Semih Akı

Semih Akı

He has been working as a physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist at Anadolu Medical Center since 2005.


  • Rehabilitation applications
  • Electroneurophysiology
  • Botulinum toxin injection
  • Neural therapy
  • Ozone therapy
  • PRP therapy



  • Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Medical School, Istanbul

Specialty education and lecturing 

  • Istanbul University, Istanbul Medical School, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department, Istanbul, 1999

Institutions Worked At

Prof. Semih Akı graduated from Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Medical School.    Prof. Semih Akı who completed his specialty education at Istanbul University, Istanbul Medical School, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation in 1994, became associate professor in 1998, and professor in 2005, and continued his duty until 2013.   He founded The Physical Treatment and Rehabilitation Department of Anadolu Medical Center in 2005, and is still serving at that department.  

  • Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Member of European Board, International
  • Osteoporosis Foundation 
  • Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Society of Turkey 
  • Clinical Neurophysiology EEG-EMG Society 
  • Turkish Osteoporosis Society 
  • Osteoporosis Patient Society 
  • Movement Disorder Society  
  • Nobel Medicus Journal 

3- Authentic researches, articles and compilations published in journals in the scope of SCI Expanded, Social Science Index (SSCI), Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI);

1. Müslümanoğlu L, AKI S, Öztürk Y, Soy D, Filiz M, Karan A, Berker E. Motor, sensory and functional recovery in patients with spinal cord lesions. Spinal Cord 1997; 35 (6): 386-389

2. Muslumanoglu L, Akyüz G, AKI S, Karsidag S, Us O. Evaluation of autonomic nervous functions in post-stroke patients. American Journal of  Physical Medicine&Rehabilitation 2002; 81 (10): 721-725 

3. Deryanı E, AKI S, Muslumanoglu L, Rozanes I. Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Electrophysiological Evaluation In Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Yonsei Medical Journal 2003; 44 (1): 27-32 

4. Aksac B, AKI S, Karan A, Yalcin O, Isikoglu M, Eskiyurt N. Biofeedback and pelvic floor exercises for the rehabilitation of urinary stress incontinence. Gynecol Obstet Inves 2003; 56 (1): 23-27

5. AKI S, Eskiyurt N, Akarırmak Ü, Tüzün F, Eryavuz M, Alper S, Arapacıoğlu O, Atalay F, Kavuncu V, Kokino S, Kuru Ö, Nas K, Özerbil Ö, Savaş G, Şendur ÖF, Soy D, Akyüz G, and Turkish Osteoporosis Society. Gastrointestinal side effect profile due to the use of alendronate in the treatment of osteoporosis. Yonsei Medical Journal 2003; 44 (6): 961-967

6. Müslümanoğlu L, AKI S, Turkdogan D, Us O, Akyüz G. Involvement of sympathetic reflex activity in patients with acute and chronic stroke: a comparison with functional motor capacity. Archives of  

7. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2003; 85 (3): 470-473 AKI S, Gulbaba RG, Eskiyurt N. Effect of alendronate on bone density and bone markers in postmenopausal osteoporosis. Journal of Back and Muskuloskeletal Rehabilitation 2003; 17 (1): 27-31

8. Sencan S, AKI S, Karan A, Müslüanoğlu L, Ozcan E, Berker E. A study to compare  therapeutic efficacy of aerobic exercise and paroxetine in fibromyalgia syndrome. Journal of Back and Muskuloskeletal Rehabilitation 2004; 17 (2): 57-61

5-Reviewer for journals covered by SCI expanded SSCI, AHCI;

1. Mental imagery for promoting relearning for people after stroke: A randomized controlled trial, #8691. Archives of  Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

2. Transcranial doppler in ischemic stroke patients undergiong rehabilitation, #9064. Archives of  Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

Papers verbally presented at international scientific meetings and published as a full text; 

Dilşen G, Yalıman A, Aydın R, Oral A, AKI S, Soy D, Ketenci A. A cross sectional survey of low    back pain in persons over the age 50. In: Ernst E, Jayson MIV, Pope MH, Porter W (eds): Advances in idiopatic low back pain, Blackwell MZV, Vienna, 1993 pp: 355-358

Papers verbally presented at international scientific meetings and published as an abstract; 

1. Berker E, Aydın R, AKI S. The association between diabetic neuropathy, the age of onset, duration of the diabetes and presence of hand symptoms. XII. European Congress of Rheumatology, June 30-Jully 6 1991, Budapest-Hungary, Abstract Book, p: 173  

2. Dilşen G, AKI S, Soy D, Ketenci A, Yalıman A, Oral A. “A Cross Sectional Survey of Low back pain in persons over the age 50” The International Symposium on advances in idiopatic low back pain, November 27-28, 1992, Vienna-Austria. Europan  Journal  of  Physical  Medicine  and  Rehabilitation  1992; 13 (Suppl 2): 7

3. Filiz M, AKI S, Müslümanoğlu L, Yüksel V, Şencan S, Berker E. The relationship between urinary infection and various clinical findings in patients with spinal cord injury. First World Congress in Neurological Rehabilitation, June 24-28 1996, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. European Journal of Neurology 1996; 3 (Suppl 2): 109

Posters presented at international scientific meetings and published as a full text or an abstract; 

1. Dilşen G, Ketenci A, Soy D,  AKI S, Yalıman A, Aydın R, Oral A. An epidemiological study of vertebral osteoporosis in Turkish population. VII. Mediterranean Congress of Rheumatology, June 16-18 1994 Athens-Greece, Abstract Book, p: 55

2. Dilşen G, Soy D, AKI S, Ketenci A, Aydın R, Oral A, Yalıman A. Degenerative changes in the dorsolumbar region. VII. Mediterranean Congress of Rheumatology, June 16-18 1994 Athens-Greece, Abstract Book, p: 56

3. Dilşen G, AKI S, Ketenci A, Soy D, Oral A, Yalıman A, Aydın R. The prevelance of osteoarthritis of the hand in Turkish population. VII. Mediterranean Congress of Rheumatology, Athens-Greece, June 16-18 1994, Abstract Book, p: 57

4. a)Dilşen G, Gökmen E, Şenocak M, Soy D, AKI S, Yalıman A The European Vertebral Osteoporosis Study in Istanbul, Turkey. 1996 World Congress on Osteoporosis, May 18-23 1996, Amsterdam. Osteoporosis International 1996; 6 (Suppl 1): 128

b)Dilşen G, Gökmen E, Şenocak M, Soy D, AKI S, Yalıman A, Ketenci A, Aydın R, Oral A. The European vertebral osteoporosis study in Istanbul-Turkey. VIII. Mediterranean Congress of Rheumatology, June 24-26 1996, Istanbul-Turkey, Abstracts

c) Dilşen G, Gökmen E, Şenocak M, Soy D, AKI S, Yalıman A, Aydın R, Oral A. The European Vertebral Osteoporosis Study in Istanbul. 5th Marmara Medical Days, September 16-19 1996, İstanbul. Marmara Medical Journal 1996; 9 (3): 6  

5. Eskiyurt N, Öncel A, AKI S. The results obtained by calcitonine therapy in cases of post-menapausal osteoporosis. 1996 World Congress on Osteoporosis, May 18-23 1996, Amsterdam. Osteoporosis International 1996; 6 (Suppl 1): 268

6. Soy D, Öztürk Y, AKI S, Toklu. The osteoarthritis of knee: The correlation of the X-ray and clinical findings. 7th International Symposium, The Pain Clinic, October 2-6 1996, İstanbul-Turkey, Abstract Book, p: 341

7. AKI S, Yıldız E Ö, Şencan S, Değer A, Diniz F Predictive Factors for post-poliomyelitis syndrome. 7th International Symposium, The Pain Clinic, October 2-6 1996, İstanbul-Turkey, Abstract Book, p: 358

8. A Karan, L Müslümanoğlu, A Değer, S AKI, H İşsever, C Aksoy, E Berker. The reliability of the functional scales for disability in low-back pain (LBP) patients. 7th International Symposium, The Pain Clinic, October 2-6 1996, İstanbul-Turkey, Abstract Book, p: 359

9. Eskiyurt N, AKI S, Balık A, Öncel A, Akyüz G. The efficacy of the calcitonin therapy, physical activity, calcium and diet in patients with postmenapausal osteoporosis. The 8th World Congress of the International Rehabilitation Medicine Association (IRMA VIII). August 31-September 4 1997, Kyoto-Japan, Abstract Book

10. A. Karan, S AKI, L. Müslümanoğlu, M. Beyaz, A. Kayserilioğlu, E. Yıldız, E. Berker. Aerobic capacity in patients with chronic low back pain. 8 th World Congress in Pain Clinic. May 6-10 1998, Tenerife Canary Islands – Spain, Abstracts, p: 208

11. E Ö Yıldız, M Filiz, S AKI, S Şencan, E Berker. The efficacy of functional rehabilitation program in patients with previous lumbar discectomy. II. Mediterranean Congress of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. May 20-23 1998, Valencia-Spain, Abstracts, p: 91  

12. M Filiz, E Ö Yıldız, S AKI, S Şencan, E Berker. The efficacy of back school and basic exercise program in patients with lumbar discectomy. II. Mediterranean Congress of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. May 20-23 1998, Valencia-Spain, Abstracts, p:391  

13. S. Şencan, S. AKI, E. Berker, A Karan, L. Müslümanoğlu, M. Filiz, E.Ö. Yıldız. A placebo controlled study to compare the threrapeutic efficacy of aerobic exercise and paroxetine in fibromyalgia syndrome. Myopain’98. August 24-27 1998, Silvi Marina-Italy, Abstract Book, poster n. 45  

14. Eskiyurt N, AKI S, Gülbaba G, Akyüz G, Aksaç B, Öncel A. The action of alendronate on the markers of bone turnover. Europan Congress on Osteoporosis. September 11-15 1998, Berlin. Osteoporosis International 1998; 8 (suppl 3): 81

15. Eskiyurt N, Aksaç B, AKI S, Öncel A, Durmuş E. Pamidronate effect on the markers for resorption and formation in cases of posmenopausal osteoporosis. Academy annual assembly abstracts, Arch Phys Med&Rehabil 1999; 80:1150

16. Eskiyurt N, AKI S, Öncel A, Akyüz G, Şen N. Alendronate effect on the markers for resorption and formation in cases of posmenopausal osteoporosis. Academy annual assembly abstracts, Arch Phys Med&Rehabil 1999; 80:1150

17. Akyüz G, Eskiyurt N, Ofluoğlu D, AKI S, Kayhan Ö, Öncel A. Quality of life in osteoporotic Turkish women treated with alendronate. World Congress on Osteoporosis 2000 Chicago, 15-18 June. Osteoporosis International 2000; 11 (suppl 2): 170

18. Eskiyurt N, AKI S, Aydogan A, Aksac B, Sen N, Akyuz G, Oncel A The evaluation of the effects of calcium, magnesium and Vit D derivates on bone density and biochemical markers of bone turnover in cases of postmenapausal osteoporosis. World Congress on Osteoporosis 2000 Chicago, 15-18 June. Osteoporosis International 2000; 11 (suppl 2): 62-63

19. Eskiyurt N, Arasil T, Oncel S, AKI S, Butun B, Cetin A, Cogalgil S, Gur A, Gursoy S, Kirazli Y, Oncel A, Ozbek L, Sepici V, Tosun M, Uguriu H, Uysal F, Eryavuz M. Use and side effect profile of alendronate in osteoporotic women in Turkey: Preliminary results Osteoporosıs Internatıonal 2000;11 (suppl.5): 16

20. Eskiyurt N, AKI S, Akyüz G, Eryavuz M, Tuzun S. Effect of calcitriol treatment on calcium metabolism in women with osteoporosis.Clinical advanceses in osteoporosis. Honolulu, Hawaii. March 6-9, 2002

21. Eskiyurt N, Erkan Ö, AKI S, Öncel A. The effects of exercise in bone mineral density and life quality at postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. IOF world congress on osteoporosis. Lisbon, Portucal. 10-14 May, 2002

22. Akyuz G, Akarirmak U, AKI S, Ugurlu H, Gunduz OH, Ofluoglu D, Sindel D, Eryavuz M, Eskiyurt N. Social and economic burden of osteoporosis and fractures in Turkish postmenopausal women. Osteoporosıs Internatıonal 2002; 13 (suppl.3): 45-46   

23. Akyüz G, Akarirmak U, AKI S, Uğurlu H, Gündüz OH, Ofluoğlu D, Sindel D, Eryavuz M, Eskiyurt N. Social and economic burden of osteoporosis and fractures in Turkish postmenopausal women. Third International Symposium on Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis. Barcelona, Spain, 6-9 November, 2002

24. Dilsen G, Ketenci A, Bugdayci DS, AKI S. An epidemioloigical study of vertebral osteoporosis in Turkish population. Fourth European Congress on Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis. Nice, France, 14-17 November, 2003. Osteoporosıs International. 2003; 14 (suppl. 7): 72 

25. Dilsen G, Bugdayci DS, AKI S, Ketenci A. The prevalence of degenerative changes in the dorsolumbar spine in Turkish population. Fourth European Congress on Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis. Nice, France, 14-17 November, 2003. Osteoporosıs International. 2003; 14 (suppl. 7): 73

26. Ural I, AKI S, Eskiyurt N. Effect of Risedronate 35 mg per week at postmenopausal women after 1 year use. 5th Mediterranean Congress of  Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine.Antalya, Turkey, 30 September-04 October, 2004; PP083.   

27. Ural I, AKI S, Eskiyurt N. Effect of Alendronate 70 mg per week at postmenopausal women after 2 years. 5th Mediterranean Congress of  Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine.Antalya, Turkey, 30 September-04 October, 2004; PP084.  

28. AKI S, Bölükbaşı N, I Ural, Eskiyurt N. The Protective Effect of Body Mass Index on Osteoporosis. 2nd Joint Meeting of the European Calcified Tissue Society and the International Bone and Mineral Society. Genova, Switzerland, 25-29 June 2005; P720-S  

29. Vural M, Esmaeilzadeh S, Basat H, AKI S, Eskiyurt N. The importance of difference between arm span and standing height in elderly postmenopausal osteroporotic women. IOF World Congress on Osteoporosis Toronto, Canada, June 2-6, 2006


Book chapters authored 

1. AKI S, Yücel K: A clinical evaluation. Diniz F, Ketenci A (eds). Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon. Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, İstanbul, 5-80, 2000 

2. AKI S: Elektrodiagnoz. Diniz F, Ketenci A (eds). Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, İstanbul, 81-109, 2000

3. AKI S. Functional anatomy of the lumbar vertebral column.  Erdine S (ed). Ağrı. 2nd print. Nobel Matbaacılık, İstanbul, 324-333, 2002 

4. AKI S. Polyneuropathies. Akyüz G (ed). Electrodiagnosis, Electroneuromyography, evoked potentials, electroencephalography. Güneş Kitabevi, Ankara, 257-288, 2003

Articles published in domestic peer-reviewed articles. 

1. 1-Berker E,  Ketenci A,  AKI S .  Chronic pain and diabetes mellitus. Ağrı 1991; 3  (3): 29-33

2. AKI S, Berker E. Basic principles of electromyography (EMG) feedback treatment.  Physical Treatment Rehabilitation Journal 1991; 15 (4): 234-237

3. Berker E, Ketenci A, AKI S, Bardak A. Comparison of clinical presentations in painful and painless diabetics.  Ağrı 1992; 4 (4): 22-25

4. Berker E, Aydın R, AKI S, Ketenci A. The association between diabetic neuropathy, the age of onset, duration of the diabetes and presence of hand symptoms. Medical Bulletin of Istanbul Medical Faculty 1993; 26 (1): 47-51

5. Yüksel V, Özdinçler A, Müslümanoğlu L, Filiz G, AKI S, Öncel A. Early result of stroke rehabilitation in a young adult.  A case presentation. Physical Treatment and Rehabilitation Journal 1994; 18 (4): 251-255 

6. Soy D, Dilşen G, AKI S, Gökmen E. An epidemiologic study on dorsal and lumbar disk degeneration. Romatizma 1994; 9 (2): 100-107 

7. Yerebakan O, Müslümanoğlu L, AKI S, Kozakçıoğlu M, Eskiyurt N, Öncel A. Efficacy of electroacupuncture in knee osteoarthritis.  Ağrı 1995; 7(1): 30-35

8. AKI S, Müslümanoğlu L, Yüksel V, Aksoy C, Eskiyurt N, Berker E. Deterioration of osteophyte development in patients with knee osteoarthritis and type II Diabetes Mellitus (DM).  Istanbul Medical School Journal.  1996; 59 (4): 23-27

9. Eskiyurt N, Öncel A, AKI S. Results obtained with calcitonin in postmenopausal osteoporosis.  Osteoporoz Dünyasından 1996; 2 (2): 55-59

10. AKI S, Müslümanoğlu L, Ketenci A, Aksoy C, Öncel A. Comparison of three different treatment modalities in 60 cases diagnosed with pes anserine bursitis.  Physical Treatment Rehabilitation Journal 1996; 20 (2): 70-74

11. Sofu M, AKI S, Öncel A, Eskiyurt N. The effectiveness of moclobemide on pain and psychological parameters in the fibromyalgia syndrome.  Physical Treatment Rehabilitation Journal 1996; 20 (3): 115-120

12. Öncel A, Eskiyurt N, AKI S, TiryAKI D. The effect of texonicam on prostaglandin E2 secretion in cases with gonarthrosis.  Physical Treatment Rehabilitation Journal 1996; 20 (3): 131-135

13. AKI S, Filiz M, Müslümanoğlu L, Yüksel V, Şencan Ş, Berker E. The relationship between various clinical findings and urinary function in patients with spinal cord lesions.  Physical Treatment and Rehabilitation Journal 1996; 20 (4): 169-173

14. Yıldız E, AKI S, Öztürk Y, Buğdaycı D, Yelkovan M, Şencan S. The efficacy of sulfasalazine in rheumatoid arthritis.  Physical Treatment and Rehabilitation Journal 1996; 20 (4): 183-189

15. Yıldız EÖ, AKI S, Şencan S, Değer A, Adatepe T, Diniz F. Postpolio syndrome. Neuropsychiatry Archive 1997; 33 (1) 31-37

16. Müslümanoğlu L, AKI S, Filiz M, Bazaargan A, Aksoy C, Yüksel V, Berker E. Motor, sensory and functional recovery in patients with spinal cord lesions.  Istanbul Medical School Journal.  1997; 60 (2): 159-165

17. Sofu M, AKI S, Öncel A, Eskiyurt N. Therapeutic effectiveness of multidisciplinary methods consisting of physical treatment modalities, moclobemide and a combination of physical treatment modalities and moclobemide in the fibromyalgia syndrome, Istanbul Medical Faculty Journal.   1997; 60 (4): 420-425

18. AKI S, Şencan S, Öztürk Y, Soy D, Toklu M. Tinel and Phalen test in carpal tunnel syndrome. Rheumatology and Medical Rehabilitation Journal 1997; 8 (4): 310-314 

19. Kozakçıoğlu M, AKI S, Karan A, Naraghi M, Aksoy C, İşsever H, Eskiyurt N, Berker E. A new Approach to the Treatment of Patello-Femoral Osteorthritis – Taping Method.   Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Journal 1997; 23(4): 168-170

20. AKI S. Functional anatomy of the lumbar vertebral column, Turkish Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Journal-Special Volume, May 1998: 12-20

21. AKI S, Eskiyurt N. Osteoporosis and Biochemical Markers, Galenos 1998; 11: 24-26  

22. AKI S, Şencan S, Karan A, Berker E. Compression of the deep branch of the ulnar nerve: A case report. Turkish Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Journal 1998; 1(1): 54-59

23. AKI S, Alev L, Karan A. Evaluation of Etiologic Factors Causing Sciatic  Nerve Neuropathy.  Turkish Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Journal 1998; 1(1): 65-67

24. AKI S, Şencan S, Değer A, Yıldız EÖ. Evaluation of functional condition in cases with polio sequel and postpolio syndrome.  Rheumatology and Medical Rehabilitation Journal 1998; 1 (3): 191-195

25. Deryani E, AKI S, Şencan S, Rasim Ş, Rozanes İ. Comparison of examinations with electromyography and magnetic resonance imaging in the carpal tunnel syndrome.  Turkish Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Journal 1998; 1(3): 20-24

26. Genç S, Salmanyeli N, AKI S. Evaluation of serum interleukin-6 levels as osteoblastic activity indicators in menopause. Istanbul Medical School Journal  1998; 61 (2): 203-207

27. Karan A, AKI S, Müslümanoğlu L, Beyaz M, Kayserilioğlu A, Özcan E, Berker E. Aerobic capacity in patients with chronic lower back pain.  Istanbul Medical School Journal  1998; 61 (4): 451-455

28. AKI S, Filiz M, Müslümanoğlu L, Yüksel V, Şencan S, Berker E. The relationship between urinary infections and various clinical findings in patients with spinal cord lesion. Medical Bulletin of Istanbul Medical Faculty 1998; 31 (1): 51-55

29. Eskiyurt N, AKI S, Öncel A, Durmuş A. Use of 1.25 dihydroxyvitamin D3 (Calcitriol) in the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis.  Osteoporoz Dünyasından 1999; 51: 14-18

30. Karan A, Müslümanoğlu L, AKI S, Filiz M, Özcan E, Berker E.  The comparison of the efficacy aerobic exercises versus strengthening, stretching and mobilization exercises in subakute and chronic low back pain. Journal of Medical Sciences 1999; 29: 475-479 

31. Karan A, Müslümanoğlu L, Durmuş B, Ketenci A, Aydın R, AKI S, Aksoy C. Comparison of different application techniques and short-term effectiveness of intra-articular Na-hyaluronate (Orthovisc) injections in patients with knee osteoarthritis.   Ağrı 2000; 12 (4): 31-35

32. AKI S, Eskiyurt N, Akarırmak Ü, Tüzün F, Eryavuz M, Alper S, Arpacıoğlu O, Atalay F, Göncü K, Kavuncu V, Kokino S, Kuru Ö, Nas K, Özerbil Ö, Savaş G, Şendur ÖF, Soy D, Akyüz G, Osteoporosis Society. Side effect profile due to use of alendronate in osteoporosis treatment.   Osteoporoz Dünyasından 2001;4:126-131

33. Ofluoğlu D, Akyüz G, Eskiyurt N, AKI S, Kayhan Ö, Öncel A. Quality of life in Turkish women with osteoporosis.  Osteoporoz Dünyasından 2001; 4:138-142

34. AKI S, Gülbaba RG, Eskiyurt N. The effect of alendronate treatment on bone density and bone markers in postmenopausal osteoporosis.  Osteoporoz Dünyasından 2002; 1:27-33 

35. Aksaç B, AKI S, Karan A, Eskiyurt N, Yalçın Ö, Işıkoğlu M. The short-term effectiveness of biofeedback and pelvic floor exercises in the rehabilitation of stres urinary incontinence. Turkish Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Journal 2002; 48 (5):18-23 

36. AKI S. Electrodiagnosis. Aktüel Medical Journal 2002; 2:59-66

37. AKI S. Balance and coordination exercises. Hipokrat Dergisi, special volume 2003: 19-22

38. AKI S. Prevetion of osteoporosis, and protection.  Doktor 2003; 16:38-41

Panel speeches verbally delivered at national scientific meetings (congresses, symposia, colloquia) and published as a full text or an abstract; 

1. AKI S. Functional Anatomy.  Diagnosis and rehabilitation in lower back pain, post-graduation training course.  Istanbul, 20-21 November 1997  

2. AKI S. Electrodiagnostic evaluation and botulinum toxin application in cranio-servical junction problems.  Course on traditional and manual medicine approaches to cranio-servical junction problems.  Post-graduation training course.  Istanbul, 25-27 April 2002

3. AKI S. Electrophysiological evaluation in entrapment neuropathies of the upper extremities. Prof. Dr. İsmet Çetinyalçın Günleri. Istanbul, 24 May 2002

4. AKI S. Prevention of osteoporosis, and protection.  I.U. Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Days. Rize, 13-15 September 2002 

5. AKI S. What approach should we adopt to prevent osteoporosis? Gynecology and Obstetrics training meetings.  Istanbul, 7 April 2002

6. AKI S. Nerve Transmission Studies.  Electroneuromyography course.  19th National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress. Antalya, 04-08 October 2003

7. AKI S. Current Outlook to Osteoporosis, treatment and supportive medicine, physical activities and exercises.

8. Basic Complementary and Supportive Treatment Methods in Motor System Disorders.  Istanbul, 02-04 April 2004

9. AKI S, Akgün K, Dıraçoğlu D. Intra-articular and soft tissue injection methods and botulinum toxin injection.  Basic Complementary and Supportive Treatment Methods in Motor System Disorders.  Istanbul, 02-04 April 2004

10. AKI S. Epidemiology of osteoarthritis. 5th Mediterranean Congress of  Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine.Antalya, Turkey, 30 September-04 October, 2004.  

11. AKI S. Nerve Transmission Studies, EMG course.  20th National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress. Bodrum, 22 June 2005.

12. AKI S. Additional Problems and Basic, Complementary, Supportive Treatments in Locomotor System Disorders Symposium. Istanbul, 9-11 September 2005.

13. AKI S. Rehabilitation Principles in Osteoporosis.  2nd National Osteoporosis Congress. Antalya, 

14. 2 October 2005.

15. AKI S. Osteoporotic Patients.  Patient School.  Istanbul Medical School Kemal Atay Lecture Hall, Istanbul, 23 March 2006

16. AKI S. EMG in Entrapment Syndromes of the Upper and Lower Extremities.   National Rheumatic Diseases Congress. Antalya, 26-30 April 2006.

Papers verbally presented at national scientific meetings and published as an abstract; 

1. E. Özcan, N. Taşbaş, S. AKI, S. Naaman, G. Akyüz, E.Berker, O. Sengir, K. Yücel. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the training and group exercise program in patients with ankylosing spondylitis.  VIIth National Rheumatology Congress  Side-Antalya, 30 October-1 November 1990,  Program and Free Papers Abstract Book, s: 80

2. a) Dilşen G, Oral A, Yalıman A, Aydın R, Ketenci A, AKI S, Soy D. European vertebral osteoporosis study. Istanbul Medical School XIth Medical Congress, 22- 25 September 1991, Istanbul, p:105

b) Dilşen G, Oral A, Yalıman A, Aydın R, Ketenci A, AKI S, Soy D. European vertebral osteoporosis study. XIIIth National Physical Treatment and Rehabilitation Congress  Kapadokya-Nevşehir, 27 October-2 November 1991,  Program and Abstract Book, p: 142

3. Soy D, Ketenci A, AKI S, Yalıman A, Aydın R, Oral A, Dilşen G. Vertebral osteoarthrosis research in our country.  VIIIth National Rheumatology Congress  Istanbul, 7-11 September 1992,  Program and Abstract Book, p:  10

4. Ketenci A, Soy D, AKI S, Yalıman A, Aydın R, Oral A, Dilşen G, Kubat A. Vertebral osteoarthrosis research in the Turkish society (EVOS).  VIIIth National Rheumatology Congress  Istanbul, 7-11 September 1992,  Program and Abstract Book, p:  11

5. AKI S, Dilşen G, Buğdaycı D, Yalıman A, Aydın R, Dequeker J. Prevalence of hand osteoarthritis in the Turkish Society. IXth National Rheumatology Congress  11-14 October 1994, Antalya Free Papers Abstract Book, p: 12

6. Yüksel V, Doğan Ö, Müslümanoğlu L, Karasu H, AKI S, Boran T, İş M, Tosyalı L, Berker E. Intervertebral disk lesion and amyloid accumulation. XVth National Physical Treatment and Rehabilitation Congress  27-31 May 1995, Istanbul, Program and Abstract Book, p: 63

7. Sofu M, AKI S, Öncel A, Eskiyurt N. Results obtained from physical treatment modalities, moclobemide and the combination of both. XVth National Physical Treatment and Rehabilitation Congress  27-31 May 1995, Istanbul, Program and Abstract Book, p: 67

8. Dilşen G, Gökmen E, Soy D, AKI S, Ketenci A, Aydın R, Oral A, Yalıman A. Vertebral deformity prevalence in our country:  EVOS I study. XVth National Physical Treatment and Rehabilitation Congress  7-31 May 1995, Istanbul, Program and Abstract Book, p: 76

9. Eskiyurt N, Öncel A, Berker E, AKI S. Results obtained with calcitonin in postmenopausal osteoporosis.  XVth National Physical Treatment and Rehabilitation Congress  27-31 May 1995, Istanbul, Program and Abstract Book, p: 79

10. Aksoy C, Karan A, Naraghi M, Kozakçıoğlu M, AKI S, İşsever H, Hepgül S, Eskiyurt N. Tibial ultrasonography and DXA in the diagnosis of osteoporosis.  XVth National Physical Treatment and Rehabilitation Congress  27-31 May 1995, Istanbul, Program and Abstract Book, p: 80

11. Filiz M, AKI S, Müslümanoğlu L, Bazaargan A, Yüksel V, Berker E. The characteristics of quadriplegic and paraplegic patients. XVth National Physical Treatment and Rehabilitation Congress  27-31 May 1995, Istanbul, Program and Abstract Book, p: 94

12. Müslümanoğlu L, AKI S, Filiz M, Bazaargan A, Aksoy C, Yüksel V, Berker E. Motor, sensory and functional recovery in patients with spinal cord lesions.  XVth National Physical Treatment and Rehabilitation Congress  27-31 May 1995, Istanbul, Program and Abstract Book, p: 94

13. a) AKI S, Aysal F, Şencan S, Yazıcı J, Öge AE. Recording from second lumbrical interosseous muscles in the carpal tunnel syndrome. XVth National Clinical Neurophysiology and EEG - EMG Congress, 10 - 13 May 1998, Adana, Program and Abstract Book, p: 85 

b) AKI S, Aysal F, Şencan S, Yazıcı J, Öge AE. Recording from second lumbrical interosseous muscles in the carpal tunnel syndrome. XVIIth National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress  16-21 May 1999, Antalya, Abstract Book, p: 9

14. a) AKI S, Öge AE. IIIrd volar interosseous paralysis due to chronic trauma. XVth National Clinical Neurophysiology and EEG - EMG Congress, 10 - 13 May 1998, Adana, Program and Abstract Book, p: 130 

b) AKI S, Öge AE. IIIrd volar interosseous paralysis due to chronic trauma. XVIIth National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress  16-21 May 1999, Antalya, Abstract Book, p: 9

15. A Karan, C Aksoy, B Durmuş, A Ketenci, R Aydın, S AKI. Comparison of different application techniques and short-term effectiveness of intra-articular Na-hyaluronate (Orthovisc) injections in patients with knee osteoarthritis.   XVIIth National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress  16-21 May 1999, Antalya, Abstract Book, p: 14

16. Dıraçoğlu D, Bölükbaş N, Ural İ, AKI S, Eskiyurt N. Use of Weekly Risedronate 35 mg in Postmenopausal Osteoporotic Women.  One-Year Results.  2nd National Osteoporosis Congress. Antalya, 28 September-2 October 2005, Osteporoz Dünyasından, special volume September 2005, S03.

17. Bölükbaş N, Dıraçoğlu D, Ural İ, AKI S, Eskiyurt N. Use of Weekly Alendronate 70 mg in Postmenopausal Osteoporotic Women.  One-Year Results.  2nd National Osteoporosis Congress. Antalya, 28 September-2 October 2005, Osteporoz Dünyasından, special volume September 2005, S04.

18. Esmaeilzadeh S, Başat H, Bölükbaş N, Vural M, Dıraçoğlu D, AKI S, Eskiyurt N. Effectiveness of Hormone Replacement Treatment in the Prevention of Osteoporosis in Patients with Menopause due to Surgery. 2nd National Osteoporosis Congress. Antalya, 28 September-2 October 2005, Osteporoz Dünyasından, special volume September 2005, S06.

Posters presented at national scientific meetings and published as a full text or an abstract; 

1. Bardak A, Yılmaz M T, Berker E, Oral A, AKI S, Ketenci A. The relationship of limitation of the motion of the joint and familial anamnesis in diabetus mellitus . XIIIth National Physical Treatment and Rehabilitation Congress  Kapadokya-Nevşehir, 27 October-2 November 1991,  Program and Abstract Book, s: 117

2. AKI S, Müslümanoğlu L, Ketenci A, Aksoy C, Öncel A. Clinical and radiologic characteristics of patients with pes anserine bursitis. XIIIth National Physical Treatment and Rehabilitation Congress  Kapadokya-Nevşehir, 27 October-2 November 1991,  Program and Abstract Book, s: 122

3. Ketenci A, Müslümanoğlu L, Danışgel S, Berker E, AKI S. Demographic characteristics of 800 patients under special monitoring. XIIIth National Physical Treatment and Rehabilitation Congress  Kapadokya-Nevşehir, 27 October-2 November 1991,  Program and Abstract Book, s: 196

4. a) Yerebakan O, Öncel A, AKI S, Müslümanoğlu L. Assessment of effectiveness of electroacupuncture in gonarthrosis.  XIIIth National Physical Treatment and Rehabilitation Congress  Kapadokya-Nevşehir, 27 October-2 November 1991,  Program and Abstract Book, s: 230

b) Yerebakan O, Müslümanoğlu L, AKI S, Kozakçıoğlu M, Eskiyurt N, Öncel A. Efficacy of electroacupuncture in knee osteoarthritis.  XIVth National Physical Treatment and Rehabilitation Congress, Kuşadası, 10-15 May 1993, Abstract Book, p: 212

5. AKI S, Soy D, Ketenci A, Yalıman A, Aydın R, Oral A, Dilşen G. Prevalence of lower back pain in people aged 50 and above in our Society. VIIIth National Rheumatology Congress  Istanbul, 7-11 September 1992,  Program and Abstract Book, p:  8

6. AKI S, Dilşen G, Buğdaycı D, Yalıman A, Aydın R, Oral A, Ketenci A, Gökmen E, İşsever H. Prevalence of hand osteoporosis in our Society. XIVth National Physical Treatment and Rehabilitation Congress, Kuşadası, 10-15 May 1993, Abstract Book, p: 142

7. Öncel A, Eskiyurt N, AKI S, TiryAKI D. The effect of texonicam (Zikaral) on prostaglandin E2 secretion in cases with gonarthrosis.  XIVth National Physical Treatment and Rehabilitation Congress, 10-15 May 1993, Kuşadası, Abstract Book, p: 165

8. Ketenci A, Soy D, AKI S, Yalıman A, Aydın R, Oral A, Kubat A. Vertebral osteoarthrosis research in the Turkish society (EVOS).  Ist National Menopause and Osteoporosis Symposium, Istanbul, 22-24 September 1993,  Program and Free Papers Abstract Book, p: 68

9. AKI S, Soy D, Ketenci A, Yalıman A, Oral A, Aydın R, Dilşen G. Osteoarthritis in hand joints. XVth National Physical Treatment and Rehabilitation Congress  27-31 May 1995, Istanbul, Program and Abstract Book, p: 133

10. a) Alev L, Boyacıyan A, AKI S, Yazıcı J, Öge A, Baslo A. Sciatic nerve neuropathies.  13. th National Clinical Neurophysiology EEG - EMG Congress, 26 – 28 April 1995, Istanbul, Abstract Book, p: 27 

b) AKI S, Alev L, Karan A. Evaluation of Etiologic Factors Causing Sciatic  Nerve Neuropathy.  XVIth National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress  15-18 May 1997, Ankara, Program and Abstract Book, p: 152

11. Eskiyurt N, AKI S, Öncel A. A placebo-controlled study showing clinical safety of Tenoxicam in painful patients with disk pathology. XVth National Physical Treatment and Rehabilitation Congress  27-31 May 1995, Istanbul, Program and Abstract Book, p: 119

12. AKI S, Müslümanoğlu L, Yüksel V, Aksoy C, Eskiyurt N, Berker. Deterioration of osteophyte development in patients with knee osteoarthritis and type II Diabetes Mellitus (DM).  XVth National Physical Treatment and Rehabilitation Congress  27-31 May 1995, Istanbul, Program and Abstract Book, p: 130

13. Sofu M, AKI S, Öncel A, Eskiyurt N. The effectiveness of moclobemide on pain and psychological parameters in the fibromyalgia syndrome.  XVth National Physical Treatment and Rehabilitation Congress  27-31 May 1995, Istanbul, Program and Abstract Book, p: 140

14. Yüksel V, Eskiyurt N, Öncel A, Güvener B, AKI S, Paçacı E, Ersoy E. Comparison of diclophenac sodium penetration into synovial fluid using the iontophoresis and the placebo group in inflammatory knee osteoarthritis.   XVIth National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress  15-18 May 1997, Ankara, Program and Abstract Book, p: 64

15. Müslümanoğlu L, AKI S, Öztürk Y, Soy D, Filiz M, Karan A, Berker E. Motor, sensory and functional recovery in patients with spinal cord lesions.  XVIth National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress  15-18 May 1997, Ankara, Program and Abstract Book, p: 74

16. Ketenci A, Karan A, AKI S, Durmuş B, Müslümanoğlu L, Berker E, Diniz F. The relationship of rehabilitation results with age and etiology in hemiplegic patients. XVIth National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress  15-18 May 1997, Ankara, Program and Abstract Book, p: 116

17. AKI S, Yelkovan M, Durmuş B, Yücel K, Berker E. Evaluation of therapeutic activities of feedback and complex application in hemiplegic cases.  XVIth National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress  15-18 May 1997, Ankara, Program and Abstract Book, p: 122

18. Dilşen G, Gökmen E, Şenocak M, Soy D, AKI S, Yalıman A, Aydın R, Oral A. The results of the Istanbul leg of the European vertebral osteoporosis study (EVOS). XVIth National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress  15-18 May 1997, Ankara, Program and Abstract Book, p: 131

19. Eskiyurt N, AKI S, Balık A, Öncel A. The effectiveness of calcitonin, physical activity, exercise along with calcium and diet therapy in cases with postmenopausal osteoporosis. XVIth National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress  15-18 May 1997, Ankara, Program and Abstract Book, p: 137

20. Deryani E, AKI S, Şencan S, Rasim Ş, Rozanes İ. Evaluation of MRI examinations in cases with carpal tunnel syndrome.  XVIth National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress  15-18 May 1997, Ankara, Program and Abstract Book, p: 147

21. AKI S, Yıldız E, Şencan S, Değer A. Evaluation of the functional state in cases with postpolio syndrome. XVIth National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress  15-18 May 1997, Ankara, Program and Abstract Book, p: 153

22. Şencan S, Müslümanoğlu L, Ketenci A, Karan A, Filiz M, Arıkan E, AKI S, Berker E, Yıldız. Frequency of low back pain in employees and risk factors.   XVIth National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress  15-18 May 1997, Ankara, Program and Abstract Book, p: 163

23. Özgün Ş R, Yıldız E.Ö, AKI S, Filiz M. The effectiveness of the training and exercise program in musculoskeletal system diseases in people working on computers.  XVIth National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress  15-18 May 1997, Ankara, Program and Abstract Book, p: 163

24. Eskiyurt N, Öncel A, AKI S, Karan A, Yelkovan M, Şencan S, Durmuş B. The effectiveness of piroxicam in patients with acute mechanical low back pain.  XVIth National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress  15-18 May 1997, Ankara, Program and Abstract Book, p: 168

25. AKI S, Eskiyurt N, Öncel A, Akyüz G, Şen N, Öztürk A. Evaluation of the effect of alendronate therapy on bone formation and resorption markers in postmenopausal osteoporosis.  XVIIth National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress  16-21 May 1999, Antalya, Abstract Book, p: 85

26. Eskiyurt N, AKI S, Öncel A, Şen N, Öztürk A. Evaluation of the effect of calcitriol therapy on biochemical markers and bone density in postmenopausal osteoporosis.  XVIIth National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress  16-21 May 1999, Antalya, Abstract Book, p: 82

27. B Aksaç, N Eskiyurt, S AKI, A Öncel, N Şen, A Aydoğan. Evaluation of the effect of pamidronate therapy on bone formation and resorption markers in postmenopausal osteoporosis.  XVIIth National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress  16-21 May 1999, Antalya, Abstract Book, p: 83

28. Aksaç B, AKI S, Karan A, Yalçın Ö, Işıkoğlu M, Eskiyurt N. The short-term effectiveness of biofeedback and pelvic floor muscle exercises in the rehabilitation of stress urinary incontinence. 2nd National Urogynecology Congress, Istanbul, 17-19 April 2002

29. Eskiyurt N, AKI S. Comparison of bone density in postmenopausal cases with and without scoliosis.  Ist National Osteoporosis Congress, Antalya, 7-11 October 2002. 

30. Müslümanoğlu L, AKI S, Türkdoğan D, Akyüz G, Us Ö. Sympathetic nerve block in acute and chronic period in patients with stroke, and its relationship with the level of motor function. 20th National Clinical Neurophysiology EEG-EMG Congress. Gaziantep, 27-31 May 2003 

31. Müslümanoğlu L, AKI S, Türkdoğan D, Akyüz G, Us Ö. Sympathetic nerve block in acute and chronic period in patients with stroke, and its relationship with the level of motor function. 19th National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress. Antalya, 04-08 October 2003, Program and Book of Proceedings, p: 94

32. Arıkan N, Yıldız A, AKI S, Müslümanoğlu L. The effectiveness of pulse magnetic field treatment on clinical and electrophysiologic endpoints in patient with idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome.   19th National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress. Antalya, 04-08 October 2003, Program and Book of Proceedings, p: 123

33. Dıraçoğlu D, AKI S, Eskiyurt N, Öncel A. The relationship between bone formation and resorption markers in postmenopausal osteoporosis. 19th National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress. Antalya, 04-08 October 2003, Program and Book of Proceedings, p: 138

34. Dıraçoğlu D, AKI S, Eskiyurt N. The relationship between body weight, age and bone mineral density.   19th National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress. Antalya, 04-08 October 2003, Program and Book of Proceedings, p: 140

35. Demirci S, Erkuş H, Çeşme F, Bölükbaş N, AKI S, Ender B. Demographic, psychological and clinical characteristics of female patients with fibromyalgia. 19th National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress. Antalya, 04-08 October 2003, Program and Book of Proceedings, p: 51

36. Müslümanoğlu L, AKI S, Türkdoğan D, Us Ö, Akyüz G. Evaluation of autonomic nerve system functions in patients with stroke, and its relationship with the site of lesion.   19th National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress. Antalya, 04-08 October 2003, Program and Book of Proceedings, p: 77

37. AKI S, Dıraçoğlu D, Bölükbaş N, Müslümanoğlu L. Sympathetic Skin Response in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.  20th National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress. Bodrum, 22-26 June 2005, Program and Book of Proceedings, PS-074

38. Dıraçoğlu D, Ural İ, Bölükbaş N, AKI S, Eskiyurt N. Use of Calcitonin in Postmenopausal Osteoporotic Women.  One-Year Results.  20th National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress. Bodrum, 22-26 June 2005, Program and Book of Proceedings, PS-214

39. Ural İ, Bölükbaş N, Dıraçoğlu D, AKI S, Eskiyurt N. One-year Effectiveness of Raloxifene in Patients with Postmenopausal Osteoporosis.  20th National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress. Bodrum, 22-26 June 2005, Program and Book of Proceedings, PS-215

40. Dıraçoğlu D, AKI S, Bölükbaş N, Eskiyurt N. The relationship between Bone Mineral Density and Vertebral Fracture in Postmenopausal Osteoporosis.  20th National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress. Bodrum, 22-26 June 2005, Program and Book of Proceedings, PS-216

41. Bölükbaş N, Dıraçoğlu D, AKI S, Eskiyurt N. Demographic Characteristics of Patients who applied to the Osteoporosis Unit.  20th National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress. Bodrum, 22-26 June 2005, Program and Book of Proceedings, PS-217

42. Başat H, Esmaeilzadeh S, Vural M, Bölükbaş N, Dıraçoğlu D, AKI S, Eskiyurt N. Evaluation of the Efficacy of Bisphosphonates in the Treatment of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis.  2nd National Osteoporosis Congress. Antalya, 28 September-2 October 2005, Osteporoz Dünyasından, special volume September 2005, S09.

43. Dıraçoğlu D, Bölükbaş N, AKI S, Eskiyurt N. Examination of Bone Mineral Density in Patients with Postural Disorder.  2nd National Osteoporosis Congress. Antalya, 28 September-2 October 2005, Osteporoz Dünyasından, special volume September 2005, P32.

Panel chairman, session chairman in national scientific meetings with a book of proceedings.  

1. AKI S, Tüfekçi M. Detrusor Overaktivitesi, VI. Oturum. (Langer R. Pregnancy, birth and pelvic floor.  Sarig J. Strengthening pelvic floor muscles. Anders K. Treatment of destrusor instability without medications, bladder training.  Yalçın İ. The effectiveness of pharmacological treatment in stress urinary incontinence; the efficacy and safety of duloxetine). 2nd National Urogynecology Congress. Istanbul.17-19 April 2002.

2. AKI S. Etiopathogenesis in Osteoporosis, Biberoğlu S. 2nd National Osteoporosis Congress. Antalya, 28 September-2 October 2005

3. AKI S, Sarikaya Selda. Avoid toxins. Kavuncu Vural.  Movement Control, Young Age Symposium – 1, Bodrum, 29 June - 1 July 2006. 


2-Citings in journals covered by SCI Expanded SSCI, AHCI;

A- Müslümanoğlu L, AKI S, Öztürk Y, Soy D, Filiz M, Karan A, Berker E. Motor, sensory and functional recovery in patients with spinal cord lesions. Spinal Cord 1997; 35 (6): 386-389

1. Dallmeijer AJ, Van der Woude LHV, Hollander PAP, et al. Physical performance in persons with spinal cord injuries after discharge from rehabilitation. Med Scı Sport Exer 31 (8): 1111-1117 AUG 1999

2. Van der Putten JMF, Stevenson VL, Playford ED, et al. Factors affecting functional outcome in patients with nontraumatic spinal cord lesions after inpatient rehabilitation. Neurorehab Neural Re 15 (2): 99-104 2001

3. Wood-Dauphinee S, Exner G. Quality of life in patients with spinal cord injury - basic issues, assessment, and recommendations - Results of a consensus meeting.Restor Neurol Neuros 20 (3-4): 135-149 2002

4. Van Tuijl JH, Janssen-Potten YJM, Seelen HAM. Evaluation of upper extremity motor function tests in tetraplegics. Spınal Cord 40 (2): 51-64 FEB 2002

5. Tooth L, McKenna K, Geraghty T. Rehabilitation outcomes in traumatic spinal cord injury in Australia: functional status, length of stay and discharge setting.Spınal Cord 41 (4): 220-230 APR 2003 

6. Chen CL, Yeung KT, Bih LI, et al. The relationship between sitting stability and functional performance in patients with paraplegia. Arch Phys Med Rehab 84 (9): 1276-1281 SEP 2003

7. De Groot S, Dallmeijer AJ, Kilkens OJ, et al.Course of gross mechanical efficiency in handrim wheelchair propulsion during rehabilitation of people with spinal cord injury: A prospective cohort study.  Arch Phys Med Rehab 86 (7): 1452-1460 JUL 2005

8. Yılmaz F, Sahin F, Aktug S, Kuran B, Tılmaz A. Long-term follow-up patients with spinal cord injury. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 19(4):332-337 DEC 2005

9. Gauler R, Moulin P, Koch HG, et al.Paragliding accidents with spinal cord injury: 10 Years' experience at a single institution. Spine 31 (10): 1125-1130 MAY 1 2006

B- Deryani E, AKI S, Muslumamoglu L, Rozanes I. MR imaging and electrophysiological evaluation in Carpal Tunnel Syndrom. Yonsei Medical Journal 44 (1): 27-32 FEB 2003

1. Jarvik JG, Yuen E, Kliot M. Diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome: electrodiagnostic and MR imaging evaluation. Neuroimaging Clinics of North America  14 (1): 93- FEB 2004

2. Tuncali D, Barutcu AY, Terzioglu A, et al.Transverse carpal muscle in association with carpal tunnel syndrome: Report of three cases. Clinical Anatomy 18 (4): 308-312 MAY 2005

3. Uchiyama S, Itsubo T, Yasutomi T, et al. Quantitative MRI of the wrist and nerve conduction studies in patients with idiopathic carpal tunel syndrome. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 76 (8): 1103-1108 AUG 2005

4. Tuncali D, Barutcu AY, Terzioglu A, et al. Carpal tunel syndrome: Comprasion of intraoperative structural cahanges with clinical and electrodiagnostic severity. British Journal of Plastic Surgery. 58 (8): 1136-1142 DEC 2005

C- Aksac B, AKI S, Karan A, et al.Biofeedback and pelvic floor exercises for the rehabilitation of urinary stress incontinence. Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation 56 (1): 23-27 2003

1. Norton P, Brubaker L. Urinary incontinence in women. Lancet 367 (9504): 57-67 Jan 7 2006

2. Hay-Smith EJC, Dumoulin C. Pelvic floor muscle training versus no treatment, or inactive control treatments, for urinary incontinence in women Cochrane Database Of Systematic Reviews (1): Art. No. Cd005654 2006

3. Viola D, Comerci F, Martorana G. Rehabilitation therapy and urinary incontinence after radical retropubic prostatectomy - A critical review of the literature. Urologia Internationalis 76 (3): 193-198 2006

D- Muslumanoglu L, Akyuz G, AKI S, et al.Evaluation of autonomic nervous system functions in post-stroke patients. American Journal Of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 81 (10): 721-725 Oct 2002

1. Muslumanoglu L, AKI S, Turkdogan D, et al.Involvement of sympathetic reflex activity in patients with acute and chronic stroke: A comparison with functional motor capacity, Archives Of Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation 85 (3): 470-473 Mar 2004 

2. Ulas U, Unlu E, Hamamcioglu K, et al. Dysautonomia in fibromyalgia syndrome: sympathetic skin responses and RR interval analysis. Rheumatology International 26 (5): 383-387 Mar 2006 


Consultant for medical specialty thesis

1. Dr Saime Demirci. Evaluation of the efficacy of three different treatment protocols that cover exercise and/or medical therapy in postmenopausal osteoporosis.  Istanbul Medical Faculty, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department, 2003.

2. Dr. Meltem Vural. R-R Interval Variability of Autonomic Dysfunction in Fibromyalgia Syndrome and its Evaluation using Sympathetic Skin Response. Istanbul Medical Faculty, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department.


1. 3- Authentic researches, articles, compilations and references in journals in the scope of SCI Expanded, Social Science Index (SSCI), Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI);

2. Muslumanoglu L, Akyüz G, AKI S, Karsidag S, Us O. Evaluation of autonomic nervous functions in post-stroke patients. American Journal of  Physical Medicine&Rehabilitation 2002; 81 (10): 721-725 

3. Muslumanoglu L, AKI S, Turkdogan D, et al.Involvement of sympathetic reflex activity in patients with acute and chronic stroke: A comparison with functional motor capacity 

4. Archives Of Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation 85 (3): 470-473 Mar 2004

5. Ulas U, Unlu E, Hamamcioglu K, et al. Dysautonomia in fibromyalgia syndrome: sympathetic skin responses and RR interval analysis. Rheumatology International 26 (5): 383-387 Mar 2006 

6. Unlu E, Ulas UH, Gurcay E, et al.Genital sympathetic skin responses in fibromyalgia syndrome Rheumatology International 26 (11): 1025-1030 SEP 2006

7. Deryanı E, AKI S, Muslumanoglu L, Rozanes I. Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Electrophysiological Evaluation In Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Yonsei Medical Journal 2003; 44 (1): 27-32 

8. Jarvik JG, Yuen E, Kliot M. Diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome: electrodiagnostic and MR imaging evaluation. Neuroimaging Clinics of North America  14 (1): 93- FEB 2004

9. Tuncali D, Barutcu AY, Terzioglu A, et al.Transverse carpal muscle in association with carpal tunnel syndrome: Report of three cases. Clinical Anatomy 18 (4): 308-312 MAY 2005

10. Uchiyama S, Itsubo T, Yasutomi T, et al. Quantitative MRI of the wrist and nerve conduction studies in patients with idiopathic carpal tunel syndrome. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 76 (8): 1103-1108 AUG 2005

11. Tuncali D, Barutcu AY, Terzioglu A, et al. Carpal tunel syndrome: Comprasion of intraoperative structural cahanges with clinical and electrodiagnostic severity. British Journal of Plastic Surgery. 58 (8): 1136-1142 DEC 2005

12. Uysal M, Ozkoc G, Akpinar S, et al.Combined ulnar and carpal tunnel syndrome caused by pigmented villo-nodular tenosynovitis: a rare case ARCHIVES OF ORTHOPAEDIC AND TRAUMA SURGERY 127 (7): 563-565 SEP 2007 

13. Müslümanoğlu L, AKI S, Turkdogan D, Us O, Akyüz G. Involvement of sympathetic reflex activity in patients with acute and chronic stroke: a comparison with functional motor capacity. Archives of  Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2003; 85 (3): 470-473

14. Selcuk B, Ersoz M, Inanir M, et al.Sympathetic skin responses in hemiplegic patients with and without complex regional pain syndrome Neurology India 54 (3): 279-282 Sep 2006

Papers and posters presented at national scientific meetings;

1. AKI S, Aysal F, Şencan S, Yazıcı J, Öge AE. Recording from second lumbrical interosseous muscles in the carpal tunnel syndrome. XVth National Clinical Neurophysiology and EEG - EMG Congress, 10 - 13 May 1998, Adana, Program and Abstract Book, p: 85 

2. AKI S, Aysal F, Şencan S, Yazıcı J, Öge AE. Recording from second lumbrical interosseous muscles in the carpal tunnel syndrome. XVIIth National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress  16-21 May 1999, Antalya, Abstract Book, p: 9

3. AKI S, Öge AE. IIIrd volar interosseous paralysis due to chronic trauma. XVth National Clinical Neurophysiology and EEG - EMG Congress, 10 - 13 May 1998, Adana, Program and Abstract Book, p: 130 

4. AKI S, Öge AE. IIIrd volar interosseous paralysis due to chronic trauma. XVIIth National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress  16-21 May 1999, Antalya, Abstract Book, p: 9

5. Alev L, Boyacıyan A, AKI S, Yazıcı J, Öge A, Baslo A. Sciatic nerve neuropathies.  13th National Clinical Neurophysiology EEG - EMG Congress, 26 – 28 April 1995, Istanbul, Abstract Book, p: 27 

6. AKI S, Alev L, Karan A. Evaluation of Etiologic Factors Causing Sciatic  Nerve Neuropathy.  XVIth National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress  15-18 May 1997, Ankara, Program and Abstract Book, p: 152

7. Deryani E, AKI S, Şencan S, Rasim Ş, Rozanes İ. Evaluation of MRI examinations in cases with carpal tunnel syndrome.  XVIth National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress  15-18 May 1997, Ankara, Program and Abstract Book, p: 147

8. Müslümanoğlu L, AKI S, Türkdoğan D, Akyüz G, Us Ö. Sympathetic nerve block in acute and chronic period in patients with stroke, and its relationship with the level of motor function. 19th National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress. Antalya, 04-08 October 2003, Program and Book of Proceedings, p: 94

9. Arıkan N, Yıldız A, AKI S, Müslümanoğlu L. The effectiveness of pulse magnetic field treatment on clinical and electrophysiological endpoints in patient with idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome.   19. th National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress. Antalya, 04-08 October 2003, Program and Book of Proceedings, p: 123

10. Müslümanoğlu L, AKI S, Türkdoğan D, Us Ö, Akyüz G. Evaluation of autonomic nerve system functions in patients with stroke, and its relationship with the site of lesion.   19th National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress. Antalya, 04-08 October 2003, Program and Book of Proceedings, p: 77

11. AKI S, Dıraçoğlu D, Bölükbaş N, Müslümanoğlu L. Sympathetic Skin Response in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.  20th National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress. Bodrum, 22-26 June 2005, Program and Book of Proceedings, PS-074

12. Kerem Alptekin, Lutfiye Muslumanoğlu, AKI Semih. Istanbul University, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department, EMG Laboratory results. 21st National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress  24-29 October 2007, Kervansaray Otel, Lara-Antalya

13. Kerem Alptekin, Demirhan Dıraçoğlu, Bahar Teksoz, Lutfiye Muslumanoğlu, AKI Semih. Comparison of EMG, MRI and clinical findings in patients with a prediagnosis of cervical and lumbar radiculopathy.  21st National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress  24-29 October 2007, Kervansaray Otel, Lara-Antalya

Book chapters authored; 

1. AKI S: Elektrodiagnoz. Diniz F, Ketenci A (eds). Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, İstanbul, 81-109, 2000

2. AKI S. Polinöropatiler. Akyüz G (ed). Electrodiagnosis, Electroneuromyography, evoked potentials, electroencephalography. Güneş Kitabevi, Ankara, 257-288, 2003

3. “Practical Guide on Electrodiagnosis” in the publishing process.

Articles published in domestic peer-reviewed journals; 

1. AKI S, Şencan S, Öztürk Y, Soy D, Toklu M. Tinel and Phalen test in carpal tunnel syndrome. Rheumatology and Medical Rehabilitation Journal 1997; 8 (4): 310-314 

2. AKI S, Şencan S, Karan A, Berker E. Compression of the deep branch of the ulnar nerve: A case report. Turkish Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Journal 1998; 1(1): 54-59

3. AKI S, Alev L, Karan A. Evaluation of Etiologic Factors Causing Sciatic Nerve Neuropathy.  Turkish Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Journal 1998; 1(1): 65-67

4. Deryani E, AKI S, Şencan S, Rasim Ş, Rozanes İ. Comparison of examinations with electromyography and magnetic resonance imaging in the carpal tunnel syndrome.  Turkish Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Journal 1998; 1(3): 20-24

5. AKI S. Electrodiagnosis. Aktüel Medical Journal 2002; 2:59-66

Panel speeches at national scientific meetings (congresses, symposia, colloquia, etc.) and conferences;

1. AKI S. Electrodiagnostic evaluation and botulinum toxin application in cranio-servical junction problems.  Course on traditional and manual medicine approaches to cranio-servical junction problems.  Post-graduation training course.  Istanbul. 25-27 April 2002

2. AKI S. Electrophysiological evaluation in entrapment neuropathies of the upper extremities. Prof. Dr. İsmet Çetinyalçın Günleri. Istanbul, 24 May 2002

3. AKI S. Nerve Transmission Studies.  Electroneuromyography course.  19th National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress. Antalya, 04-08 October 2003

4. AKI S. Nerve Transmission Studies, EMG course.  20th National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress. Bodrum, 22 June 2005.

5. AKI S. EMG in Entrapment Syndromes of the Upper and Lower Extremities.   National Rheumatic Diseases Congress. Antalya, 26-30 April 2006.

6. AKI S. Entrapment neuropathies:  Electrodiagnosis and treatment.  Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress  24-29 October 2007, Kervansaray Otel, Lara-Antalya

Consultant for medical specialty thesis;

Dr. Meltem Vural. R-R Interval Variability of Autonomic Dysfunction in Fibromyalgia Syndrome and its Evaluation using Sympathetic Skin Response. Istanbul Medical Faculty, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department.


1. Dilşen G, Ketenci A, Soy D,  AKI S, Yalıman A, Aydın R, Oral A: An epidemiological study of vertebral osteoporosis in Turkish population. VII. Mediterranean Congress of Rheumatology, June 16-18 1994 Athens-Greece, Abstract Book, p: 55.

2. Eskiyurt N, Öncel A, AKI S: The results obtained by calcitonine therapy in cases of post-menapausal osteoporosis. 1996 World Congress on Osteoporosis, May 18-23 1996, Amsterdam. Osteoporosis International 1996; 6 (Suppl 1): 268.

3. Dilşen G, Gökmen E, Şenocak M, Soy D, AKI S, Yalıman A: The European Vertebral Osteoporosis Study in Istanbul, Turkey. 1996 World Congress on Osteoporosis, May 18-23 1996, Amsterdam. Osteoporosis International 1996; 6 (Suppl 1): 128.

4. Dilşen G, Gökmen E, Şenocak M, Soy D, AKI S, Yalıman A, Ketenci A, Aydın R, Oral A: The European vertebral osteoporosis study in Istanbul-Turkey. VIII. Mediterranean Congress of Rheumatology, June 24-26 1996, Istanbul-Turkey, Abstracts.

5. Dilşen G, Gökmen E, Şenocak M, Soy D, AKI S, Yalıman A, Aydın R, Oral A : The European Vertebral Osteoporosis Study in Istanbul. 5th Marmara Medical Days, September 16-19 1996, İstanbul. Marmara Medical Journal 1996; 9 (3): 6 

6. Eskiyurt N, AKI S, Balık A, Öncel A, Akyüz G: The efficacy of the calcitonin therapy, physical activity, calcium and diet in patients with postmenapausal osteoporosis. The 8th World Congress of the International Rehabilitation Medicine Association (IRMA VIII). August 31-September 4 1997, Kyoto-Japan, Abstract Book.

7. Eskiyurt N, AKI S, Gülbaba G, Akyüz G, Aksaç B, Öncel A: The action of alendronate on the markers of bone turnover. Europan Congress on Osteoporosis. September 11-15 1998, Berlin. Osteoporosis International 1998; 8 (Supl 3): 81.

8. Dilşen G, Oral A, Yalıman A, Aydın R, Ketenci A, AKI S, Soy D: European vertebral osteoporosis study. Istanbul Medical School XIth Medical Congress, 22- 25 September 1991, Istanbul, p:105.

9. Dilşen G, Oral A, Yalıman A, Aydın R, Ketenci A, AKI S, Soy D: European vertebral osteoporosis study. XIIIth National Physical Treatment and Rehabilitation Congress  Kapadokya-Nevşehir, 27 October-2 November 1991,  Program and Abstract Book, s: 142.

10. Ketenci A, Soy D, AKI S, Yalıman A, Aydın R, Oral A, Dilşen G, Kubat A: Vertebral osteoarthrosis research in the Turkish society (EVOS).  VIIIth National Rheumatology Congress Istanbul, 7-11 September 1992,  Program and Abstract Book, p:  11.

11. Ketenci A, Soy D, AKI S, Yalıman A, Aydın R, Oral A, Kubat A: Vertebral osteoarthrosis research in the Turkish society (EVOS).  Ist National Menopause and Osteoporosis Symposium, Istanbul, 22-24 September 1993,  Program and Free Papers Abstract Book, p: 68

12. AKI S, Dilşen G, Buğdaycı D, Yalıman A, Aydın R, Oral A, Ketenci A, Gökmen E, İşsever H: Prevalence of hand osteoporosis in our Society. XIVth National Physical Treatment and Rehabilitation Congress, Kuşadası, 10-15 May 1993, Abstract Book, p: 142

13. Dilşen G, Gökmen E, Soy D, AKI S, Ketenci A, Aydın R, Oral A, Yalıman A: Vertebral deformity prevalence in our country:  EVOS I study. XVth National Physical Treatment and Rehabilitation Congress  7-31 May 1995, Istanbul, Program and Abstract Book, p: 76.

14. Eskiyurt N, Öncel A, Berker E, AKI S: Results obtained with calcitonin in postmenopausal osteoporosis.  XVth National Physical Treatment and Rehabilitation Congress 27-31 May 1995, Istanbul, Program and Abstract Book, p: 79.

15. Dilşen G, Gökmen E, Şenocak M, Soy D, AKI S, Yalıman A, Aydın R, Oral A: The results of the Istanbul leg of the European vertebral osteoporosis study (EVOS). XVIth National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress  15-18 May 1997, Ankara, Program and Abstract Book, p: 131

16. Eskiyurt N, AKI S, Balık A, Öncel A: The effectiveness of calcitonin, physical activity, exercise along with calcium and diet therapy in cases with postmenopausal osteoporosis. XVIth National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress  15-18 May 1997, Ankara, Program and Abstract Book, p: 137

17. AKI S, Eskiyurt N, Öncel A, Akyüz G, Şen N, Öztürk A: Evaluation of the effect of alendronate therapy on bone formation and resorption markers in postmenopausal osteoporosis.  XVIIth National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress  16-21 May 1999, Antalya, Abstract Book, p: 85

18. Eskiyurt N, AKI S, Öncel A, Şen N, Öztürk A: Evaluation of the effect of calcitriol therapy on biochemical markers and bone density in postmenopausal osteoporosis.  XVIIth National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress  16-21 May 1999, Antalya, Abstract Book, p: 82

19. B Aksaç, N Eskiyurt, S AKI, A Öncel, N Şen, A Aydoğan: Evaluation of the effect of pamidronate therapy on bone formation and resorption markers in postmenopausal osteoporosis.  XVIIth National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress  16-21 May 1999, Antalya, Abstract Book, p: 83

20. Eskiyurt N, Öncel A, AKI S: Results obtained with calcitonin in postmenopausal osteoporosis.  Osteoporoz Dünyasından 1996; 2 (2): 55-5920

21. AKI S, Eskiyurt N: Osteoporosis and Biochemical Markers, Galenos 1998; 11: 24-26  

22. Genç S, Salmanyeli N, AKI S: Evaluation of serum interleukin-6 levels as osteoblastic activity indicators in menopause. Istanbul Medical School Journal  1998; 61 (2): 203-207

23. AKI S, Eskiyurt N, Akarırmak Ü, Tüzün F, Eryavuz M, Alper S, Arapacıoğlu O, Atalay F, Kavuncu V, Kokino S, Kuru Ö, Nas K, Özerbil Ö, Savaş G, Şendur ÖF, Soy D, Akyüz G, and Turkish Osteoporosis Society. Gastrointestinal side effect profile due to the use of alendronate in the treatment of osteoporosis. Yonsei Medical Journal 2003; 44 (6): 961-967

24. AKI S, Gulbaba RG, Eskiyurt N. Effect of alendronate on bone density and bone markers in postmenopausal osteoporosis. Journal of Back and Muskuloskeletal Rehabilitation 2003; 17 (1): 27-31

25. Eskiyurt N, Öncel A, AKI S. Results obtained with calcitonin in postmenopausal osteoporosis.  Osteoporoz Dünyasından 1996; 2 (2): 55-59

26. Eskiyurt N, AKI S, Öncel A, Durmuş A. Use of 1.25 dihydroxyvitamin D3 (Calcitriol) in the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis.  Osteoporoz Dünyasından 1999; 51: 14-18

27. AKI S, Eskiyurt N, Akarırmak Ü, Tüzün F, Eryavuz M, Alper S, Arpacıoğlu O, Atalay F, Göncü K, Kavuncu V, Kokino S, Kuru Ö, Nas K, Özerbil Ö, Savaş G, Şendur ÖF, Soy D, Akyüz G, Osteoporoz Derneği. Side effect profile due to use of alendronate in osteoporosis treatment.   Osteoporoz Dünyasından 2001;4:126-131

28. Ofluoğlu D, Akyüz G, Eskiyurt N, AKI S, Kayhan Ö, Öncel A. Quality of life in Turkish women with osteoporosis.  Osteoporoz Dünyasından 2001;4:138-142

29. AKI S, Gülbaba RG, Eskiyurt N. The effect of alendronate treatment on bone density and bone markers in postmenopausal osteoporosis.  Osteoporoz Dünyasından 2002;1:27-33 

30. AKI S. Prevention of osteoporosis, and protection.  Doktor 2003;16:38-41

31. AKI S. Prevention of osteoporosis, and protection.  I.U. Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Days. Rize, 13-15 September 2002 

32. AKI S. What approach should we adopt to prevent osteoporosis? Gynecology and 

33. Obstetrics training meetings.  Istanbul, 7 April 2002

34. -AKI S. Current Outlook to Osteoporosis, treatment and supportive medicine, physical activities and exercises.

35. Basic Complementary and Supportive Treatment Methods in Motor System Disorders.  Istanbul, 02-04 April 2004

36. AKI S, Eskiyurt N, Öncel A, Akyüz G, Şen N, Öztürk A. Evaluation of the effect of alendronate therapy on bone formation and resorption markers in postmenopausal osteoporosis.  XVIIth National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress  16-21 May 1999, Antalya, Abstract Book, p: 85

37. Eskiyurt N, AKI S, Öncel A, Şen N, Öztürk A. Evaluation of the effect of calcitriol therapy on biochemical markers and bone density in postmenopausal osteoporosis.  XVIIth National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress  16-21 May 1999, Antalya, Abstract Book, p: 82

- Aksaç B, Eskiyurt N, AKI S, Öncel A, Şen N, Aydoğan A. Evaluation of the effect of pamidronate therapy on bone formation and resorption markers in postmenopausal osteoporosis.  XVIIth National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress  16-21 May 1999, Antalya, Abstract Book, p: 83

38. Eskiyurt N, AKI S. Comparison of bone density in postmenopausal cases with and without scoliosis.  Ist National Osteoporosis Congress, Antalya, 7-11 October 2002. 

- Dıraçoğlu D, AKI S, Eskiyurt N, Öncel A. The correlation between bone formation and resorption markers in postmenopausal osteoporosis. 19th National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress. Antalya, 04-08 October 2003, Program and Book of Proceedings, p: 138

- Dıraçoğlu D, AKI S, Eskiyurt N. The relationship between body weight, age and bone mineral density.   19th National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress. Antalya, 04-08 October 2003, Program and Book of Proceedings, p: 140

39. Consultant for thesis:  Dr Saime Demirci. Evaluation of the efficacy of three different treatment protocols that cover exercise and/or medical therapy in postmenopausal osteoporosis.  Istanbul Medical Faculty, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department, 2003.

40. AKI S, Eskiyurt N, Akarırmak Ü, Tüzün F, Eryavuz M, Alper S, Arpacıoğlu O, Atalay F, Göncü K, Kavuncu V, Kokino S, Kuru Ö, Nas K, Özerbil Ö, Savaş G, Şendur ÖF, Soy D, Akyüz G, Osteoporosis Society. Side effect profile due to use of alendronate in osteoporosis treatment.   Osteoporoz Dünyasından 2001;4:126-131

41. Ofluoğlu D, Akyüz G, Eskiyurt N, AKI S, Kayhan Ö, Öncel A. Quality of life in Turkish women with osteoporosis.  Osteoporoz Dünyasından 2001;4:138-142

42. AKI S, Gülbaba RG, Eskiyurt N. The effect of alendronate treatment on bone density and bone markers in postmenopausal osteoporosis.  Osteoporoz Dünyasından 2002;1:27-33 1. –

Eskiyurt N, AKI S. Comparison of bone density in postmenopausal cases with and without scoliosis.  Ist National Osteoporosis Congress, Antalya, 7-11 October 2002. 

43. Eskiyurt N, AKI S, Akyüz G, Eryavuz M, Tuzun S. Effect of calcitriol treatment on calcium metabolism in women with osteoporosis.Clinical advanceses in osteoporosis. Honolulu, Hawaii. March 6-9, 2002.

44. Eskiyurt N, Erkan Ö, AKI S, Öncel A. The effects of exercise in bone mineral density and life quality at postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. IOF world congress on osteoporosis. Lisbon, Portucal. 10-14 May, 2002. 

45. Eskiyurt N, AKI S, Akyüz G, Eryavuz M, Tuzun S. Effect of calcitriol treatment on calcium metabolism in women with osteoporosis.Clinical advanceses in osteoporosis. Honolulu, Hawaii. March 6-9, 2002.

46. Eskiyurt N, Erkan Ö, AKI S, Öncel A. The effects of exercise in bone mineral density and life quality at postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. IOF world congress on osteoporosis. Lisbon, Portucal. 10-14 May, 2002.

47. Akyüz G, Akarirmak U, AKI S, Uğrlu H, Gündüz OH, Ofluoğlu D, Sindel D, Eryavuz M, Eskiyurt N. Social and economic burden of osteoporosis and fractures in Turkish postmenopausal women. Third International Symposium on Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis. Barcelona, Spain, 6-9 November, 2002. 

- AKI S. What approach should we adopt to prevent osteoporosis? Gynecology and Obstetrics Training Meetings. Istanbul. 7 April 2003. 

48. Akyüz G, Akarirmak U, AKI S, Uğrlu H, Gündüz OH, Ofluoğlu D, Sindel D, Eryavuz M, Eskiyurt N. Social and economic burden of osteoporosis and fractures in Turkish postmenopausal women. Third International Symposium on Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis. Barcelona, Spain, 6-9 November, 2002. 

49. AKI S, Gulbaba RG, Eskiyurt N. Effect of alendronate on bone density and bone markers in postmenopausal osteoporosis. Journal of Back and Muskuloskeletal Rehabilitation 2003; 17

50. AKI S, Eskiyurt N, Akarırmak Ü, Tüzün F, Eryavuz M, Alper S, Arapacıoğlu O, Atalay F, Kavuncu V, Kokino S, Kuru Ö, Nas K, Özerbil Ö, Savaş G, Şendur ÖF, Soy D, Akyüz G, and Turkish Osteoporosis Society. Gastrointestinal side effect profile due to the use of alendronate in the treatment of osteoporosis. Yonsei Medical Journal 2003; 44 (6): 961-967 

51. Dilsen G, Ketenci A, Bugdayci DS, AKI S. An epidemioloigical study of vertebral osteoporosis in Turkish population. Fourth European Congress on Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis. Nice, France, 14-17 November, 2003. Osteoporosıs International. 2003; 14 (suppl. 7): 72 

52. Ural I, AKI S, Eskiyurt N. Effect of Risedronate 35 mg per week at postmenopausal women after 1 year use. 5th Mediterranean Congress of  Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine.Antalya, Turkey, 30 September-04 October, 2004. 

53. Ural I, AKI S, Eskiyurt N. Effect of Alendronate 70 mg per week at postmenopausal women after 2 years. 5th Mediterranean Congress of  Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine.Antalya, Turkey, 30 September-04 October, 2004.

54. AKI S. Prevention of osteoporosis, and protection.  Doktor 2003;16:38-41

55. AKI S. Current Outlook to Osteoporosis, treatment and supportive medicine, physical activities and exercises.

56. Basic Complementary and Supportive Treatment Methods in Movement Disorders.  Istanbul, 02-04 April 2004

- Dıraçoğlu D, AKI S, Eskiyurt N, Öncel A. The correlation between bone formation and resorption markers in postmenopausal osteoporosis. 19th National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress. Antalya, 04-08 October 2003, Program and Book of Proceedings, p: 

- Dıraçoğlu D, AKI S, Eskiyurt N. The relationship between body weight, age and bone mineral density.   19th National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress. Antalya, 04-08 October 2003, Program and Book of Proceedings, p:  140

57. AKI S, Bölükbaşı N, I Ural, Eskiyurt N. The Protective Effect of Body Mass Index on Osteoporosis. 2nd Joint Meeting of the European Calcified Tissue Society and the International Bone and Mineral Society. Genova, Switzerland, 25-29 June 2005; P720-Su 58. AKI S. Osteoporozlu Hastalar. Hasta Okulu. İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Kemal Atay Amfisi, İstanbul, 17 Mart 2005-Dıraçoğlu D, Bölükbaş N, Ural İ, AKI S, Eskiyurt N. Use of Weekly Risedronate 35 mg in Postmenopausal Osteoporotic Women.  One-Year Results.  2nd National Osteoporosis Congress. Antalya, 28 September-2 October 2005, Osteporoz Dünyasından, special volume September 2005, S03.

59. Bölükbaş N, Dıraçoğlu D, Ural İ, AKI S, Eskiyurt N. Use of Weekly Alendronate 70 mg in Postmenopausal Osteoporotic Women.  One-Year Results.  2nd National Osteoporosis Congress. Antalya, 28 September-2 October 2005, Osteporoz Dünyasından, special volume September 2005, S04.

60. Esmaeilzadeh S, Başat H, Bölükbaş N, Vural M, Dıraçoğlu D, AKI S, Eskiyurt N. Effectiveness of Hormone Replacement Treatment in the Prevention of Osteoporosis in Patients with Menopause due to Surgery. 2nd National Osteoporosis Congress. Antalya, 28 September-2 October 2005, Osteporoz Dünyasından, special volume September 2005, S06.

61. Dıraçoğlu D, Ural İ, Bölükbaş N, AKI S, Eskiyurt N. Use of Calcitonin in Postmenopausal Osteoporotic Women.  One-Year Results.  20th National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress. Bodrum, 22-26 June 2005, Program and Book of Proceedings, PS-214

62. Ural İ, Bölükbaş N, Dıraçoğlu D, AKI S, Eskiyurt N. One-year Effectiveness of Raloxifene in Patients with Postmenopausal Osteoporosis.  20th National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress. Bodrum, 22-26 June 2005, Program and Book of Proceedings, PS-215

63. Dıraçoğlu D, AKI S, Bölükbaş N, Eskiyurt N. The relationship between Bone Mineral Density and Vertebral Fracture in Postmenopausal Osteoporosis.  20th National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress. Bodrum, 22-26 June 2005, Program and Book of Proceedings, PS-216

64. Bölükbaş N, Dıraçoğlu D, AKI S, Eskiyurt N. Demographic Characteristics of Patients who applied to the Osteoporosis Unit.  20th National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress. Bodrum, 22-26 June 2005, Program and Book of Proceedings, PS-217

65. Başat H, Esmaeilzadeh S, Vural M, Bölükbaş N, Dıraçoğlu D, AKI S, Eskiyurt N. Evaluation of the Efficacy of Bisphosphonates in the Treatment of Postmenapausal Osteoporosis.  2nd National Osteoporosis Congress. Antalya, 28 September-2 October 2005, Osteporoz Dünyasından, special volume September 2005, S09.

66. Dıraçoğlu D, Bölükbaş N, AKI S, Eskiyurt N. Examination of Bone Mineral Density in Patients with Postural Disorders.  2nd National Osteoporosis Congress. Antalya, 28 September-2 October 2005, Osteporoz Dünyasından, special volume September 2005, P32.

67. Vural M, Esmaeilzadeh S, Basat H, AKI S, Eskiyurt N. The importance of difference between arm span and standing height in elderly postmenopausal osteroporotic women. IOF World Congress on Osteoporosis Toronto, Canada, June 2-6, 2006

68. AKI S. Osteoporotic Patients.  Patient School.  Istanbul Medical School Kemal Atay Lecture Hall, Istanbul, 23 March 2006

69. AKI S, Eskiyurt N, Akarirmak U, Tuzun F, Eryavuz M, Alper S, Arpacioglu O, Atalay F, Kavuncu V, Kokino S, Kuru O, Nas K, Ozerbil O, Savas G, Sendur OF, Soy D, Akyuz G Turkish Osteoporosis Soc. Gastrointestinal side effect profile due to the use of alendronate in the treatment of osteoporosis Yonsei Medical Journal 44 (6): 961-967 DEC 30 2003 

70. Xiong HF, Peng B, Wei LL, et al.Effect of an estrogen-deficient state and alendronate therapy on bone loss resulting from experimental periapical lesions in rats JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS 33 (11): 1304-1308 NOV 200

71. Vural M, Esmaeilzadeh S, Basat H , AKI S , Eskiyurt N. The importance of difference between arm span and standing height in elderly postmenopausal osteoporotic women. 

72. Osteoporosis International 17: S205-S205 Suppl. 2, MAY 2006 

73. Noffsinger AE. Update on Esophagitis Controversial and Underdiagnosed Causes 

74. Conference Information: Conference on Advances in Esophageal Pathology, SEP, 2008 San Diego, CA ARCHIVES OF PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE   2009; 133 (7): 1087-1095 

75. Rabenda V, Hiligsmann M, Reginster JY.Poor adherence to oral bisphosphonate treatment and its consequences: A Review of the Evidence  Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy 2009;10 (14): 2303-2315 

76. Muslumanoglu L, Akyuz G, AKI S, et al.Evaluation of autonomic nervous system functions in post-stroke patients. American Journal Of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 81 (10): 721-725 Oct 2002

77. Takei K, ArAKI N, Ohkubo T, et al.Comparison of the Anti-Hypertensive Effects of the L/N-Type Calcium Channel Antagonist Cilnidipine, and the L-Type Calcium Channel Antagonist Amlodipine in Hypertensive Patients with Cerebrovascular Disease  Internal Medicine   2009; 48(16): 1357-1361  

78. Noffsinger AE. Update on Esophagitis Controversial and Underdiagnosed Causes 

79. Conference Information: Conference on Advances in Esophageal Pathology, SEP, 2008 San Diego, CA ARCHIVES OF PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE   2009; 133 (7): 1087-1095 

80. Rabenda V, Hiligsmann M, Reginster JY.Poor adherence to oral bisphosphonate treatment and its consequences: a review of the evidence  expert opinion on pharmacotherapy 2009;10 (14): 2303-2315 

81. Iwamoto J, Miyata A, Sato Y, et al.Factors Affecting Discontinuation of Alendronate Treatment in Postmenopausal Japanese Women With Osteoporosis JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION.2009;72 (12):619-624    

82. AKI S, Gülbaba RG, Eskiyurt N. The effect of alendronate treatment on bone density and bone markers in postmenopausal osteoporosis.  Osteoporoz Dünyasından 2002;1:27-33 

83. Can the effect of risedronate therapy on bone mineral density in postmenopausal osteoporosis be determined in advance with biochemical markers? Osteoporoz Dünyasından 2007; 12 (4):74-80 

84. Papaioannou A, Kennedy CC, Dolovich L, et al. Patient adherence to osteoporosis medications - Problems, consequences and management strategies DRUGS & AGING 24 (1): 37-55 2007 

85. Kamatari M, Koto S, Ozawa N, et al. Factors affecting long-term compliance of osteoporotic patients with bisphosphonate treatment and QOL assessment in actual practice: alendronate and risedronate  JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL METABOLISM 25 (5): 302-309 SEP 2007

86. Meltem Vural, Hande Başat, Sina Esmaılzadeh, Demirhan Dıraçoğlu, Semih AKI, Nurten Eskıyurt. Demographic characteristics of patients who applied to the osteporosis diagnosis and treatment unit.  21st National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress  24-29 October 2007, Kervansaray Otel, Lara-Antalya

87. Hande Başat, Sina Esmaılzadeh, Meltem Vural, Semih AKI, Nurten Eskıyurt. The evaluation of bone mineral density, fall and fracture risk in postmenopausal women with Type II diabetes mellitus.  21st National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress 24-29 October 2007, Kervansaray Otel, Lara-Antalya.

88. Sina Esmaılzadeh, Meltem Vural, Hande Başat, Semih AKI, Nurten Eskıyurt. The relationship between the risk of fall and serum 25 hydroxyvitamin D3 level in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis.  21st National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress 24-29 October 2007, Kervansaray Otel, Lara-Antalya.

89. Nurten Eskıyurt, Nur Kesiktaş Sakar, Demirhan Dıraçoğlu, Semih AKI. Comparison of certain osteoporosis treatment protocols in postmenopausal women with type II diabetes.  21st National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress 24-29 October 2007, Kervansaray Otel, Lara-Antalya.

90. Nur Kesiktaş, Demirhan Dıraçoğlu, Semih AKI, Nurten Eskiyurt. Comparison of alendronate, risedronate and intranasal calcitonin for treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausall women with diabetes type II. 8th EUROPEAN CONGRESS on Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis" İstanbul 9-12.NİSAN,2008

91. Güzin Dilşen, Resa Aydın, Ayşegül Çakmak, Semih AKI, Derya Soy, Aydan Oral. Prevalence health impact and prevalence associated with vertebral deformities in men. 8th EUROPEAN CONGRESS on Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis" İstanbul 9-12.NİSAN,2008

92. Kerem Alptekin, Ekin İlke Özgörgü, Nurten Eskiyurt, Semih AKI. The effects of thyroid and hormone metabolism on fall and fracture risk.  3rd National Osteoporosis Congress. 15-19 October 2008, Antalya

93. AKI S. Osteoporotic Patients.  Patient School.  14 March 2007 Istanbul Medical School Kemal Atay Lecture Hall, Istanbul. 

94. AKI S. Osteoporotic fractures, protection from fractures. Osteoporosis in 21st Century. Turkish Osteoporosis Society, 3rd National Symposium. 06-08 April 2007, Ankara.  

95. AKI S. From Cinical Data to Real Life.  22.June 2007 Istanbul.

96. AKI S. Ethic issues in clinical studies on osteoporosis.  3rd National Osteoporosis Congress. 15-19 October 2008, Antalya

97. Öncel A, Eskiyurt N, Özcan E, Yalıman A, Müslümanoğlu L, AKI S, Karan A, Dıraçoğlu D. Regulaiton Board, 21st National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress  24-29 October 2007, Kervansaray Otel, Lara-Antalya

98. Nur Kesiktaş, Demirhan Dıraçoğlu, Semih AKI, Nurten Eskiyurt. Comparison of alendronate, risedronate and intranasal calcitonin for treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausall women with diabetes type II. 8th EUROPEAN CONGRESS on Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis" İstanbul 9-12.APRIL,2008

99. Güzin Dilşen, Resa Aydın, Ayşegül Çakmak, Semih AKI, Derya Soy, Aydan Oral. Prevalence health impact and prevalence associated with vertebral deformities in men. 8th EUROPEAN CONGRESS on Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis" İstanbul 9-12.APRIL,2008

100. Kerem Alptekin, Ekin İlke Özgörgü, Nurten Eskiyurt, Semih AKI. The effects of thyroid and hormone metabolism on fall and fracture risk.  3 rd National Osteoporosis Congress. 15-19 October 2008, Antalya

101. Darendeliler F, Poyrazoglu S, Bas F, Sancakli O, Gokcay G, Bas N, AKI S, Eskiyurt N. Adiponectin as an early indicator of insulin resistance in non-obese prepubertal children born large for gestational age HORMONE RESEARCH   Volume: 70   Pages: 62-62 Supplement: Suppl. 1, 2008 

102. AKI S. Ethic issues in clinical studies on osteoporosis.  3rd National Osteoporosis Congress. 15-19 October 2008, Antalya

103. AKI S. Bone Quality.  Ruzman Meeting 8-10 May 2009 Adıyaman.

104. AKI S. Symposium conclusion declaration.  Symposium on Osteoporosis in the Elderly People. 15-16 May 2009 Ankara.

105. AKI S. Measures for bone quality and therapeutic approaches.  4th Young Age Congress. 28-31 Mayıs 2009 Kıbrıs. 

106. AKI S. Bone Quality in Osteoporosis in the Elderly.   4th National Osteoporosis Symposium ‘Agign Bone, Fragile Bone’, Antalya 18-21 March 2010

107. AKI S. Actual Priorities in Osteoporosis.  4th National Osteoporosis Symposium ‘Agign Bone, Fragile Bone’, Antalya 18-21 March 2010

108. AKI S. The relationship between the risk of fall and serum 25 hydroxyvitamin D3 level in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis.  4th National Osteoporosis Symposium ‘Aging Bone, Fragile Bone’, Antalya 18-21 March 2010

109. AKI S. The relationship between the Bone Mineral Density and serum 25 hydroxyvitamin D level in postmenopausal women.  4th National Osteoporosis Symposium ‘Aging Bone, Fragile Bone’, Antalya 18-21 March 2010

110. AKI S. Demographic Characteristics of Men over 60 who applied to the Osteporosis Diagnosis and Treatment Unit.  4th National Osteoporosis Symposium ‘Aging Bone, Fragile Bone’, Antalya 18-21 March 2010


Müslümanoğlu L, AKI S, Öztürk Y, Soy D, Filiz M, Karan A, Berker E. Motor, sensory and functional recovery in patients with spinal cord lesions. Spinal Cord 1997; 35 (6): 386-389

1. Mulcahey MJ, Hutchinson D, Kozin S.Assessment of upper limb in tetraplegia: Considerations in evaluation and outcomes research. JOURNAL OF REHABILITATION RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 44 (1): 91-101 2007

2. Mulcahey MJ, Gaughan J, Betz RR, et al.The International Standards for Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord Injury: reliability of data when applied to children and youths, SPINAL CORD 45 (6): 452-459 JUN 2007

3. Lugo LH, Salinas F, Garcia HI.Out-patient rehabilitation programme for spinal cord injured patients: Evaluation of the results on motor FIM score. DISABILITY AND REHABILITATION 29 (11-12): 873-881 2007

4. Wirth B, van Hedel HJA, Kometer B, et al.Changes in activity after a complete spinal cord injury as measured by the Spinal Cord Independence Measure II (SCIM II) NEUROREHABILITATION AND NEURAL REPAIR  22 (2):145-153 MAR-APR 2008 

5. Spiess M, Schubert M, Kliesch U, et al.Evolution of tibial SSEP after traumatic spinal cord injury: Baseline for clinical trials.  CLINICAL NEUROPHYSIOLOGY   119 (5) 1051-1061 MAY 2008 

Aksac B, AKI S, Karan A, et al.Biofeedback and pelvic floor exercises for the rehabilitation of urinary stress incontinence. Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation 56 (1): 23-27 2003

1. Rett MT, Simoes JA, Herrmann V, et al.Management of stress urinary incontinence with surface electromyography-assisted biofeedback in women of reproductive age 

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3. Choi H, Palmer MH, Park J. Meta-analysis of pelvic floor muscle training - Randomized controlled trials in incontinent women. NURSING RESEARCH 56 (4): 226-234 JUL-AUG 2007 

4. Voorham-van der Zalm PJ, Lycklama a Nijeholt GAB, Elzevier HW, et al. "Diagnostic investigation of the pelvic floor": A helpful tool in the approach in patients with complaints of micturition, defecation, and/or sexual dysfunction. JOURNAL OF SEXUAL MEDICINE    5 (4) : 864-871, APR 2008 

5. Santiagu SK, Arianayagam M, Wang A.Urinary incontinence.  Pathophysiology and management outline AUSTRALIAN FAMILY PHYSICIAN   37 (3):106-110 MAR 2008 

6. Shamliyan TA, Kane RL, Wyman J, et al. Systematic review: Randomized, controlled trials of nonsurgical treatments for urinary incontinence in women. ANNALS OF INTERNAL MEDICINE   148 (6): 459-473 MAR 18 2008 

7. Brostrom S, Lose G. Pelvic floor muscle training in the prevention and treatment of urinary incontinence in women - what is the evidence? ACTA OBSTETRICIA ET GYNECOLOGICA SCANDINAVICA 87 (4):384-402, 2008

8. Demirturk F, Akbayrak T, Karakaya IC, et al. Interferential current versus biofeedback results in urinary stress incontinence. SWISS MEDICAL WEEKLY  138  (21-22): 317-321 MAY 31 2008 

AKI S, Eskiyurt N, Akarirmak U, Tuzun F, Eryavuz M, Alper S, Arpacioglu O, Atalay F, Kavuncu V, Kokino S, Kuru O, Nas K, Ozerbil O, Savas G, Sendur OF, Soy D, Akyuz G Turkish Osteoporosis Soc. Gastrointestinal side effect profile due to the use of alendronate in the treatment of osteoporosis Yonsei Medical Journal 44 (6): 961-967 DEC 30 2003 

1. Xiong HF, Peng B, Wei LL, et al.Effect of an estrogen-deficient state and alendronate therapy on bone loss resulting from experimental periapical lesions in rats JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS 33 (11): 1304-1308 NOV 2007

2. Papaioannou A, Kennedy CC, Dolovich L, et al. Patient adherence to osteoporosis medications - Problems, consequences and management strategies DRUGS & AGING 24 (1): 37-55 2007 

3. Kamatari M, Koto S, Ozawa N, et al. Factors affecting long-term compliance of osteoporotic patients with bisphosphonate treatment and QOL assessment in actual practice: alendronate and risedronate  JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL METABOLISM 25 (5): 302-309 SEP 2007

Deryani E, AKI S, Muslumamoglu L, et al. MR imaging and electrophysiological evaluation in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL 44 (1): 27-32 FEB 2003

1. Uysal M, Ozkoc G, Akpinar S, et al.Combined ulnar and carpal tunnel syndrome caused by pigmented villo-nodular tenosynovitis: a rare case ARCHIVES OF ORTHOPAEDIC AND TRAUMA SURGERY 127 (7): 563-565 SEP 2007 

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1. Öncel A, Eskiyurt N, Özcan E, Yalıman A, Müslümanoğlu L, AKI S, Karan A, Dıraçoğlu D. Regulaiton Board, 21st National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress  24-29 October 2007, Kervansaray Otel, Lara-Antalya

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3. 31st Annual Meeting American Society for Bone and Mineral Research. Denver, Colorado, USA October 15-19,2009

4. 4th National Osteoporosis Symposium ‘Aging Bone, Fragile Bone’, Antalya 18-21 March 2010

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1. Vural M, Esmaeilzadeh S, Basat H , AKI S , Eskiyurt N. The importance of difference between arm span and standing height in elderly postmenopausal osteoporotic women 

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3. Kerem Alptekin, Lutfiye Muslumanoğlu, AKI Semih. Istanbul University, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department, EMG Laboratory results. 21st National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress  24-29 October 2007, Kervansaray Otel, Lara-Antalya

4. Kerem Alptekin, Demirhan Dıraçoğlu, Bahar Teksoz, Lutfiye Muslumanoğlu, AKI Semih. Comparison of EMG, MRI and clinical findings in patients with a prediagnosis of cervical and lumbar radiculopathy.  21st National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress  24-29 October 2007, Kervansaray Otel, Lara-Antalya

5. Meltem Vural, Hande Başat, Sina Esmaılzadeh, Demirhan Dıraçoğlu, Semih AKI, Nurten Eskıyurt. Demographic characteristics of patients who applied to the osteporosis diagnosis and treatment unit.  21st National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress  24-29 October 2007, Kervansaray Otel, Lara-Antalya

6. Hande Başat, Sina Esmaılzadeh, Meltem Vural, Semih AKI, Nurten Eskıyurt. The evaluation of bone mineral density, fall and fracture risk in postmenopausal women with Type II diabetes mellitus.  21st National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress 24-29 October 2007, Kervansaray Otel, Lara-Antalya. 7. Sina Esmaılzadeh, Meltem Vural, Hande Başat, Semih AKI, Nurten Eskıyurt. The relationship between the risk of fall and serum 25 hydroxyvitamin D3 level in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis.  21st National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress 24-29 October 2007, Kervansaray Otel, Lara-Antalya.

8. Nurten Eskıyurt, Nur Kesiktaş Sakar, Demirhan Dıraçoğlu, Semih AKI. Comparison of certain osteoporosis treatment protocols in postmenopausal women with type II diabetes.  21st National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress 24-29 October 2007, Kervansaray Otel, Lara-Antalya.

9. Nur Kesiktaş, Demirhan Dıraçoğlu, Semih AKI, Nurten Eskiyurt. Comparison of alendronate, risedronate and intranasal calcitonin for treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausall women with diabetes type II. 8th EUROPEAN CONGRESS on Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis" İstanbul 9-12.APRIL,2008

10. Güzin Dilşen, Resa Aydın, Ayşegül Çakmak, Semih AKI, Derya Soy, Aydan Oral. Prevalence health impact and prevalence associated with vertebral deformities in men. 8th EUROPEAN CONGRESS on Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis" İstanbul 9-12.APRIL,2008


1. AKI S. The relationship between the risk of fall and serum 25 hydroxyvitamin D3 level in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis.  4th National Osteoporosis Symposium ‘Aging Bone, Fragile Bone’, Antalya 18-21 March 2010

2. AKI S. The relationship between the Bone Mineral Density and serum 25 hydroxyvitamin D level in postmenopausal women.  4th National Osteoporosis Symposium ‘Aging Bone, Fragile Bone’, Antalya 18-21 March 2010

3. AKI S. Demographic Characteristics of Men over 60 who applied to the Osteporosis Diagnosis and Treatment Unit.  4th National Osteoporosis Symposium ‘Aging Bone, Fragile Bone’, Antalya 18-21 March 2010

4. Esmaeilzadah S, Sen E, AKI S, et al The Relatıonshıp Between Serum 25-Hydroxy Vıtamın D And Fall Frequency In Patıents Wıth Postmenopausal Osteoporosis . IOF World Congress on Osteoporosis/10th European Congress on Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis, MAY 05-08, 2010 Florence, ITALY Osteoporosis Internatıonal  21, 86-187    Suppl. 1   May 2010


1. AKI S. Osteoporotic Patients.  Patient School.  14 March 2007 Istanbul Medical School Kemal Atay Lecture Hall, Istanbul. 

2. AKI S. Osteoporotic fractures, protection from fractures. Osteoporosis in 21st Century. Turkish Osteoporosis Society, 3rd National Symposium. 06-08 April 2007, Ankara.  

3. AKI S. Non-pharmacological approaches in the treatment of osteoarthritis.  Actual Topics in the Treatment of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis Treatment.  24-17 May 2007 Diyarbakır

4. AKI S. From Cinical Data to Real Life.  22.June 2007 Istanbul.

5. AKI S. Entrapment neuropathies:  Electrodiagnosis and treatment.  Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress  24-29 October 2007, Kervansaray Otel, Lara-Antalya

6. AKI S. Pain Assessment.  3rd National Rheumatic Diseases Congress. 14-18 May 2008 Antalya.

7. KI S. Bone Quality.  Ruzman Meeting 8-10 May 2009 Adıyaman.

8. AKI S. Symposium conclusion declaration.  Symposium on Osteoporosis in the Elderly People. 15-16 May 2009 Ankara.

9. AKI S. Measures for bone quality and therapeutic approaches.  4th Young Age Congress. 28-31 May 2009 Cyprus. 

10. AKI S. Bone Quality in Osteoporosis in the Elderly.   4th National Osteoporosis Symposium ‘Aging Bone, Fragile Bone’, Antalya 18-21 March 2010

11. AKI S. Actual Priorities in Osteoporosis.  4th National Osteoporosis Symposium ‘Agign Bone, Fragile Bone’, Antalya 18-21 March 2010


1. Darendeliler F, Poyrazoglu S, Sancakli O, Bas F, Gokcay G, AKI S, Eskiyurt N Adiponectin is an indicator of insulin resistance in non-obese prepubertal children born large for gestational age (LGA) and is affected by birth weight: CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY 70(5):710-716 2009 

2. Darendeliler F, Poyrazoglu S, Bas F, et al.Ghrelin levels are decreased in non-obese prepubertal children born large for gestational age EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY   2009; 60(6) :951-956    

3. Darendeliler F, Bas F, Bundak R, Asuman Coban, Ozlem Sancakli, Sema Kabatas Eryilmaz, Banu Kucukemre, Rian Disci, Gulbin Gokcay, Semih AKI, Zeynep Ince and Nurten Eskiyurt.Insulin resistance and body composition in preterm born children during prepubertal ages CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY    2008; 68(5): 773-779 

4. Garcia RAM, Longui CA, Kochi C, et al.First Two Years' Response to Growth Hormone Treatment in Very Young Preterm Small for Gestational Age Children HORMONE RESEARCH   2009; 72 (5):275-280

5. Strufaldi MWL, da Silva EMK, Puccini RF. Insulin resistance among Brazilian schoolchildren: association with risk factors for cardiovascular diseases  ACTA PAEDIATRICA   2009; 98(10): 1646-1650       

6. Muslumanoglu, L; AKI, S; Turkdogan, D, et al. Involvement of sympathetic reflex activity in patients with acute and chronic stroke: A comparison with functional motor capacity : ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION   2004; 85 (3): 470-473 

7. Mayo NE, Goldberg MSSource: When Is A Case-Control Study Not A Case-Control Study? JOURNAL OF REHABILITATION MEDICINE   41 (4); 209-216  2009 

8. Lee ACK, Tang SW, Tsoi TH, et al: Predictors of poststroke quality of life in older Chinese adults. JOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING   65 (3); 554-564 2009

9. Müslümanoğlu L, AKI S, Öztürk Y, Soy D, Filiz M, Karan A, Berker E. Motor, sensory and functional recovery in patients with spinal cord lesions. Spinal Cord 1997; 35 (6): 386-389

10. Mulcahey MJ, Gaughan J, Betz RRSource: Agreement of repeated motor and sensory scores at individual myotomes and dermatomes in young persons with complete spinal cord injury. SPINAL CORD 2009;47(1); 56-61 

11. Whiteneck G, Gassaway J, Dijkers M, et al. New Approach to Study the Contents and Outcomes of Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation: The SCIRehab Project JOURNAL OF SPINAL CORD MEDICINE    2009; 32 (3); 251-259 

12. Sancaklı O, Darendeliler F, Bas F, Gokcay G, Disci R, AKI S, Eskiyurt N. Insulin, adiponectin, IGFBP-1 levels and body composition in small-for-gestational age born non-obese children during prepubertal ages. CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY 2008;69 (1): 88-92 

13. Chiavaroli V, Giannini C, D'Adamo E, et al.Insulin Resistance and Oxidative Stress in Children Born Small and Large for Gestational Age  PEDIATRICS 2009;124 (2): 695-702  

14. Darendeliler F, Poyrazoglu S, Sancakli O, et al. Adiponectin is an indicator of insulin resistance in non-obese prepubertal children born large for gestational age (LGA) and is affected by birth weightSource: CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY 2009; 70(5): 710-716 

15. Briana DD, Malamitsi-Puchner, et al. A Intrauterine growth restriction and adult disease: the role of adipocytokines EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY  2009;160 (3): 337-347 

16. AKI S, Eskiyurt N, Akarirmak U, Tuzun F, Eryavuz M, Alper S, Arpacioglu O, Atalay F, Kavuncu V, Kokino S, Kuru O, Nas K, Ozerbil O, Savas G, Sendur OF, Soy D, Akyuz G Turkish Osteoporosis Soc. Gastrointestinal side effect profile due to the use of alendronate in the treatment of osteoporosis Yonsei Medical Journal 44 (6): 961-967 DEC 30 2003 

17. Noffsinger AE. Update on Esophagitis Controversial and Underdiagnosed Causes 

18. Conference Information: Conference on Advances in Esophageal Pathology, SEP, 2008 San Diego, CA ARCHIVES OF PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE   2009; 133 (7): 1087-1095 

19. Rabenda V, Hiligsmann M, Reginster JY.Poor adherence to oral bisphosphonate treatment and its consequences: a review of the evidence  expert opinion on pharmacotherapy 2009;10 (14): 2303-2315 

20. Iwamoto J, Miyata A, Sato Y, et al.Factors Affecting Discontinuation of Alendronate Treatment in Postmenopausal Japanese Women With Osteoporosis JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION.2009;72 (12):619-624    

21. Aksac B, AKI S, Karan A, et al.Biofeedback and pelvic floor exercises for the rehabilitation of urinary stress incontinence. Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation 56 (1): 23-27 2003

22. Sari D, Khorshid L: JOURNAL OF WOUND OSTOMY AND CONTINENCE NURSING 2009; 36 (4): 429-435 

23. Dumoulin C, Hay-Smith J.Pelvic floor muscle training versus no treatment, or inactive control treatments, for urinary incontinence in women COCHRANE DATABASE OF SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS   2010 Issue: 1 Article Number: CD005654   

24. Muslumanoglu L, Akyuz G, AKI S, et al.Evaluation of autonomic nervous system functions in post-stroke patients. American Journal Of Physical Medicine &

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26. Takei K, ArAKI N, Ohkubo T, et al.Comparison of the Anti-Hypertensive Effects of the L/N-Type Calcium Channel Antagonist Cilnidipine, and the L-Type Calcium Channel Antagonist Amlodipine in Hypertensive Patients with Cerebrovascular Disease  Internal Medicine   2009; 48(16): 1357-1361

27. Matayoshi S, Shimodozono M, Hirata Y, et al.Use of calcitonin to prevent complex regional pain syndrome type I in severe hemiplegic patients after stroke  DISABILITY AND REHABILITATION   2009;31 (21):1773-1779    

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29. Mottaghi P Intravenous bisphosphonates for postmenopausal osteoporosis. Journal Of Research In Medical Sciences  15(3)   175-184    May-Jun 2010

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31. Imamura M, Abrams P, Bain C, Et Al.Systematic Review And Economic Modelling Of The Effectiveness And Cost-Effectiveness Of Non-Surgical Treatments For Women With Stress Urinary Incontinence  HEALTH TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT   14(40) 1-+   AUG 2010 

32. Madombwe JP, Knight S High Prevalence Of Urinary İncontinence And Poor Knowledge Of Pelvic Floor Exercises Among Women İn Ladysmith  Sajog-South Afrıcan Journal Of Obstetrıcs And Gynaecology   16 (1)   : 18-21   Feb 2010 

33. Muslumanoglu L, Akyuz G, AKI S, et al. Evaluation of autonomic nervous system functions in post-stroke patients. American Journal Of Physical Medicine &Rehabilitation 81 (10): 721-725 Oct 2002

34. Zyluk A, Kosovets L An Assessment Of The Sympathetic Functıon Within The Hand In Patıents With Carpal Tunnel Syndrome  Journal Of Hand Surgery-European Volume  35e: 5 ; 402-408   Jun 2010


AKI S. Electrodes. Practical Guide on Electrodiagnosis.’Electroneuromyography,Evoked Potentials and Elctroencephalography’ Editors.Gülseren Akyüz, Tülin Tanrıdağ,Dilşad Türkdoğan, Hakan Gündüz.Güneş Tıp Kitapevleri Ankara 2010.


Areas of Interest

What is Cupping? What Are Its Benefits and How Is It Done?

Throughout history, complementary and traditional treatment methods have been used for various purposes. Cupping, also known as hijama, is a commonly used traditional therapy. It is a therapeutic technique that uses vacuum pressure created under a small vessel applied to the skin's surface. Cupping has various benefits, such as alleviating back, neck, and headache pain, as well as other medical issues. Cups made of various materials are placed on the problematic area for several minutes, creating a suction effect by specialists. There are two methods of cupping: dry and wet cupping, depending on the application procedures.

What is Trigger Finger Syndrome? Causes and Treatment

Trigger finger syndrome is a medical condition that affects the complex structure of our hands and fingers. This condition, particularly affecting the thumb and ring finger, is characterized by thickening of the tendons, making it difficult for the fingers to bend and straighten properly when flexing or extending. It is also known as "trigger finger syndrome," which impairs the normal movement of the fingers. During a contraction or locking event, returning the finger to its original position can lead to a painful process. Symptoms of trigger finger include clicking, pain, and stiffness. Treatment usually involves methods such as resting the fingers, using splints, and performing trigger finger exercises.

What is Homeopathy?

Practices referred to as traditional, complementary, or alternative medicine are medical systems and therapies used to maintain, promote, sustain health, alleviate discomfort, and heal physical and mental illnesses. One of these methods, homeopathy, operates on the principle of "like cures like." It supports the body’s natural healing process. Today, there are ongoing debates regarding how scientific the homeopathic method truly is, and discussions among philosophers of science about whether this discipline qualifies as a science continue.

What Causes Elbow Pain?

The elbow joint, responsible for the movements of the forearm, is a very important joint that determines the position of the hand in relation to the body. This joint, located at the connection point of the bones forming the arm, contains many muscles and tendons. Elbow pain occurring in this joint can reduce the quality of life by preventing the individual from performing even the simplest daily movements. Generally, it manifests as pain that prevents the hand from grasping and lifting any object, particularly pain in the outer side of the elbow.

What causes numbness?

Numbness in the body occurs as a result of excessive stimulation or damage to nerve cells. The sensation of numbness is commonly experienced in the hands, feet, legs, arms, and other areas of the body. The intensity of numbness is more important than the area affected. In the numb region, there may be a sensation of it being absent. It can be felt as tingling, or as burning or stabbing pains that cause discomfort. When numbness occurs in the brain, it affects either the right or left side of the body. Numbness in the hands and feet is often associated with pain and a burning sensation. This type of numbness, considered neuropathic pain, is commonly caused by diabetes.

Scoliosis: What It Is, Symptoms, and Treatment

Scoliosis is the curvature of the spine to the right or left. Although it is often associated with developmental disorders, the exact cause is not fully understood. It is usually diagnosed during childhood. The first signs include asymmetry in the shoulders and hips, and a bulge in the patient's back. Sometimes, the condition is detected incidentally during a chest X-ray. Scoliosis can also cause displacement in the hips, shoulder blades, and rib cage. Scoliosis is more common in girls.

Rheumatoid Arthritis (Inflammatory Rheumatism): Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Rheumatoid arthritis, commonly known as inflammatory rheumatism, is one of the significant chronic inflammatory diseases that directly affects a person's quality of life. It is typically seen in adults between the ages of 30 and 50. Although factors such as smoking, stress, infection, hormonal changes, and gender are known to be associated with the disease, genetic factors are primarily responsible for its onset. Early diagnosis directly influences the course of the disease and the patient's response to treatment. Therefore, having accurate knowledge about rheumatoid arthritis and being able to recognize the symptoms and signs at an early stage is extremely important. You can find detailed information in the continuation of our article.

What is Paraplegia? What is its Treatment?

Paraplegia, also known as spinal cord paralysis, is a condition characterized by the loss of movement and sensation in both legs and generally in the lower extremities, including the abdomen and lower back. A similar condition to spinal cord paralysis is paraparesis, where both legs are partially paralyzed. In paraplegia, there is still movement in the feet, but due to muscle weakness, the patient cannot walk independently.

What is Osteoporosis? How is it treated?

Osteoporosis, the most common metabolic bone disease in the population, has become a significant public health issue due to its ability to shorten life expectancy. The disease usually occurs in women after the age of 45, with a prevalence of 50-55% in women aged 50-60, 70-80% in women aged 60-70, and 85-90% in those over 70. The prevalence of osteoporosis in men over 50 is 13%. Women are at higher risk of developing osteoporosis due to their lower bone density compared to men.

Osteoporosis (Bone Thinning)? Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Bones regenerate over time, but as age increases, this regeneration slows down. If the reduction in regeneration occurs faster than normal, it indicates the presence of osteoporosis. Poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle starting in childhood play a role in the development of various bone disorders later in life. Osteoporosis is a bone disease that affects bone density and puts health at risk. The symptoms of osteoporosis are often noticed after a fall, which is why it is called a "silent" disease. Painful bones and issues like a hunched back are other symptoms of osteoporosis. Lifestyle changes can help prevent osteoporosis or support treatment.

What Are the Causes of Shoulder Pain? How Is It Treated?

Shoulder pain is one of the most common joint pains. It is a widespread issue, especially among individuals who use their arms frequently for work, and it can negatively impact the quality of life.

What is Clinical Pilates and What Are Its Benefits?

Clinical Pilates, which has been steadily gaining popularity in recent years, has made a significant impact in the treatment of various health conditions through its adaptation by healthcare professionals. Prof. Dr. Semih Akı, a Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist and Chiropractor at Anadolu Medical Center, along with Physiotherapist Rabia Fındık, explained that clinical pilates is widely used in treating conditions such as lower back pain, neck and back pain, posture disorders, orthopedic injuries, neurological diseases like multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s, rheumatological diseases, cancer, osteoporosis, joint diseases, spinal deformities, and even during pregnancy. Here are the details they shared about this topic...

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: What It Is, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

The carpal tunnel is a channel structure in the wrist, surrounded by bones and various other connective tissue elements. The median nerve, responsible for functions related to the movement and sensation of the hand, passes through this tunnel.

What causes hip pain? How can it be relieved?

The hip is a body part that contains three major muscle groups. The quadriceps muscle group located in the lower part of the leg helps in straightening and extending the leg, while the hamstring group in the back of the hip helps stretch the leg backward. The muscle group located on the inner part of the hip helps move the hip forward and backward.

Recommendations and Treatment Methods for Inflammatory Rheumatism

Rheumatism, which causes pain and inflammation in the joints, muscles, and surrounding soft tissues, is a chronic disease. The disease, which is divided into two types—inflammatory and non-inflammatory—first causes damage to the joints and later leads to serious harm in other tissues of the body. Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Behçet's Disease, Gout, and Ankylosing Spondylitis are the most common types of inflammatory rheumatism.

What is Physiotherapy, and Who Can It Be Applied To?

Physiotherapy, or more commonly known as physical therapy, is one of the health-related fields. Physical therapy aims to help patients regain functional movements that they can no longer continue due to injury, illness, trauma, or aging. Physiotherapists apply physical therapy. In physiotherapy, the treatment process continues through the use of electric current, hot or cold applications, various exercises, or movements suitable for the patient's condition. Physiotherapists work alongside specialist doctors during the physical therapy process. Specialist doctors are individuals who have completed medical education and received specialization in the field of physiotherapy and rehabilitation. Physiotherapists are healthcare professionals who have graduated from the relevant department of universities. As a team, physiotherapists apply physical therapy treatments according to the specialist doctor's prescription and take responsibility for managing the treatment process. The goal of physiotherapy is to help patients perform or regain the movements necessary for their daily activities. Before starting treatment, data obtained from laboratories can also be used to determine what the patient should expect from the treatment. In this long and tiring process, the cooperation between the patient and the healthcare team is crucial for achieving the treatment's goals.

Fibromyalgia: What It Is, Symptoms, and Treatment

Fibromyalgia is a rheumatic disease characterized by widespread pain throughout the body, affecting the musculoskeletal system. It can occur at all ages, but it is most commonly seen in middle-aged individuals. Women are more likely to be affected by this disease than men. A close examination of the symptoms of the disease, the conditions that may cause it, and its diagnosis and treatment will help us better understand fibromyalgia.

What Causes Wrist Pain?

Pain in the hands and wrists, which are among the most used parts of our body, can be a sign of many different diseases. The hand and wrist are composed of a total of 27 bones. As both a sensory and a functional organ, the hands and wrists play an important role in human life and are the most vulnerable to injury and damage.

Causes and Treatment of Knee Pain

The knee, one of the largest and most important joints in the body, plays a significant role in carrying the body's weight and enabling movement. Sudden pain in the knee occurs as a result of strain or sudden injury. Since the knee bears the entire body weight, it is also prone to damage during movements that require extra strength, such as jumping or running. For this reason, knee pain is commonly found in people who are overweight. Pain in both knees is generally a sign of joint arthritis. However, if pain occurs in only one knee, different causes may be involved.

Cervical Kyphosis: What It Is, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

One of the features that enhances quality of life and enables a comfortable daily life is having a healthy musculoskeletal system. Problems in the components of our musculoskeletal system, including our bones, joints, and muscles, due to various health issues, can severely affect our daily lives. One of the conditions encountered in this regard is cervical kyphosis.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Back and Spine Pain

Back and spine pain occurs due to the strain on soft tissues (such as muscles, ligaments, and joints) caused by improper use of the body and poor posture

What is a Herniated Disc? Its Symptoms and Physical Therapy

The lower back is an important structure that enables the body's movements and transfers the body's weight from the hips to the legs. There are five vertebrae in the lower back. The vertebrae are crucial in protecting the spinal cord and nerve structures. Between these bones, there are discs, joint structures, and soft tissues that allow the back to be flexible and the body to move.

Ankylosing Spondylitis: What It Is, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Ankylosing spondylitis is a type of rheumatic arthritis (joint inflammation) that primarily affects the spine but can also involve various bones, joints, and ligaments in the body. It results from long-term inflammation and is more commonly seen in men than in women.

What is Good for Neck Pain? How to Relieve Neck Pain?

Neck pain is an uncomfortable condition felt in the area from the top of the head to between the shoulders. Known as cervicalgia in medical terms, neck pain can persist for varying durations, ranging from days to years, depending on the underlying causes. Many different conditions can cause neck pain, including physical strain, poor posture habits, muscle tension due to stress, osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis, herniated discs, and nerve compression. The severity of neck pain can vary from mild discomfort to serious health issues. There are various ways to relieve neck pain. Adopting proper posture habits, engaging in regular exercise, performing movements that strengthen the neck muscles, applying stress-reducing techniques, and opting for ergonomic work environments can be effective in alleviating neck pain.

What Helps with Back Pain? How to Relieve Back Pain?

Back pain is a common type of backache. Individuals may experience painful aching or cramping sensations. This condition often arises after sudden and rapid movements or due to factors like excessive strain and lifting heavy weights. There can be many different causes for this discomfort. For instance, excessive pressure on the lower back due to sudden and incorrect movements can lead to muscle and ligament strain, resulting in spasms. Chronic back issues such as muscle weakness, poor posture habits, obesity, disc herniation, and slipped discs can also contribute to the development of this discomfort. Trauma, stress, muscle injuries, or certain medical conditions may also be among the triggers. Back pain can cause sudden and intense pain and may require emergency medical intervention. Following initial treatment, home remedies such as ice and heat, under the supervision of a doctor, as well as muscle relaxants, massages, stretching exercises, and physical activity can be helpful. This condition can sometimes indicate a serious underlying issue.

What Helps Osteoarthritis? How to Alleviate Knee Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis refers to a degenerative condition of the joints. This condition, often associated with aging, arises from the gradual wear and loss of joint cartilage over time. Osteoarthritis can commonly occur in various parts of the body, including the knees, hips, hands, and spine. Factors such as advancing age, genetic predisposition, obesity, joint injuries, and overall joint health can significantly increase the risk of developing osteoarthritis.

What Helps Knee Pain? How to Relieve Knee Pain?

Knee pain is a problem that can occur in individuals of all ages, but in some cases, it can significantly hinder daily life. Initially, there are methods that can be applied at home for knee pain. If knee pain persists for a long time, it is recommended to consult a specialist doctor.

What Is Good for Neck Stiffness? How to Relieve Neck Stiffness?

Neck stiffness and pain can negatively affect daily activities. This condition, commonly known as "neck stiffness," may occur due to muscle tension, overuse, or poor posture. Symptoms manifest as stiffness, pain, and limited mobility in the neck area. Although it tends to improve on its own within a few days, it is important to seek professional medical help if symptoms become persistent or worsen.