Physical Therapy Methods

Heat Therapy Surface heaters such as hot packs, heating pads, and paraffin can be applied. A hot pack is a fabric bag filled with silica gel. After heating the silica gel by drawing water to 60-70°C, it is wrapped in a towel and can be applied for 20 to 30 minutes without losing heat. Depending on the application area, it can provide an increase in temperature of 1.1-3.3°C in tissues at depths of 1-4 cm.


Hydrotherapy takes advantage of hydrostatic pressure, the viscosity of water, and the buoyancy force, provided by motor-driven water movement, while creating a suitable exercise environment with the heating effect of hot water. Whirlpool baths are used for edema treatment and exercise.

Cold Therapy

Cold packs are used for cold therapy. Cold therapy reduces edema, pain, muscle tone, and relieves muscle spasms.

Ultrasound Therapy

Ultrasound is a method that generates heat in deep tissues (muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones) rather than the skin and subcutaneous fat. Ultrasound is a high-frequency sound wave. The sound waves absorbed by the tissue are converted into heat energy, which is used to warm deep tissues such as muscles and bones.

Ultrasound also has a micro-massage effect, which promotes the movement of fluid in tissues; this effect is used in edematous tissues to accelerate wound healing.

Laser Therapy

In physical therapy, low-intensity lasers without a heating effect are used. Laser therapy increases circulation, biological activity, regulates cell interactions, enhances collagen synthesis, and speeds up tissue healing. The basic purposes of low-intensity laser therapy are: stimulation therapy, which shows acupuncture-like effects, and regional irradiation for localized pain syndromes, particularly in conditions like tennis elbow and heel spurs.

Intermittent Pneumatic Compression Therapy

This method uses intermittent pressure to help pump fluid from the veins and lymph vessels towards the heart from the arm or leg. It aids in regulating blood circulation. It is applied in edema and lymphedema treatment

Uses of Electrical Currents in Physical Therapy:


  • Continuous Passive Motion (CPM)
    CPM devices are commonly used in orthopedic rehabilitation programs following knee surgery to increase joint cartilage nutrition, ensure joint movement, and prevent effusion


Traction is a technique used to stretch soft tissues by applying pulling force and separating joint surfaces and bone structures. It can be manual, mechanical, motorized, or hydraulic.

Effects of Traction on the Spine:
Traction is used to treat disc herniation. It should not be applied in cases of severe osteoporosis, multi-level lumbar disc herniation due to calcification, loss of stability in the spine, fractures in the spine, significant spinal cord pressure, infection, or the presence of tumors.


Massage therapy is often used for relieving muscle tension and promoting circulation and relaxation.

Orthosis Applications

Orthoses are devices used to support, correct, restrict movement, and provide functional movement. The orthosis team consists of the physical therapy and rehabilitation (FTR) specialist, orthotist-prosthetist, physiotherapist, and the patient. Common orthoses prescribed in FTR include neck and back braces, wrist splints, and walking orthoses. The goal of walking orthoses is to help the patient stand and walk as normally as possible.


Biofeedback is a method of learning to control physiological functions by monitoring them. Using electronic devices, auditory and visual signals are sent to provide the person with information about their physical functions, allowing them to become aware of and modify their functions.

Biofeedback is an adjunct to exercise therapy. As part of the rehabilitation program, patients are trained to improve balance and posture using a balance biofeedback device.

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Anadolu Sağlık Merkezi

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Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department

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Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department

MD. Sadi Kayıran


Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department

Prof. Semih Akı


Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department

MD. Sadi Kayıran

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