Hematology Department

Hematology Department


At the Hematology Department of Anadolu Medical Center, we provide services to treat hematological disorders.

Which diseases are diagnosed and treated at our department?

  • Anemia, bleeding and clotting disorders related to internal diseases
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Hematological cancers (leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma)

Also, our department performs bone marrow transplants.

Areas of Interest

Multiple Myeloma: Symptoms and Causes

The abnormal proliferation of cells in a tissue or organ leads to cancer diseases. Multiple myeloma is a type of cancer that arises from the proliferation of healthy plasma cells, which become cells that produce abnormal antibodies. Like any cancer, multiple myeloma can result in dysfunction or loss of function in many organs. Ultimately, it can cause damage to the bones and kidneys. Additionally, medical issues may arise that affect the body’s ability to produce healthy white blood cells, red blood cells, or platelets. Although multiple myeloma is not a disease that can be directly cured, it is possible to manage the symptoms caused by the disease. Therefore, treatment after early diagnosis focuses on controlling the symptoms. With early diagnosis and treatment, it is possible to extend the patient's lifespan and improve their quality of life.

LYM: What It Is, Its Function, and Implications of High and Low Levels

Lymphocytes (LYM) are produced in the bone marrow and found in the blood and lymphatic tissues. They play a crucial role in defending the body against foreign substances such as bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells that impede the function of the immune system.

What is Stem Cell Therapy and How is it Applied?

Alternative treatments are sought for diseases where conventional treatments may be harmful or less effective than the illness itself. This is particularly relevant for diseases that cannot be treated with medication or where treatment options cause significant harm to the patient. Stem cell therapy, which uses a person’s own cells or those closely matched to them, is intended to repair damaged cells with new cells. This method is often explored for complex diseases like leukemia. Continue reading our article for more information on stem cell therapy.

What Is Bone Marrow?

Bones are vital structures that protect the bodies of living beings, enable movement, and consist of bone, bone marrow, and surrounding connective tissue. One of the most important functions of bones is blood production. So, what is bone marrow, which plays a significant role in blood formation? What are the types of bone marrow? You can continue reading to learn more about bone marrow.

What is Mediterranean Anemia (Thalassemia)? What Are Its Symptoms and Treatment Methods?

Mediterranean anemia, medically known as beta thalassemia, is a type of anemia that is genetically inherited from parents. It is common in Mediterranean countries, including Turkey.

What Are the Symptoms of Anemia? What Relieves Anemia?

Anemia is a blood disease caused by insufficient levels of red blood cells in the blood. Anemia is also known as a deficiency in red blood cells and hemoglobin and can result from multiple factors. When anemia develops, a person may experience symptoms such as shortness of breath, fatigue, weakness, pale skin, and cold hands and feet. Anemia typically arises from nutritional deficiencies. Therefore, doctors often prescribe vitamin supplements and provide dietary recommendations. These dietary recommendations are based on consuming foods rich in iron, folate, vitamins B12 and C. If you think you are at risk of anemia, you should consult a doctor.

Leukemia (Blood Cancer): What Is It, What Are Its Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Methods?

Leukemia, commonly referred to as blood cancer, is one of the most prevalent types of cancer. It originates from the bone marrow and the lymphatic system. While some types are primarily seen in children, there are also various types that occur in adults. Early diagnosis is crucial in leukemia, just as it is for all types of cancer. Although leukemia involves a complex treatment process, advancements in methods and strategies are progressively improving outcomes.


Hematology Department

Prof. Zafer Gülbaş


Hematology Department

Prof. Zafer Gülbaş


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