

At the Anadolu Medical Center Department of Pulmonology, services are provided for the treatment of respiratory system diseases. The department also includes the Asthma Clinic, Smoking Cessation Clinic, Advanced Stage Lung Disease Clinic (Pulmonary Rehabilitation Clinic), and Respiratory Laboratory.

What diseases are diagnosed and treated in the department?

Chronic bronchitis and emphysema (COPD)
Acute bronchitis and other infections (pneumonia)
Pleural diseases (diseases related to the lung lining and fluid accumulation)
Interstitial lung diseases (sarcoidosis, diffuse parenchymal lung diseases, pulmonary fibrosis)
Pulmonary vascular diseases (pulmonary embolism, pulmonary hypertension)
Occupational and environmental lung diseases
Toxic gas inhalation
Advanced stage lung diseases and respiratory failure
Lung involvement in rheumatic diseases
Smoking addiction, smoking-related diseases, and smoking cessation methods
Lung diseases during sleep and sleep apnea syndrome
Lung cancers

Areas of Interest

What Helps with Shortness of Breath? What Causes Shortness of Breath?

Shortness of breath is the sensation of not being able to get enough air or difficulty breathing. This condition can result from various health issues related to the respiratory system. Medically referred to as dyspnea, shortness of breath can range from mild to severe. Many different factors can lead to breathing difficulties, which can make diagnosis and treatment more challenging. Breathing difficulties may stem from heart or lung problems, as well as other conditions such as anemia, anxiety, lack of exercise, or obesity. Shortness of breath can appear as acute or chronic. Acute shortness of breath can come on quickly. This type may improve within a short time and can result from allergies, anxiety, exercise, or certain health conditions (such as a cold or flu). More serious issues, like a heart attack, sudden airway narrowing (anaphylaxis), or a blood clot (pulmonary embolism), can also cause acute dyspnea. Chronic dyspnea is long-lasting (several weeks or longer) or recurrent shortness of breath. Certain health conditions, such as asthma, heart failure, and COPD, can cause chronic shortness of breath. Dyspnea with sudden or severe symptoms may signal a serious medical condition.

What is Pneumonia? Symptoms and Treatment

In these days when the coronavirus pandemic shows no signs of slowing down, the approach of autumn raises concerns among experts about the possibility of an increase in flu and pneumonia cases alongside COVID-19 infections. Scientists emphasize the importance of vaccination to prevent the addition of flu and pneumonia outbreaks to the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly highlighting the pneumonia vaccine. So, who should get the pneumonia vaccine? Does this vaccine also protect against coronavirus? Dr. Esra Sönmez, a Pulmonologist at Anadolu Health Center, states that pneumonia and related diseases cause approximately 2 million adult deaths worldwide each year and answers frequently asked questions about pneumonia and the pneumonia vaccine...

Pulmonary Embolism: What It Is, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Pulmonary embolism, also known as lung embolism, refers to the blockage of blood vessels in the lungs for various reasons. It typically occurs when a blood clot from the legs or another part of the body travels through the bloodstream and blocks the pulmonary artery. This disrupts blood circulation in the lungs, creating problems in delivering oxygen to the cells and can lead to significant respiratory issues.

Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (Lung Hardening): What It Is, Symptoms, and Treatment

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a disease characterized by thickening and hardening of the lungs with an unknown cause. The term "unknown cause" refers to the inability to determine the cause of lung damage despite all examination and diagnostic methods. It is a condition where the lungs are damaged, leading to difficulty in breathing as the disease progresses. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis primarily affects older individuals, while it is rare in middle-aged and younger people. Although there is no complete cure for this disease, treatment methods can help manage the disease's progression and maintain a stable quality of life.

COVID-19 and Long-Term Effects

Dr. Tayfun Çalışkan, a pulmonologist at Anadolu Medical Center, provided important information on how COVID-19 infection affects our bodies, especially the lungs. In this article, you will also find information about the long-term effects of COVID-19, which can include symptoms that persist for an extended period after recovering from the disease.

Bronchitis: What It Is, Symptoms, Contagiousness, and Treatment

The structure that allows air circulation in the lungs is called the bronchus. Bronchitis occurs when the bronchi become inflamed and filled with mucus. This disease can manifest as either acute or chronic bronchitis, resulting in a productive cough. Bronchitis can develop in the body due to certain viruses. Respiratory infections or illnesses like the common cold can also lead to acute bronchitis. Acute bronchitis, also known as chest cold, may resolve on its own within one week to ten days. However, the cough that arises from acute bronchitis can persist for weeks. Long-term smoking can irritate the bronchial tubes, leading to inflammation of the bronchi. Chronic bronchitis, a more serious condition, can occur due to factors such as prolonged smoking. It is one of the conditions that fall under chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Treatment for chronic bronchitis may require medical intervention, as it does not typically resolve spontaneously.

Asthma: Types, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Asthma is a chronic, inflammatory disease that affects the lungs and airways. The condition arises from non-microbial inflammation and is characterized by shortness of breath. Asthma is a chronic illness, and achieving complete recovery can take many years. However, if the necessary treatments are applied, symptoms can be controlled, improving the quality of life. Asthma can occur in both adults and children, with the most common causes being allergies and environmental factors. Certain allergens can trigger asthma, while smoking, secondhand smoke, coal exhaust, and chemical substances can also contribute to the disease. Asthma may not present the same way in everyone; for some patients, it can be mild, while for others, it can significantly impact daily activities and even be life-threatening. To ensure a positive progression of the disease, it is essential not to neglect medication treatment and to maintain regular doctor check-ups.

Allergic Asthma Symptoms and Treatment

Allergic asthma, which is quite common both worldwide and in our country, is a disruptive condition that negatively affects individuals' quality of life. So, what is allergic asthma?

Pulmonary Embolism: What It Is, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Pulmonary embolism is a disease that occurs as a result of a blood clot blocking the arteries in the lungs. Known in medical terms as pulmonary embolism, it falls under cardiovascular diseases. The clot usually forms in a blood vessel in the leg. However, a clot can also be observed forming in a vessel in another part of the body. This leads to the development of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) when a blood clot forms in one or more of the body's deep veins. The obstruction of blood flow to the lungs due to one or more clots can be life-threatening. However, early diagnosis and prompt treatment of pulmonary embolism can help reduce the risks that may arise from the disease. Bir veya daha fazla pıhtı sonucunda akciğerlere kan akışının engellenmesi hayatı tehdit edici olabilir. Bununla birlikte akciğer embolisinin erken dönemde teşhis edilmesi ve hızlı bir şekilde tedavi edilmesi hastalık sonucunda oluşabilecek riskleri azaltmaya yardımcı olabilir.

What Is Lung Cancer? Symptoms and Treatment

Lung cancer, which ranks first among cancer diseases that lead to death worldwide, is a significant public health issue that causes the death of over 1.7 million people each year. The symptoms and signs that appear in the early stages of the disease are often unnoticed, and critical symptoms like coughing, especially in smokers, are largely overlooked. This situation leads to lung cancer being detected at very late stages, significantly reducing the chances of treatment. Having accurate information about lung cancer, being able to recognize early symptoms, and regularly participating in screening programs in the presence of risk factors are crucial for properly diagnosing and treating lung cancer.


Respiratory Laboratory

As the Respiratory Laboratory of Anadolu Medical Center, we provide services through various tests and procedures related to respiratory performance issues.



Assoc. Prof. Tayfun Çalışkan



MD. Esra Sönmez



Assoc. Prof. Tayfun Çalışkan



MD. Esra Sönmez

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