, Medical Oncology Clinic in 2005 has been working as a medical oncology and hematology specialist and also director of medical oncology at Anadolu Medical Center since 2010. 

  • Turkish Medical Oncology Society 
  • Turkish Hematology Society 
  • Lung Cancers Society 
  • Immuno-Oncology Society 
  • Neuro-Oncology Society 
  • Breast Cancer Society 
  • Istanbul Gastrointestinal Cancers Group 
  • Istanbul Lymphoma Group
  • Istanbul Myeloma Group
  • European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) 
  • American Society of Clinical Oncology

1. N. Üskent, M. Danacı, M. Özel, İ. Öztek, Z. Altınok, B. S. Cebeci, M. Altın, S. Yürütken, N. Doğan, F. Karslı: Complete response to alpha interferon 2b in classic (AIDS non-related) Kaposi’s Sarcoma and an unusual toxicity of interferon.  Kanser.  Türk J Cancer.  1991; 21(2): 83-88.  

2. N. Üskent, M. Danacı, M. Özel: New horizons in cancer treatment.  Clinical use of endogenous colony-stimulating factors (CSF).  Turkish Journal of Oncology.  1991; 6 (3-4): 1205-1210. 

3. M. Danacı, N. Üskent, K. Doğruöz, İ. Öztek, Z. Altınok, M. Özel: A rare case: Toxic purpura due to topical use of etofenamate.  Sendrom1991;3:19-22. 

4. N. Üskent, M. Danacı, M. Özel, H. Tor, G. Öztürk, İ. Öztek, F. Karslı, T. Çelenk, Y. Z. Yergök: Ovarian cancer metastasis to thyroid and cervical lymph node.  Turk J Cancer. 1992;22(1):39-43.  5- Our Results with Combination of FU, Etoposide and High Dose Leucoverine (FEL). GATA Bulletin 34: 563-568, 1992.

5. Üskent N.  Danacı M. Haksever H. In Advanced Colorectal cancers

6. N. Üskent, M. Danacı, M. Özel, M. Yaylacı, H. Tor: Treatment of severe aplastic anemia with cylosporin-A and high dose methylprednisolone.  Marmara Medical Journal.  1992;5(1):27-30.  

7. M. Danacı, L. Dumanhan, M. Özel, H. Tor, N. Üskent: The effect of gemfibrozil in diabetic hyperlipidemias. GATA Bulletin.  1992; 34: 285-295. 

8. H. Tor, M. Yaylacı, N. Üskent, A. Acaroğlu, M. Danacı, M. Özel: The value of beta 2 microglobulin in the staging and early diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy.  GATA Bulletin.  1992; 34: 691-704.  

9. N. Üskent, Z.  Mete, M. Danacı, M. Özel, H. Tor, İ. Göçmen, N. Haksever: Our results with high dose intravenous immuglobulin G administration in acute and chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura.  GATA Bulletin.  1992; 34: 859-865.  

10. S. Hülagü, İ. Dinç, M. Altın, M. Danacı, M. Özel, Z. Çankır, G. Öztürk, M. Yaylacı, N. Üskent, S. Yürütken: Evaluation of the effects of octreotide on portal hemodynamics using pulsed Doppler ultrasonography in patients with chronic liver disease.  Marmara Medical Journal.  1993; 6(4): 131-136.  

11. Öztürk A.  Üskent N.  The value of serum protein C level in myocardial infarction. Marmara Medical Journal. 6:3,88-90, 1993.

12. M. Danacı, S. Gül, M. Özel, M. Yaylacı, N. Üskent, S. Yürütken: Evaluation of re-prescription problem in military hospitals.  GATA Bulletin.  1994; 36: 329-35. 

13. Yaylacı M. Öztürk A.  Üskent N.  Graft-Versus –Host Disease. Haseki Medical Bulletin. 33:237-241, 1994.

14. Yaylacı M. Öztürk A.  Üskent N. Granulocyte-macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor (GM-CSF). Interaction with other cytokines and clinical uses.  Türkiye Klinikleri Medical Sciences Journal. 14:373-377,1994.

15. M. Danacı, M. Özel, M. Yaylacı, H. Baloğlu, N. Üskent: Demonstration of the relationship of Epstein-Barr virus with Hodgkin’s disease and non-Hodgkin lymphomas. GATA Bulletin.  1995; 37: 489-96. 

16. Öztürk A.  Üskent N.  Activated Protein –C  Resistance in malignancy. Acta hematologica, 1995.

17. Öztek I, Baloğlu H, Üskent N, Kartaloğlu Z, Uçmaklı E, Aydilek R, Dorkip O, Yaylacı M, Özel M., "Chemotherapy- and radiotherapy-induced cytologic alterations in the sputum of patients with inoperable lung carcinoma. Role in follow-up.  ", Acta Cytol.  1996 Nov-Dec;40(6):1265-71.

18. O, Kozluca, Olcay E, Sürücü S, Güran Z, Kulaksız T, Üskent N.  1996.  "Prevention of doxorubicin induced cardiotoxicity by catechin. " Cancer Lett 99 (1): 1-6.  

19. M, Danacı, Gül S, Yazgan Y, Hülagü S, Üskent N.  1996.  "Budd-Chiari syndrome as a complication of Behçet's syndrome.  A case report. " Angiology 47 (1): 93-5. 

20. H, Yazıcı, Şengün Z, Aktan M, Aktuğlu G, Üskent N, Dalay N.  1997.  "Clinical use of the bcr/abl probe test in the evaluation of chronic myeloid leukemia patients. " Journal of experimental & Clinical Cancer Research :  16 (1): 105-9.  1997.

21. Altaş A.  Öztürk A.  Üskent N. The value of serum IL-6 in non-Hodgkin lymphomas. GATA Bulletin 39: 15-19, 1997.

22. Cebeci B.  İngözbay Y.  Öztürk A.  Üskent N.  :Activated Protein C resistance in myocardial infarction. Marmara medical journal. 10:84-86, 1997.

23. Öztürk A.  Sezer M. Üskent N.  The results of intensive immunosuppression with anti-thymocyte globulin and cyclosporine a in severe apalstic anemia. Marmara Medical Journal. 10: 101-103, 1997.

24. Öztürk A.  Kandemir G. Üskent N. ABDIC Regimen in Relapsed/Refractory hodgkin’s Diseasecal journal. 10:135-137, 1997.

25. Öztürk A.  Kandemir G. Üskent N.  Activated Protein C Resistance and Hemostatic Balance in Malignancy.   Turkish Journal of Oncology. 12:1,24-26, 1997.

26. Öztürk A.  Üskent N. Our results with CVPD protocol in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.  GATA Bulletin. 39:159-162, 1997.

27. Öztürk A.  Sezer M.  Üskent N. The value of serum interleukin-6 level in multiple myeloma.   Turkish Journal of Oncology. 12:1,21-23, 1997.

28. Öztürk A.  Kandemir G. Yaylacı M. Üskent N. High dose chemotherapy supported by Thawed Autologous Peripheral Stem Cell.  Klinik gelişim.  10: 173-176,1997

29. Öztürk A.  Günay A.  Budak T.  Akoğlu T.  Üskent N. Activated Protein C Resistance in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia.  Klinik Gelişm. 10: 147-149, 1997.

30. T, Budak-Alpdoğan, Demirçay, Alpdoğan O, Direskeneli H, Ergün T, Öztürk A, et al.  "Skin hyperreactivity of Behçet's patients (pathergy reaction) is also positive in interferon alpha-treated chronic myeloid leukaemia patients, indicating similarly altered neutrophil functions in both disorders." British journal of rheumatology 1998;37 (11): 1148-51.  

31. A, Öztürk, Günay A, Üskent N.  1998.  "Therapeutic efficacy of recombinant interferon-alpha in polycythaemia vera. " Acta haematologica 99 (2): 89-91.    i:40817. 

32. Kandemir EG, Yaylacı M, Öztürk A, Üskent N.  Docetaxel-induced radiation recall dermatitis. THOD 1999; 9(2):111–3. 

33. Kandemir G. Yaylacı M. Üskent N. Vinorelbine-mitomycin-c combination in previously untreated metastatic breast cancer.  Turkish Journal of Oncology 13: 120-123, 1999.

34. Öztürk A.  Sezer M. Üskent N. The effects of HMG CoA reductase inhibitors on platelet aggregation. Klinik Bilimler. 5:2,161-164, 1999.

35. Karadoğan, B.  Artmen, M.  Bayık, Ş.  Kansoy, E.  Ovalı, A.  U.  Ural, O.  İlhan: National survey of peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) apheresis complications in Turkey 1998.  Bone Marrow Transplantation 25: p-906, 2000.

36. N.  Üskent, A.  Öztürk, Ö.  Arslan, S.  B.  Omay, A.  Ünal, S.  Anak, S.  Paydap, S.  Kalayoğlu, F.  Arpacı, S.  Cadurgan, E.  Ovalı, S.  Kensoy, M.  Bayık, A.  U.  Ural, Z.  Gülbaş, O.  İlhan: Autologous peripheral blood stem cell collection.  1998 activity of Turkey.  Bone Marrow Transplantation 25: 911, 2000. 

37. Yaylacı M.  Türken O.  Üskent N. Experimental demonstration of cytoprotective efficacy of amifostine in reducing cardiotoxicity due to doxorubicin.   Turkish Journal of Oncology. 15(14), 2000.

38. Günay A, Öztürk A, Budak T, Özbek U, Üskent N.  Activated protein C resistance in polycythemia vera Turk J Haematol 2000 18(3):157-164.

39. O, İlhan, Üskent N, Arslan O, Arat M, Özkalemkaş F, Öztürk G, et al.  2000.  "National survey of hemapheresis practice in Turkey .  Transfusion science 22 (3): 195-201.  2000.

40. N, Köksal, Müftüoglu T, Günerhan Y, Üskent N.  "Complete remission of the liver metastases of anorectal malignant melanoma with regional chemotherapy: a case report. " Hepato-gastroenterology.  2000 ; 47 (33): 612-4. 

41. O.  Türken, B. Orhan, A.  Öztürk, D.  Etiz, M.  Yaylacı, N.  Üskent; Patients with Myelodysplastic Syndromes Benefit From Therapy with Amifostine, Pentoxifylline and Ciprofloxacin with Dexamethasone.  Blood 98, 24bb, 2001.

42. O.  Türken, A.  Öztürk, B.  Orhan, G.  Kandemir, M.  Yaylacı, N. Üskent; A Case Report: Large Granular Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma.  Blood 98, 207b, 2001.

43. O.  Türken, B. Orhan, A.  Öztürk, D.  Etiz, M.  Yaylacı, N.  Üskent; Patients with Myelodysplastic Syndromes Benefit From Therapy with Amifostine, Pentoxifylline and Ciprofloxacin with Dexamethasone.  Blood 98, 24bb, 2001.

44. Yaylacı M, Orhan B, Etiz D, Öztürk A, Çermik H, Türken O, Üskent N.   Primary Angiosarcoma of the Breast.   Journal of Balkan Union of Oncology.  6: 203-205, 2001.  

45. Üskent N, Orhan B.  Malt Lymphomas Actual Hematology -Onkoloji Derleme Dergisi.  3: 37-42 2001. 

46. OrhanT, Öztürk A, Yaylacı M, Orhan B, Üskent N.  High-dose chemotherapy with non-cryopreserved autologous peripheral stem cell transplantation in refractory/relapsed testicular carcinoma, single center results.  Turkish Journal of Cancer.  31: 72-77,2001. 

47. Dincbas FO, Koca S, Altınel A, Hancılar T, Çavuşoğlu M, Turhal S, Üskent N, Özgüroğlu M, Okkan S.  Continuous accelerated hyperfractionated radiotherapy (CHART) plus chemotherapy (CT) with vinorelbine (VB) and cisplatinum (CDDP) in locally advanced NSCLC (TOG-011 study).  European Journal of Cancer 2001 37(6): S53. 

48. Sezer M, Öztürk A, lvan A, Özkan M, Üskent N.  The hemostatic changes in active pulmonary tuberculosis.  Turk J Haematol ;18:2,95-100, 2001.

49. Etiz D, Üskent.  Postradiation extramedullary lung plasmocytoma with pleural effsion. Journal of Balkan Union of Oncology 6:103-106, 2001.

50. Gnay A, Öztürk A.  Budak T.  Üskent N.  Activated protein C resistance in polycythemia vera.  Turkish Journal of Haematology. 18:157-164, 2001.

51. Öztürk A, Orhan B, Türken O, Etiz D, Yaylacı M, Üskent N.  Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia Achieving Complete Remission with Amifostine Alone.  Leukemia and Lymphoma 2002;43(2): 451-453. 

52. Türken O, Etiz D, Orhan B, Çermik H, Yaylacı M, Öztürk A, Üskent N.   Muscle metastasis as initial manifestation of epidermoid carcinoma of the lung.  Clinical Oncology(Royal College of Radiologists(Great Britain))2002;14;129-131. 

53. Türken O, Güney Y, Kandemir EG, Yaylacı M, Öztürk A, Orhan B, Üskent N. Prognostic importance of c-erb-2 (Her-2/neu) expression in early stage breast cancer, and its relationship with other prognostic factors.  Turkish Journal of Oncology 17: 166-170, 2002. 

54. Türken O.  Sanal A.  Yıldırım Ş.  Üskent N. Investigation of Prognostic Value of Selenium in Breast Cancer.   Turkish Journal of Oncology.  2002 17(3) 109-112. 

55. Türken O. Değerlioğlu A.  Üskent N. Diagnosis of iron-deficiency anemia and the role of transferrin receptor level in its distinction from chronic disease anemia.    Turkish Journal of Hematology - Oncology. 121-5, 2002.

56. Türken O.  Üskent N. Prognostic Value of  c-Erb-B2 Expression in Early Stage Breast Cancer.   Turkish Journal of Oncology. 17:166-17-, 2002. 

57. Üskent N, Demirtaş S, Türken O.  Survival from the precocious brain metastasis of the colon cancer. Turkish Journal of Cancer 33(3):154-157, 2003.

58. Üskent N.  Natural History of Breast cancer,development, Risk factors,Distribution and epidemiology of the World. In Breast Cancer, 1. st edit. 2003:1-14.

59. Üskent N. General principles, preclinical and pioneering studies in cancer vaccines.   Türkiye Klinikleri 2010:3(2):5-10.

60. Üskent N, Çökmez A, Atahan MK, Aksaz E, Güler N, Müslümanoğlu M, Özmen V.  An electronic non-interventional pharmacovigilance study of early-stage breast cancer patients on adjuvant treatment with anastrozole (Arimidex®).  Turkish Journal of Oncology; 2011, 26:55-60. 

61. Ramadan S, Yapıcıer Ö, Kihtir S, Erdemir A, Doğan TH, Üskent N, Onat H, Çakmakçı M. Correlation of HER 2/neu Gene Amplification with Immunohistochemistry and Other Prognostic Factors in Breast Carcinoma.  Turkish Journal of Pathology 2011 Sept;27(3):196-203.

62. Üskent N. Sezer M Belen G. Tamoxifen-Induced severe acute pancreatitis after a short-term therapy: a Case report. Turkish Journal of Oncology. 26(1):26-28. 2011.

Book chapters

1. Tecimer C, Üskent N.  AIDS-related Tumors.  Aydıner A, Topuz E.  (Ed. )  Oncology Handbook, Turgut Yayıncılık A. Ş. Istanbul,2006: 520-30.

2. Üskent N.  Tecimer C.  Acute Leukemias. Oncology Handbook, Turgut Yayıncılık A. Ş. 2006:531-49.

3. Üskent N.  Tecimer C.  Chronic Myelocytic Leukemia Oncology Handbook, Turgut Yayıncılık,2006: 550-7.

4. Üskent N.  Tecimer C.  Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia.  Oncology Handbook, Turgut Yayıncılık,2006: 558-68.

5. Üskent N.  Tecimer C.  Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.  Aydıner A, Topuz E.  (Ed. )  Oncology Handbook, Turgut Yayıncılık, Istanbul,2006: 569-586.

6. Üskent N.  Tecimer C.  Kınay M.  Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphomas  Aydıner A, Topuz E.  (Ed. )Oncology Handbook, Turgut Yayıncılık, Istanbul 2006:587-614.

7. Üskent N.  Tecimer C. Myeloproliferative Diseases.  Aydıner A, Topuz E.  (Ed. ) Oncology Handbook, Turgut Yayıncılık A. Ş. Istanbul,2006: 637-45.

8 Üskent N.  Blood and Blood Component Transfusions in Cancer Patients. Onat H, Mandel NM(Ed. ), In: Problems regarding Approach to the Cancer Patient, Diagnosis, Treatment and Follow-up.  Revised 2nd Edition. Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, İstanbul 2012.

9 Üskent N.  Natural History of Brreast Cancer, Development, Risk Factors,Distribution and Epidemiology of the World.  In: Breast Cancer 1. st Edit,İstanbul 2003,:1-14.

10 Üskent N.  Prevention of Breast Cancer and Prophylaxis Studies in High-Risk Persons. In: Breast diseases. Editor Ünal G, Ünal H. Istanbul, Nobel Tıp Kitabevi 2001. 

11 Üskent N.   Cancer Prevention and Cancer Screening.  In: Book of Internal Medicine.  Editor Erol Ç.  Nobel Yayınevi, 2011:7-15.

Congress papers

1. N. Üskent, M. Danacı, Z. Altınok, B. S. Cebeci, M. Özel: The Response of non-AIDS related Kaposi’s Sarcoma to Alpha 2B Interferon.   5. th  National Antibiotic and Chemotherapy Congress, 1-4 May 1990, Antalya.  

2. N. Üskent, M. Danacı, M. Yaylacı, M. Özel, H. Tor: Treatment of severe aplastic anemia with cyclosporine A.   22. nd National Hematology Congress.  21-25 October 1991, Istanbul.

3. M. Danacı, L. Dumanhan, M. Özel, N. Üskent: The effect of gemfibrozil in diabetic hyperlipidemias.  1991 National Diabetes Congress. 27-29 May 1991, Istanbul

4. Üskent N.  Yaylacı M, Danacı M. Hematologic and Cytogenic Remissions Induced by Recombinant Alpha-Interferon 2b in CML. International Congress of Military Medicine, İstanbul, Sept.  18-25, 1993.

5. N. Üskent , M. Yaylacı , A. Öztürk , O. Türken : Treatment of chemotherapy induced anemia with recombinant human erythropoietin.  Annals of Oncology.  Lisbon, 1994.

6. Üskent N, Yaylacı M, A. Öztürk, O. Türken, M. Danacı: The result of intravenous high dose immunglobulin G administration in acute and chronic idiopatic thrombocytopenic purpura.  Nato Military and Civil 3rd Blood Conference.  İstanbul, 1994.

7. N. Üskent , M. Yaylacı , A. Öztürk : Treatment of chemotherapy induced severe thrombocytopenia with platelets obtained by continuous flow thrombocytopheresis.  Nato Military and Civil 3rd Blood Conference.  İstanbul, 1994.

8. N. Üskent, E.  Ekşioğlu Demiralp, S.  Ş.  Özgün, T.  Budak, O.  Alpdoğan, A.  Öztürk, T.  F.  Tuğlular, M. Aktan, M. Bayık, T.  Akoğlu: Expression of CD 49d molecule on CLL Lymphocytes.  British Journal of Haematology.  87, supplement 1, 1994.

9. N.  Üskent, M. Yaylacı, A.  Öztürk, F.  Karslı: İntraarterial alpha interferon 2a through hepatic artery induces long term response in renal cell carcinoma metastatic to the liver.  5th İnternational Congress on Anti-Cancer Chemotherapy, Paris 1994.

10. M. Yaylacı, A. Öztürk, N. Üskent : A comparative study of antiemetic protocols.  Growth and Therapy of Cancer.  Budapest, 1994.

11. Özel M. Üskent N.  Demonstration of the association of EBV with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.  19. th ESMO Congress, Nov.  18-22,1994, Lisbon ,Portugal

12. Y. Küçükardalı, N. Haksever , S. Gül , A. Öztürk , H. Tor, N. Üskent : Leucocyte alkalen phosphatase activity in diabetic patients.  Nato Military and Civil 3rd Blood Conference,  İstanbul, 1994.

13. M. Yaylacı, Öztürk A, Türken O, Üskent N: Therapeutic efficacy of G-CSF in chemotherapy induced myelosuppression.  Nato Military and Civil 3rd Blood Conference,  İstanbul, 1994.

14. Öztürk, N.  Üskent, M. Yaylacı: Severe thrombocytopenia complicating EBV infection.  13th Meeting of the İnternational Society of Haematology.  İstanbul, 1995

15. A.  Öztürk, N.  Üskent, M. Yaylacı: Activated protein C resistance in malignancy.  13th Meeting of the İnternational Society of Haematology.  İstanbul, 1995.

16. M. Özel, N. Üskent, M. Danacı, M. Yaylacı, H. Baloğlu: Demonstration of the relationship of Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) with Hodgkin’s Disease and non-Hodgkin’s Lymphomas.  XIth  National Cancer Congress,  28 May-2 June 1995, Antalya.

17. A.  Öztürk, G.  Kandemir, M.  Sezer, M.  Yaylacı, N.  Üskent: MAST cell leukemia.  1st Congress of Balkan Military Medical Committee,  İstanbul, 1996.

18. A.  Öztürk, G.  Kandemir, M.  Sezer, M.  Yaylacı, N.  Üskent: Pulmonary hemosiderosis.  1st Congress of Balkan Military Medical Committee,  İstanbul, 1996.

19. A.  Öztürk, G. Kandemir, M.  Yaylacı, N.  Üskent: CHOEP chemotherapy in intermediate and high grade non-Hodgkin lymphomas.  Annals of Oncology.  Lugano, 1996 {6-ICMLJune5-81996/12_posters-576}.

20. T.  R.  Evrenkaya, M.  Akgün, A.  Öztürk, M.  Y.  Tülbek,N. Üskent: The effects of intravenous essential aminoacid administration on the immun system of chronic hemodialysis patients.  European Renal Association, European Dialysis and Transplant Association.  Amsterdam, 1996.

21. A.  Öztürk, M. Sezer, E.  G. Kandemir, M. Yaylacı, N.  Üskent: A comparative study of tropisetron versus granisetron in the control of cisplatin induced hyperemesis.  10th Mediterranean Congress of Chemotherapy.  Antalya, 1996.

22. A.  Öztürk, A.  Günay, M. Sezer, G. Kandemir, M. Yaylacı, N.  Üskent: Arterial thrombosis due to L-asparaginase in ALL.  10th Mediterranean Congress of Chemotherapy.  Antalya, 1996.

23. A.  Öztürk, M. Sezer, E.  Kandemir, M. Yaylacı, N.  Üskent: Antibiotic induced marrow failure during complete remission phase in ALL.  10th Mediterranean Congress of Chemotherapy.  Antalya, 1996.

24. A.  Öztürk, M. Sezer, E.  Kandemir, M. Yaylacı, N.  Üskent: Results of BEP regimen in the treatment of nonseminomatous germ cell testicular cancer.  10 Mediterranean Congress of Chemotherapy.  Antalya, 1996.

25. Üskent N.  Advances in Hematologcal Malignancies. 2. nd ISC  Conference on Innovative Therapies, İstanbul,02-04 November, İstanbul, 2012

26. Üskent. N. Sezer M,  Racatumomab Induced Complete Remission in a Patient with Treatment Refractory Metastatic Breast cancer. Congress of Cancer Immunology(CIMP),Mainz, Germany,2015.

27. Üskent N.  Sezer M. Rituximaba bağlı Immün Kaynaklı Pneumonik İnfiltasyon.  İmmüno-Onkoloji Kongresi, Antalya, 2015. 


1. Türken O, Orhan B, Öztürk A, Yaylacı M, Etiz D, Üskent N.  A case of atypical chronic myelocytic leukemia developed after acute lymphoblastic leukemia treatment.     XXVIIth National Hematology Congress and IVth Post-graduation Training Course, 11-13 November 1999 Istanbul.  Poster No: P-027. 

2. Türken O, Orhan B, Öztürk A, Etiz D, Üskent N. Orbital involvement in Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.  Due to a case.    XXVIIth  National Hematology Congress and IVth Post-graduation Training Course, 11-13 November 1999 Istanbul.  Poster No: P-028. 

3. Türken O, Orhan B, Öztürk A, Yaylacı M, Etiz D, Üskent N. A case of acute myeloblastic leukemia who entered remission with amifostine.   XXVIIth  National Hematology Congress and IVth Post-graduation Training Course, 11-13 November 1999 Istanbul.  Poster No: P-029. 

4. Türken O, Etiz D, Orhan B, Öztürk A, Üskent N.  Pernicious anemia in two young adults presenting with neurologic symptoms.    XXVIIth  National Hematology Congress and IVth Post-graduation Training Course, 11-13 November 1999 Istanbul.  Poster No: P-067. 

5. Türken O, Öztürk A, Orhan B, Etiz D, Üskent N.  A case of acute lymphoblastic leukemia with aspergillosis.   XXVIIth  National Hematology Congress and IVth Post-graduation Training Course, 11-13 November 1999 Istanbul.  Poster No: P-086. 

6. Türken O, Öztürk A, Orhan B, Yaylacı M, Üskent N. The role of serum-soluble transferrin receptor in the distinction of iron-deficiency anemia and chronic disease anemia.    XXVIIIth National Hematology Congress and Post-graduation Training Course, 1-4 November 2000 Izmir.

7. Türken O, Öztürk A, Orhan B, Yaylacı M, Üskent N. A case with thrombophilia resisting Warfarin (Coumadin) and heparin.   XXVIIIth National Hematology Congress and Post-graduation Training Course, 1-4 November 2000 Izmir.

8. Orhan B, Türken O, Öztürk A, Uyanoğlu A, Etiz D, Yaylacı M, Üskent N.  A case of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma with hepatocellular carcinoma and isolated bone metastases.   XXVIIIth  National Hematology Congress and Post-graduation Training Course, 1-4 November 2000 Izmir.

9. Öztürk A, Türken O, Orhan B, Uyanoğlu A, Yaylacı M, Üskent N. Correlation of the efficacy of pentoxifylline, cyclofloxacin and dexamethazone with amifostine in patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) and Myelodysplastic Syndrome.   XXVIIIth  National Hematology Congress and Post-graduation Training Course, 1-4 November 2000 Izmir.

10. Etiz D, Öztürk A, Türken O, Orhan B, Ardalı Y, Çermik H, Yaylacı M, Üskent N. Extramedullary plasmacytoma of the lung developed after radiotherapy.   XXVIIIth National Hematology Congress and Post-graduation Training Course, 1-4 November 2000 Izmir.

11. Turken O, Orhan B, Öztürk A, Etiz D, Yaylacı M, Üskent N.  Patients with myelodysplastic syndromes benefit from therapy with Amifostine, pentoxfylline and ciprofloxacin with dexamethasone.  Congress of American Society of Hematology, Abstract book,  Blood 98(11): 276b, 2001. 

12. Hatemi G, Mandel N.  Demir G, Üskent N.  The effect of chemotherapy on peripheral blood mononuclear cell telomerase activity in breast and  ovarian cancer patients. Proceeding of ESMO Abst.  N0:66,19, 2002.

13. Üskent N. The Contribution of Subtypes of VEGF Inhibitors to Treatment in Non-small Cell Lung Cancers.   Lung Cancers Congress. İzmir 16-19 October 2008.

14. Üskent N.  Angiogenesis and Angiogenesis Inhibitors in Breast Cancer. National Breast Cancer Congress. Istanbul, October 24-26, 2008.

15. Üskent N. Molecular Guides in the Systemic Treatment of Metastatic Breast Cancer.  1st Blacksea Breast Cancer Congress, Samsun 2011.

16. Üskent N.  Advances in Hematological Malignancies. 2. nd ISC Conference on Innovative Therapies,İstanbul,02-04 November, İstanbul 2012.

17. Üskent N.  Signaling Pathways and Goal-oriented Treatments in Hematologic Malignancies. 4th National Lymphoma – Myeloma Congress, 3-5 May, Side 2013. 

18. Üskent N.  Genetics in Colo-rectal Cancer.  3rd.  International Gastrointestinal Cancer Conference 13-15 December, Gloria Hotel, Antalya, 2013.

19. Üskent N.  What is New in Advanced NSLC Treatment. 22.  Annual Meeting of the Asian Society for cardiovascular&Thoracic Surgery(ASCVTS14). 04. 04. 2014, İstanbul. Congress Center, Harbiye İstanbul. 

20. Üskent N. To Whom and How Should We Perform Neoadjuvant Systemic Treatment in Breast Cancer? 3rd Blacksea Breast Diseases Congress. 26-29 March, 2015 Samsun.

21. Üskent N. Treatments other than Transplantation in Relapse/Refractory Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphomas.  Lymphoma-Myeloma Congress, Antalya, 10-12 April 2015.  

22. Üskent N, Sezer M. Severe intra-articular hemorrhage that occurred during Sunitinib therapy in an asymptomatic patient with mild Factor WVB deficiency.  National Cancer Congress, 22 -26 April 2015, Antalya.

23. Üskent N. Systemic Neo-Adjuvant treatment of Breast Cancer. International Breast Cancer Symposium. Anadolu Health Science Center Efes Auditorium, Gebze, Kocaeli,12. 09. 2015.

24. Üskent N. Systemic Therapies in Metastatic Brain Tumors. Multi-Disciplinary Neuro-Oncology Symposium.  06-07. 11. 2015. Hyatt Regency Hotel Istanbul.

25. Üskent.  N.  From Theory to Practice: Cancer Immunotherapy.  International Symposium of Imunotherapy of CancerKarolinska Experience: Focusing On GBM and Pancreatic Cancers. Anadolu Health Science Center, Efes Auditorium, Gebze, Kocaeli. 06. 09. 2015

26. Üskent N.  Targeted Treatments in Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and Multiple Myeloma, Medical Oncology Society, Hematological Malignancies Course. Adana 07-09 November, 2015

Consultant in Editorial Boards: 

1. Journal Of Turkish Oncology

2. Drugs

3. Journal of Advances in Modern  Oncology Research(AMOR).  PiscoMed Publishing Pte Ltd

Areas of Interest

What is Chemotherapy? Its Treatment and Side Effects

Chemotherapy is a special form of drug treatment aimed at stopping or destroying the growth and reproduction of cancer cells that multiply uncontrollably in the human body and damage healthy tissues.

Pituitary Tumors (Adenomas): What They Are, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Each organ that makes up the hormone system plays vital roles for our body.

What is Immunotherapy? How is Immunotherapy Applied?

There are ongoing developments in cancer treatment every day. In addition to chemotherapy and radiotherapy methods that have been used for many years, immunotherapy, a type of treatment using drugs, has begun to provide longer-lasting control over cancer in recent years. By activating a person's immune system, immunotherapy enables the individual's own immune cells to fight cancer cells more effectively.

What is Immunotherapy? How is Immunotherapy Applied?

There are ongoing developments in cancer treatment every day. In addition to chemotherapy and radiotherapy methods that have been used for many years, immunotherapy, a type of treatment using drugs, has begun to provide longer-lasting control over cancer in recent years. By activating a person's immune system, immunotherapy enables the individual's own immune cells to fight cancer cells more effectively.

What Is Lung Cancer? Symptoms and Treatment

Lung cancer, which ranks first among cancer diseases that lead to death worldwide, is a significant public health issue that causes the death of over 1.7 million people each year. The symptoms and signs that appear in the early stages of the disease are often unnoticed, and critical symptoms like coughing, especially in smokers, are largely overlooked. This situation leads to lung cancer being detected at very late stages, significantly reducing the chances of treatment. Having accurate information about lung cancer, being able to recognize early symptoms, and regularly participating in screening programs in the presence of risk factors are crucial for properly diagnosing and treating lung cancer.

Gallbladder Cancer Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

The gallbladder is an organ that is part of the digestive system and plays a role in producing bile, which is necessary for fat metabolism. The gallbladder, which stores and secretes bile, is located in the upper right part of the abdomen. Due to various reasons, changes can begin to occur in the cells of the gallbladder, and these cellular changes may lead to the development of cancer. Gallbladder cancer, which can present with symptoms such as abdominal pain and bloating, is a serious medical condition that requires intervention.

Liver Cancer

Malignant tumor formations developing within the liver are referred to as liver cancer. The liver is the largest internal organ of the body. It is responsible for performing many vital functions, including the removal of various wastes from the body, absorption of various nutrients, and wound healing. Located in the upper right part of the abdominal region, the liver is also responsible for bile production.

What is Cancer Treatment? How is Cancer Treatment Done?

All tissues and organs in the body are made up of different types of cells. Over time, new cells formed by the division of healthy cells replace the cells that die. This process of cell renewal continues throughout a person's life. The timing of when cells should multiply is controlled by DNA. Due to DNA damage, cells may begin to divide unnecessarily. Cancer, one of today's serious diseases, is a condition that arises from the uncontrolled multiplication of the body's own cells.

Bone Tumors

A tumor is a mass or swelling that arises from the uncontrolled division of body cells, resulting in growth within the affected tissue and/or organ. The cause of most bone tumors is unknown. As the tumor grows, it gradually spreads to healthy tissues, causing them to be replaced by abnormal tissues and weakening the bone, which can lead to pathological fractures. If necessary precautions are not taken, aggressive tumors can cause functional deficiencies within the organ system they develop in and may even threaten life by affecting the entire body's metabolism.

Cancer Pain

Cancer pain can arise from various causes such as the destruction of normal tissues due to cancer, circulatory disorders caused by blockages in blood vessels, bone fractures related to metastases, infections, inflammation, pressure from the tumor on nerves, or blockages in hollow organs or various channels. It can also result from pain that occurs in the body due to cancer treatment methods such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.

Kidney Cancer Symptoms and Treatment Methods

What is Pancreatic Cancer and How is the "Whipple Surgery" Applied in the Treatment Process?

Pancreatic cancer is one of the most common types of cancer. What is pancreatic cancer, what are its symptoms, and what is done in treatment? How is the "Whipple technique," one of the most difficult surgeries in the field of general surgery, applied?

What is Ovarian (Ovary) Cancer, Its Symptoms, and Treatment

Ovarian cancer is a type of tumor that occurs due to the uncontrolled growth and proliferation of cells in the ovarian or fallopian tube tissue. Ovarian cancer, also known as ovary cancer, is among the most common cancers faced by women worldwide. Diagnosing it can sometimes be difficult because symptoms often develop in the later stages. This can prevent early detection. Commonly experienced symptoms of ovarian cancer can include pelvic pain, abdominal pain, bloating, abnormal bleeding, or vaginal discharge. The goal of ovarian cancer treatment is to remove the tumor from the body. Treatment methods include surgery, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and radiotherapy.

What is Immunotherapy? How is Immunotherapy Applied?

There are ongoing developments in cancer treatment every day. In addition to chemotherapy and radiotherapy methods that have been used for many years, immunotherapy, a type of treatment using drugs, has begun to provide longer-lasting control over cancer in recent years. By activating a person's immune system, immunotherapy enables the individual's own immune cells to fight cancer cells more effectively.

What is Cancer? Diagnosis and Treatment Methods

Cancer is a disease that results from the uncontrolled multiplication and growth of cells in any organ or tissue of the body. It is named according to the tissue in which it occurs. More than 200 types have been identified. The most common and fatal types of cancer are lung, stomach, liver, colon, and breast cancer. If cancer spreads from its original site to other organs and tissues, this is called metastasis.

Types of Skin Cancer, Diagnosis, and Treatment Processes

Skin cancer occurs when DNA damage arises in the cells of the skin and this damage is not repaired, leading to uncontrolled proliferation of the damaged cells. More than 99% of skin cancers are composed of three types of cancer.

What Are the Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment of Laryngeal Cancer?

Laryngeal cancer, also known as throat cancer, is a significant health issue that affects the respiratory tract. The larynx is an organ that plays a crucial role in breathing and sound production. This type of cancer can lead to the uncontrolled proliferation of cells within the larynx, which can spread and result in severe health problems if left untreated.

What is Liquid Biopsy? How is Liquid Biopsy Performed?

Cancer is one of the significant health problems threatening human health today, and extensive efforts are being made to find a solution. Despite various diagnostic and treatment methods used so far, an effective method for curing cancer has not yet been established. For this reason, numerous research studies on cancer are being conducted internationally, utilizing various technologies for diagnosis and treatment. One of these methods is liquid biopsy.

Palliative Care: What Is It, How Is It Received, and What Are Its Conditions?

Palliative care is highly effective in reducing the negative impacts experienced by patients and their families during the lifelong treatment process and in alleviating complications related to the disease, thereby improving the quality of life.

What Is Lung Cancer? Symptoms and Treatment

Lung cancer, which ranks first among cancer diseases that lead to death worldwide, is a significant public health issue that causes the death of over 1.7 million people each year. The symptoms and signs that appear in the early stages of the disease are often unnoticed, and critical symptoms like coughing, especially in smokers, are largely overlooked. This situation leads to lung cancer being detected at very late stages, significantly reducing the chances of treatment. Having accurate information about lung cancer, being able to recognize early symptoms, and regularly participating in screening programs in the presence of risk factors are crucial for properly diagnosing and treating lung cancer.

Leukemia (Blood Cancer): What Is It, What Are Its Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Methods?

Leukemia, commonly referred to as blood cancer, is one of the most prevalent types of cancer. It originates from the bone marrow and the lymphatic system. While some types are primarily seen in children, there are also various types that occur in adults. Early diagnosis is crucial in leukemia, just as it is for all types of cancer. Although leukemia involves a complex treatment process, advancements in methods and strategies are progressively improving outcomes.

Symptoms and Treatment Methods of Lymph (Lymphoma) Cancer

The lymphatic system, also known as the lymph or lymphoid system, is associated with both the circulatory and immune systems. This system, which consists of lymph nodes and a network of lymph vessels, circulates a fluid called lymph, made up of blood plasma and white blood cells. These white blood cells play a role in immunity by fighting disease-causing agents. Lymph nodes act as filters, cleaning out foreign disease agents and providing protection against infections and other diseases. Lymphoma, or lymph cancer, occurs due to the uncontrolled growth and proliferation of lymphocytes, the primary cells of the lymphatic system. This disease, which shows varying symptoms depending on the area of involvement, is most commonly found in the lymph nodes.

Cervical Cancer: Symptoms, Types, and Treatment

Cervical cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in women. Every year in our country, thousands of women are diagnosed with cervical cancer, and thousands of women lose their lives due to cervical cancer. It is possible to prevent deaths due to cervical cancer with vaccination and screening.

Vulvar Cancer: What It Is, Types, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Vulvar cancer refers to malignant tumor formations that can arise on the external surface of the female genital organs. The vulva includes the clitoris and the vaginal lips, known as labia, as well as the skin surrounding the urethra (urinary canal) and vagina. Vulvar cancer often presents as a mass or ulcer that causes itching in the vulva. It can occur at any age but is most frequently diagnosed in older adults. The treatment for vulvar cancer typically involves surgery to remove the cancerous tissue along with a small amount of surrounding healthy tissue. Sometimes, this surgery may require the complete removal of the vulva. The earlier the diagnosis, the less likely it is that extensive surgery will be needed. Therefore, early diagnosis and treatment are crucial.

What is Cervical Cancer?

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a double-stranded DNA virus. Approximately 630 million women worldwide are currently infected with HPV, which is transmitted through sexual contact. Unlike other sexually transmitted diseases, HPV can also be transmitted through skin-to-skin contact without direct penetration during sexual intercourse. Therefore, the protective effect of condoms is limited. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) in the USA reports that 50% of sexually active men and women will encounter HPV at some point in their lives. A population-based study in the USA found that one in four sexually active women tested positive for HPV DNA.

What Are the Symptoms and Treatment Methods of Testicular Cancer?

Testicles are essential organs of the male reproductive system, located in a skin sac called the scrotum behind the penis. They produce and store sperm and produce the main sex hormone, testosterone. Testicular cancer occurs due to uncontrolled growth and proliferation of cells within the testicles, forming tumors. It is one of the most common reproductive system cancers in men. Although it can progress without symptoms for a long time, it has one of the highest treatment success rates, making early diagnosis crucial.

What Are the Symptoms of Prostate Cancer? Stages and Treatment

The prostate gland is an organ of the male reproductive system, located just below the bladder, with its base in contact with the bladder, and has a pyramidal structure. The prostate surrounds the prostatic urethra, which is the channel responsible for the flow of urine from the bladder. In males who have not yet reached puberty, the prostate weighs about 2 grams, but it grows with age, reaching up to 20 grams in adult males before the age of 52. The prostate is a gland that plays a significant role in male fertility. Its primary function is to produce the fluid that nourishes sperm and ensures their protection within the seminal fluid. Prostate cancer is the uncontrolled division, proliferation, and growth of cells within the prostate gland, leading to cancer. Since prostate cancer often does not show symptoms in its early stages, diagnosis can be delayed, increasing the likelihood of metastasis.

Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Process of Bladder Cancer

Bladder cancer is the second most common cancer occurring along the urinary tract, starting from the kidneys. Approximately two-thirds of bladder cancers are non-fatal but tend to recur, while one-third have the potential to invade muscle tissue and subsequently metastasize to the rest of the body, exhibiting a more aggressive course.

Soft Tissue Cancer (Sarcoma): Definition, Symptoms, Types, and Treatment

Soft tissue cancer, known in medical terms as sarcoma, is a type of malignant tumor that forms in connective tissues and is a rare type of cancer. Soft tissues are those that support, connect, or surround organs in the body, including muscle, blood vessels, nerves, tendons, and the inner lining of joints. Sarcomas can occur in childhood, young adults, and older adults. This cancer type may present as a lump or mass that can be felt in soft tissues. While sarcomas can occur anywhere in the body, they most commonly develop in the arms, legs, and abdominal region. These masses can be either painful or painless. A definitive diagnosis of soft tissue cancer is made through a biopsy, which helps determine the treatment plan. Depending on the progression of the disease, treatment options may include surgical interventions, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or targeted therapy.

Bone Cancer: What Is It, Types, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Many areas of the human body are conducive to tumor formation, one of which is the bones that cover a large part of the body. Tumors can arise from uncontrolled cell divisions occurring in the bones. If these tumors are malignant, it is referred to as bone cancer. The most common symptom of bone cancer is pain caused by the spread of the tumor or the fracture of a weakened bone due to a tumor. Additionally, there may be a feeling of stiffness and tenderness in the bone. Other symptoms such as fatigue, fever, swelling, and stumbling may also occur, but these can be caused by other conditions as well. The diagnosis of bone cancer is made through tests performed by a doctor.

Gallbladder Cancer Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

The gallbladder is an organ that is part of the digestive system and plays a role in producing bile, which is necessary for fat metabolism. The gallbladder, which stores and secretes bile, is located in the upper right part of the abdomen. Due to various reasons, changes can begin to occur in the cells of the gallbladder, and these cellular changes may lead to the development of cancer. Gallbladder cancer, which can present with symptoms such as abdominal pain and bloating, is a serious medical condition that requires intervention.

Liver Cancer

Malignant tumor formations developing within the liver are referred to as liver cancer. The liver is the largest internal organ of the body. It is responsible for performing many vital functions, including the removal of various wastes from the body, absorption of various nutrients, and wound healing. Located in the upper right part of the abdominal region, the liver is also responsible for bile production.

Nasopharyngeal Cancer: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Nasopharyngeal cancer is a common subtype of head and neck cancers. These cancers differ significantly from other head and neck malignancies in terms of their etiology, epidemiology, histopathology, biological behavior of the disease, and treatment. Therefore, nasopharyngeal cancers should be considered separately from other head and neck malignancies. This type of cancer is difficult to diagnose early, and its treatment typically involves radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

What is Pharynx or Throat Cancer? Symptoms and Treatment Process

The pharynx, or throat, is located behind the nasal and oral cavities. Its upper part is connected to the nasal cavity (nasopharynx), while its lower part (hypopharynx) continues to the esophagus. Throat cancers include cancers of the base of the tongue, uvula, tonsil tissue, and the back walls of the throat. Oropharyngeal and hypopharyngeal cancers are considerably rarer than nasopharyngeal cancers. Worldwide, an estimated 123,000 new cases of oropharyngeal and hypopharyngeal cancers are diagnosed annually.

Tongue Cancer: What It Is, Symptoms, Types

Tongue cancer is one of the types of oral cancer that develops from the cells found in all areas of the tongue. This condition can lead to the formation of tumors, growths, and lesions in the mouth. Tongue cancer is divided into different subtypes depending on which part of the tongue it develops in. These subtypes have their own specific symptoms. The most common symptom of tongue cancer is the presence of non-healing sores on the tongue. While tongue cancer is more commonly seen in older individuals, there has been a recent increase in cases among younger and middle-aged individuals. With early diagnosis and treatment, tongue cancer can be managed and treated effectively.

Head and Neck Cancers: What They Are, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Head and neck cancers refer to the uncontrolled and abnormal growth of cancer cells in the head and neck area of the body. Early diagnosis and treatment of head and neck cancers are crucial. While these cancers can be treated successfully in many cases, they can also cause permanent damage in some situations. To prevent such damage, various treatment methods can be applied to eliminate the cancer cells or halt their progression.

Oral Cancer: What It Is, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Oral cancer is a global health problem and ranks second in frequency among head and neck cancers in our country, with developed countries being the most affected. As with many conditions, early diagnosis and treatment are crucial for this type of cancer. Oral cancer, which is classified under head and neck cancers, refers to cancers that develop in any part of the mouth area, including the inside of the cheeks and gums. This malignant tumor, also known as oral cancer, typically originates from the squamous (flat) cells in the mouth, tongue, and lips. To learn more about this cancer type, you can continue reading the article.

What is Rectal Cancer? What Are the Symptoms of Rectal Cancer?

The rectum is the last 15 cm of the muscular channel called the colon, which is an important part of the digestive system. Tumor cells that develop in this 15 cm area may lead to rectal cancer once they reach a certain number. It is a type of cancer with a high mortality rate, which is why early diagnosis and treatment are critical. Rectal cancer may develop without symptoms in some cases. Some patients may experience symptoms such as rectal bleeding, diarrhea, constipation, and unexplained weight loss. A family history of rectal cancer and certain hereditary disorders may increase the risk of rectal cancer. Treatment procedures may vary depending on the stage of the cancer. The general treatments include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and targeted therapy.

Symptoms and Treatment Methods of Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer is a condition that affects the pancreas, an organ located in the abdominal region that helps with digestion. Symptoms may include nausea, bloating, fatigue, jaundice, and loss of appetite. Treatment methods include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. Due to the difficulty of detecting the disease in its early stages, it can lead to serious complications.

What is Stomach Cancer? What are Its Symptoms and Treatment?

Stomach cancer is a type of cancer that occurs due to the uncontrolled growth and multiplication of cells lining the surface of the stomach. It can form at the junction of the esophagus and stomach or in the body of the stomach. Compared to other cancers, it develops more slowly.

Skin (Dermal) Cancer: What It Is, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Skin cancer, contrary to popular belief, is a common type of cancer. Research has shown that nearly one in five people will develop skin cancer at some point in their lives (1). Moreover, if diagnosed early, the disease can be completely treated. Common treatment methods include excision, cryotherapy, chemotherapy, radiation, and Mohs surgery. Appropriate treatments can be applied based on the type or stage of the disease. In some cases, a combination of several treatment methods may be used. Early diagnosis is crucial for complete treatment, so it is important to pay attention to any changes in the skin. To avoid skin cancer, it is important to have a dermatology check-up at least once a year.

What is Thyroid Cancer? What are the Symptoms of Thyroid Cancer?

Thyroid cancer is an uncontrolled cell growth that starts in the thyroid gland and has many types. While most types grow slowly, some can be aggressive. This type of cancer may not cause any symptoms in its early stages; however, as the cancerous tissue grows, it can lead to symptoms such as swelling in the neck, changes in voice, and difficulty swallowing. Thyroid cancers account for approximately 1% of all cancers【1】. In recent years, the incidence has increased particularly among the female population. Imaging methods may be used during the diagnosis stage. Most thyroid cancers can be treated with various procedures, and the types of cancer that respond best to treatment are small tumors in the early stages.

Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Methods of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women and the leading cause of cancer-related deaths. It accounts for 24% of all female cancers and 15.5% of cancer deaths. It is reported that 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in their lives. Rarely, breast cancer is also seen in men, with 1 man diagnosed for every 100 women. The incidence of breast cancer has been found to increase every year.

Lipoma: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

The skin is an organ that protects the body against external factors such as heat, light, microorganisms, and injury. Acting as a vital barrier for organs, the skin helps maintain body temperature, receive various signals from the environment, and provide immune system defense. The thickness and texture of the skin can vary among individuals. However, all humans have skin composed of three layers. The outermost layer of the skin is the epidermis, which contains melanocytes that give color to the skin. Beneath the epidermis lies the dermis, which houses sebaceous glands, hair follicles, nerve endings, and sweat glands. The innermost layer, the hypodermis, is a fatty tissue where body fat is stored. Each layer can have different functions. The sebaceous glands in the dermis are small glands that help reduce fragility by covering hair follicles. The lumps that occur due to the excessive growth of cells in this fatty tissue are called lipomas. Lipomas can form in any area where fat cells are present, and they are generally benign and usually harmless. Known as "lipomas," these lumps are painless, mobile, and fatty. They typically occur in adults aged 40-60 years. The formation of cancerous lipomas is rare and is referred to as "liposarcoma." Dermiste bulunan yağ bezleri kıl köklerini kaplayarak kırılganlığı azaltmaya yardımcı olan küçük bezlerdir. Bu yağ dokusundaki hücrelerin aşırı şekilde büyümeleri sonucu oluşan yumrulara yağ bezesi denir. Yağ hücrelerinin bulunduğu her bölgede oluşabilen yağ bezesi iyi huylu ve genellikle zararsızdır. “Lipom” olarak bilinen yağ bezeleri ağrısız, hareketli ve yağlı yumrular şeklindedir. Genellikle 40-60 yaş yetişkinlerde görülebilir. Kanserli lipom oluşması nadirdir ve “liposarkom” olarak adlandırılır (1, 2).

Staging of Breast Cancer

There are 4 stages in breast cancer. These are:

What is Lymphoma? How is Lymphatic Cancer Treated?

Lymphoma is a general term that describes cancers originating from the lymphatic system, which is part of the immune system. Lymphomas are commonly known as lymph node cancers, but the disease can also occur in organs without involving the lymph nodes.

Screening Methods in Breast Cancer

The high prevalence of breast cancer, its increasing frequency, the possibility of treating it in its early stages, and the ability to diagnose it at an early stage under current conditions all increase the importance of screening methods for breast cancer.

What Are the Symptoms of Childhood Cancer?

Certain types of cancer are more prevalent in childhood. Early detection of these cancers is more likely when families are aware of the symptoms. Cancers detected early are easier to treat and have less chance of spreading.

Esophageal Cancer Symptoms and Treatment

Esophageal cancer is a condition that affects the esophagus, the long, muscular tube that carries food from the throat to the stomach. Symptoms are often not noticeable until the cancer has spread, making early detection challenging. The most common types are squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. Squamous cell carcinoma typically develops in the upper part of the esophagus, while adenocarcinoma usually occurs in the lower part. Symptoms may include difficulty swallowing, pain, weight loss, indigestion, and esophageal blockage. Risk factors include chronic reflux disease, obesity, and certain dietary habits. With early diagnosis, doctors can successfully intervene with surgery and other treatments

Brain Cancer: What It Is, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Brain cancer is the rapid and uncontrolled multiplication and growth of malignant tumor cells in the brain. The cells responsible for brain cancer have the ability to self-renew. Brain tumors can occur in the pituitary and pineal glands, the membrane on the surface of the brain, and the nerves. Secondary tumors, which originate in other parts of the body and spread to affect the brain, are more common than primary brain tumors that arise directly in the brain. The most commonly observed cases of brain cancer originate from secondary brain tumors. In 2022, it was reported that more than 1,900 people, with an average age of 59, were diagnosed with brain cancer worldwide.

What is Lymphoma? How is Lymphatic Cancer Treated?

Lymphoma is a general term that describes cancers originating from the lymphatic system, which is part of the immune system. Lymphomas are commonly known as lymph node cancers, but the disease can also occur in organs without involving the lymph nodes.

Multiple Myeloma

Multiple myeloma is a rare form of bone marrow cancer that primarily occurs in older adults. It accounts for 1% of all cancers and 10% of hematological cancers. The incidence is approximately four cases per 100,000 people. In Turkey, an average of around three thousand multiple myeloma diagnoses are made each year.

Leukemia (Blood Cancer): What Is It, What Are Its Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Methods?

Leukemia, commonly referred to as blood cancer, is one of the most prevalent types of cancer. It originates from the bone marrow and the lymphatic system. While some types are primarily seen in children, there are also various types that occur in adults. Early diagnosis is crucial in leukemia, just as it is for all types of cancer. Although leukemia involves a complex treatment process, advancements in methods and strategies are progressively improving outcomes.

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