Cem Hızlan

Cem Hızlan

He has been working as an Psychiatry Specialist in Anadolu Medical Center since 2016.




Istanbul University, Istanbul Medical Faculty, Istanbul 1990

Specialization Training

Bakırköy Mental and Neurological Diseases Hospital, Department of Psychiatry, 1997

Institutions Worked At

Dr. Cem Hızlan completed his medical education in Istanbul University, Istanbul Medical Faculty in 1990 and his residency training in 1997 in Bakırköy Mental and Neurological Diseases Hospital. In the aftermath of his residency training he worked as the head assistant in Bakırköy Mental and Neurological Diseases Hospital until 2001. Dr. Hızlan serving as a psychiatry specialist in a private hospital between 2001 and 2016 and being employed in Anadolu Medical Center in 2016 currently works as psychiatry specialist.

  • Turkish Neuropsychiatry Association
  • Turkish Psychiatry Association
  • Drug prevalence and prevention studies in the Amatem unit.
  • Educational presentations on drug use in fragile and vulnerable groups.

Areas of Interest

What is Major Depression? What Are the Symptoms of Major Depression?

Most people may feel sad or unmotivated at some point in their lives. Experiencing such feelings periodically (for example, in response to a negative situation) is considered normal. Major depression is a mental health disorder that involves more than just temporary feelings of low morale, a bad day, or transient sadness. Also known as clinical depression, this condition is characterized by a depressed mood for most of the day and a loss of interest in normal activities and relationships. The occurrence of such conditions for at least two weeks may indicate major depression. Treatment for major depression may involve methods such as medication or psychotherapy recommended by a doctor.

What is Agoraphobia?

Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by an intense fear and worry about certain places or situations. These places or situations usually include open or crowded areas, shopping malls, public transportation, or being away from home—places that are difficult to avoid. Agoraphobic individuals tend to avoid entering or spending extended time in such places, as these situations can trigger severe anxiety symptoms, such as panic attacks. Agoraphobia is a psychological disorder that can negatively impact a person's daily life and activities.

Schizophrenia: What It Is, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Schizophrenia is a long-term chronic mental health issue.

What is Methamphetamine? Methamphetamine Addiction Treatment

Methamphetamine acts as a powerful central nervous system stimulant.

What is Depression? What are the Symptoms of Depression?

Depression is a psychological health issue that causes individuals to experience persistent feelings of sadness and unhappiness. Individuals struggling with depression may exhibit changes in their eating, thinking, sleeping, and behavior patterns. Depression is treatable, but accurate diagnosis is essential for effective treatment because there are many different types of depression. The most commonly observed symptoms include a constant and excessive state of sadness, anxiety, difficulty sleeping or excessive sleeping, and concentration problems.

Bulimia Nervosa: What It Is, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by episodes of binge eating at specific intervals, followed by unhealthy behaviors aimed at compensating for those episodes.

Bipolar Disorder: What It Is, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Methods

Bipolar disorder, formerly known as manic-depressive disorder, is a bipolar psychiatric disorder characterized by emotional highs and lows that lead to exaggerated mood swings.

Asperger Syndrome: What Is It, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Methods?

Asperger syndrome, classified under the umbrella of pervasive developmental disorders, is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder that particularly leads to significant issues in social relationships.

What is Gaslighting? Psychological Manipulation: Gaslighting

Gaslighting is a type of psychological manipulation that occurs in interpersonal relationships. In this method, the manipulator causes the victim to question their perception of reality, memories, and events. Methods to recognize and combat gaslighting include keeping a journal of events, staying in contact with trusted people, and seeking professional help. These methods can help individuals preserve their own sense of reality and reduce the impact of manipulation.

What is Dyslexia? Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Dyslexia is a term derived from the Greek words "dys" and "lexia," meaning insufficient. Dyslexia is a type of learning difficulty that interferes with the brain's ability to process written language. Individuals with dyslexia experience problems with reading and related skills. When considering their biological age, measured intelligence level, and education, their reading abilities fall significantly below what is expected.

What is Focus Problem and How Can It Be Solved?

Focus problem is a condition that can be observed in individuals of all ages, making it difficult for a person to perform any task with maximum efficiency. Symptoms may arise due to increased environmental stimuli or the effects of changes in the person's life. When it occurs at an early age, it can manifest as learning difficulties in preschool and elementary school-aged children, and decreased work productivity in adults. The focus problem, which reduces an individual's quality of life and is commonly seen today, is an important issue that needs to be addressed for a person to readapt to life. It can arise physiologically or psychologically, and may also manifest in an irregular lifestyle. It can be experienced as short-term focus issues, such as during a lesson due to a distracting factor, or as long-term focus problems in tasks performed consecutively. In advanced cases, psychiatric support and medication may be needed, while individuals with early-stage focus problems can also address them through lifestyle changes.