Ezgi Dokuzlu Tezel
Specialist Clinical Psycho. Dr.

Ezgi Dokuzlu Tezel

She has been working as a psychologist at Anadolu Medical Center since October 2019.


  • Individual Therapy
  • Family Counselling
  • Parent Consultancy
  • Education Consultancy
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Child Development
  • Depression
  • Traumas
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder
  • Exam anxiety
  • Adult therapy
  • Behavioral disorders
  • Autism
  • Speech disorders
  • Eating disorders
  • Stress
  • Impulse control disorders
  • Developmental disorders
  • Attention deficit
  • Anger control disorders
  • Anxiety
  • Addiction
  • Panic Attack
  • Phobias
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Personality disorders
  • Social adjustment problems
  • Loss
  • Grieving process
  • Family and child
  • Parental attitudes
  • Anxiety disorders in children
  • Attachment
  • Mood disorders


  • Yeditepe University, Bachelor of Psychology
  • Üsküdar University, MSc in Clinical Psychology
  • Yeditepe University, PhD in Neuroscience

Institutions Worked At

Specialist Clinical Psychologist Ezgi Dokuzlu graduated from Yeditepe University, Department of Psychology. She completed her MSc in Clinical Psychology at Üsküdar University. She continues his PhD training in Neuroscience at Yeditepe University. During her education, she worked at Np Istanbul Brain Hospital, Erenköy Psychiatric and Neurological Diseases Hospital, Specialist Dr Meltem Uzun Neurology Clinic, Hayat Hospital, Kadıköy Bahariye Kindergarten, Bursa Individual College, and Private Blue Penguin (Mavi Penguen) Kindergarten. Ezgi Dokuzlu, providing counseling to various institutions and schools and providing psychotherapy services to children, adolescents and adults, has been working as a psychologist at Anadolu Medical Center since October 2019. 

Barış Okulu Projesi

  • TPD (Turkish Psychologists Association)
  • UNICEF (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund)
  • TEGV (Turkish Education Volunteers Foundation)
  • MORÇATI Child Rights and Women's Shelter Association


Peace School Project

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Behavioral Neuroscience
  • Addiction and Neurobiology
  • Psychotherapy Methods in Addiction
  • Schema Therapy
  • Artificial Intelligence and Psychology
  • Experiential Play Therapy
  • Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
  • Family Therapy Training
  • Psychological First Aid
  • Post-Traumatic Psychological Intervention
  • Psychodynamics of Severe Depression, Psychodynamic Treatment Processes
  • Neuropsychological Testing Training
  • Clinical Hypnosis Techniques and Practitioner Training
  • MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory)
  • Psycho-Pedagogical Analysis of Children's Drawings
  • SCL-90 Psychological Symptom Checklist
  • Bender-Gestalt Visual-Motor Perception Test
  • MOXO Attention and Hyperactivity Test
  • Sports Psychology and Athlete Counseling
  • Neuromarketing and Consumer Behavior Training
  • Organizational Behavior Training
  • GoodEnough Harris Drawing Test
  • Porteus Maze Test
  • Ankara Developmental Screening Inventory (AGTE)
  • Frostig Developmental Visual Perception Test
  • Gesell Developmental Test
  • Metropolitan School Readiness Test
  • Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test
  • Beier Sentence Completion Test
  • Benton Visual Retention Test
  • Cattell 2A Intelligence Test
  • Cattell 3A Intelligence Test
  • Kent E.G.Y.
  • Luisa Duss Psychoanalytic Story Completion Test
  • Sign Language Training

Areas of Interest

What is Gaslighting? Psychological Manipulation: Gaslighting

Gaslighting is a type of psychological manipulation that occurs in interpersonal relationships. In this method, the manipulator causes the victim to question their perception of reality, memories, and events. Methods to recognize and combat gaslighting include keeping a journal of events, staying in contact with trusted people, and seeking professional help. These methods can help individuals preserve their own sense of reality and reduce the impact of manipulation.

What is Trichotillomania (Hair Pulling Disorder)?

Trichotillomania, commonly known as the habit of pulling hair, is a mental health disorder. This health issue, which requires treatment, typically occurs between adolescence and adulthood. It is known that individuals with trichotillomania pull their hair in response to stress, anxiety, and worry. As a result, it can have a serious negative impact on a person's quality of life.

What is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Its Treatment?

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a condition that develops as a result of experiencing events that cause extreme stress. This disorder typically negatively impacts a person's life for a certain period of time. Traumatic events can include extraordinary situations such as war, natural disasters, serious accidents, or personal assaults.

What is Focus Problem and How Can It Be Solved?

Focus problem is a condition that can be observed in individuals of all ages, making it difficult for a person to perform any task with maximum efficiency. Symptoms may arise due to increased environmental stimuli or the effects of changes in the person's life. When it occurs at an early age, it can manifest as learning difficulties in preschool and elementary school-aged children, and decreased work productivity in adults. The focus problem, which reduces an individual's quality of life and is commonly seen today, is an important issue that needs to be addressed for a person to readapt to life. It can arise physiologically or psychologically, and may also manifest in an irregular lifestyle. It can be experienced as short-term focus issues, such as during a lesson due to a distracting factor, or as long-term focus problems in tasks performed consecutively. In advanced cases, psychiatric support and medication may be needed, while individuals with early-stage focus problems can also address them through lifestyle changes.

Lohusa Sendromu

Erkeklerde Lohusa Sendromu Bebeğin dünyaya gelmesi ile birlikte başlayan süreçte birçok duygudurum değişikliğinin de mevcut olması gayet doğaldır. Mutluluktan yoğun üzüntüye kadar duygular ani geçişler ile değişkenlik gösterebilir ancak üzüntü ve endişe halinin ilerlemesi veya duyguların artık kişinin yaşamını sürdürmesini engelleyici bir hal alması halinde bu durum postpartum depresyon veya lohusa sendromu olarak isimlendirilir. Lohusa sendromu ile birlikte şikayetler genellikle doğumu takiben ilk birkaç hafta içerisinde çıkar. Bazı bireylerde ise bu süreç doğum sonrası 6 aylık bir zaman dilimine kadar uzayabilir. Sendromun gelişmesi halinde oluşan temel şikayetler duygusal dalgalanmalar, düşünme güçlüğü, karar almada zorlanma veya bebek ile bağ kurmada sorun yaşama gibi durumlar olabilir. Böyle bir durumun sizde mevcut olduğunu düşünmeniz halinde yalnız olmadığınızı bilmeniz ve sağlık kuruluşlarına başvurarak hekimlerden destek almanız oldukça önemlidir. Lohusa sendromu hakkında merak ettiğiniz diğer konular için yazının devamını takip edebilirsiniz.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder: What Is It, Characteristics, How Is It Recognized?

Narcissistic personality disorder is one of several personality disorders.

Speech Disorder

It is the inability to pronounce speech sounds correctly or fluently due to certain problems that arise during verbal communication.

What is Excessive Jealousy Disorder? Symptoms and Treatment

Excessive Jealousy Disorder Violence, especially against women, is a significant problem in our country, as it is around the world.

Anxiety Disorder: What Is It and What Are Its Symptoms?

Anxiety disorder is a psychiatric disorder characterized by the tendency to experience excessive or irrational worry and anxiety.

What is Major Depression? What Are the Symptoms of Major Depression?

Most people may feel sad or unmotivated at some point in their lives. Experiencing such feelings periodically (for example, in response to a negative situation) is considered normal. Major depression is a mental health disorder that involves more than just temporary feelings of low morale, a bad day, or transient sadness. Also known as clinical depression, this condition is characterized by a depressed mood for most of the day and a loss of interest in normal activities and relationships. The occurrence of such conditions for at least two weeks may indicate major depression. Treatment for major depression may involve methods such as medication or psychotherapy recommended by a doctor.

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