Diagnosis and Treatment of Back and Spine Pain

Back and spine pain occurs due to the strain on soft tissues (such as muscles, ligaments, and joints) caused by improper use of the body and poor posture

What is back and spine pain?

Back and spine pain arises due to the strain on soft tissues (such as muscles, ligaments, and joints) caused by improper use of the body and poor posture. There are also various other causes of back and spine pain: congenital disorders, trauma and related fractures, disk diseases of the back and spine, osteoarthritis of the back and spine, vertebral slippage, rheumatic diseases, bone diseases like osteoporosis, soft tissue rheumatism, tumors, infections, as well as referred pain from other areas like the digestive, reproductive, and excretory systems, and pain of psychological origin are significant causes of back and spine pain.


What are the symptoms of back and spine pain?

Back and spine pain caused by soft tissue strain and the calcification of small joints is more commonly observed with movement, standing, and pain and stiffness during turning to the left or right. If the pain progresses towards the legs and is accompanied by loss of sensation and weakness, and the person begins to experience urinary or fecal incontinence, it is essential to consult a specialist.

How is back and spine pain diagnosed?

For a patient who presents with back or spine pain, a physical examination is performed initially. Depending on the patient's condition, imaging methods such as X-ray of the back and neck, computed tomography (CT), MRI imaging, electromyography, and scintigraphy may be used, along with the necessary blood tests.


How is back and spine pain treated?

The majority of sudden-onset back pain resolves completely with rest, medication, and physical therapy. However, in some individuals, this pain may become chronic, lasting much longer, and may not respond to the treatments mentioned above. In cases of chronic back and spine pain, treatments such as medication, corsets, interventional pain management techniques, and psychotherapy are applied.

Although not very common, surgery may be required for back and spine pain. Surgery is performed in only about 2-5% of patients.

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