Ozone Therapy: What is it, How is it Done, and What Are its Benefits?

Ozone therapy is one of the increasingly popular alternative medicine practices used to treat various diseases or alleviate symptoms.

What is Ozone Therapy?

Ozone therapy is one of the increasingly popular alternative medicine practices used for treating various diseases or alleviating symptoms. Ozone is a form of the oxygen molecule. In alternative medicine, ozone is used to treat medical conditions and as a disinfectant, and it can exist in various forms, including gas and liquid. Ozone therapy has been a subject of discussion for many years, and although it is widely used in the medical field, its application continues to be debated and researched due to safety concerns. In 2019, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning that the ozone molecule is toxic and should not be used for medical treatments. The primary reason for this warning is the insufficient number of studies and research demonstrating that the medical use of ozone is effective and safe.

How is Ozone Therapy Applied?

Ozone therapy can be described as the exposure of the body to ozone gas for the treatment of certain diseases or the healing of wounds. The ozone molecule is a colorless, natural gas made up of three oxygen atoms (O3). Ozone therapy can be applied in various forms, including direct application to the skin, using ozonated water, blowing ozone gas into the body, injecting ozone dissolved in oil or water into the veins or muscles, and ozone saunas, which are particularly preferred for wound healing. Since ozone gas can irritate the airways, it should never be inhaled. In another ozone therapy procedure called autohemotherapy, a person's blood is taken, mixed with ozone, and re-injected into the body. This treatment approach has not been sufficiently supported by scientific studies, and therefore its reliability remains unproven. Despite being deemed unsafe for medical use by the FDA, ozone gas has not been completely abandoned in medical applications. Some studies suggest that ozone therapy might play a positive role in treating medical diseases by activating the immune system. In addition to treating diseases, ozone is also used for disinfection. The safer and more preferred methods of ozone therapy application can be summarized as follows:

Application to the Skin: The part of the body that needs treatment is left exposed, and the rest is covered with a cloth to allow the ozone gas to penetrate the skin in the appropriate dose. This procedure is also known as an ozone sauna. Applying the appropriate dose of ozonated solution to the skin can also be possible, particularly for wound healing and reducing the risk of infection from open wounds.

Blowing Ozone Gas into the Body: Ozone gas is typically blown into the body through the ears, vagina, or rectum. This application procedure is not commonly preferred.

Mixing with the Person's Own Blood: Ozone gas is a molecule that can dissolve in blood. The person seeking treatment has their blood drawn into a tube, mixed with ozone gas, and then re-administered intravenously. This is known as autohemotherapy, and the major autohemotherapy procedure is relatively more preferred.

Oral Ozone Therapy: Ozone gas can be dissolved in oil or water and consumed orally, allowing absorption through the intestines.

Injection into Muscles: Ozone therapy can also be administered through muscle injections, typically combined with oxygen. A liquid containing a mixture of oxygen and ozone molecules can be injected into any of the individual's muscles.

What Are the Benefits of Ozone Therapy?

There are very few qualified studies and evidence supporting the effectiveness of ozone therapy for various medical conditions. However, it is believed that ozone therapy could be beneficial in the following conditions:

  • Supporting and strengthening the immune system and enhancing the defense mechanisms against cancer.
  • Strengthening defenses against bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi, and other microorganisms.
  • Treatment and symptom relief for respiratory disorders: While more extensive studies are needed, intravenous ozone therapy applications have been tested for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). A clinical study conducted in 2014 showed improvement in quality of life and exercise capacity for COPD patients and those with nicotine dependence.
  • Diabetes: Ozone therapy may offer promising results in the treatment and management of microvascular and macrovascular complications due to diabetes. The main cause of complications in diabetes is oxidative stress. A study conducted in 2018 showed that ozone therapy could reduce inflammation and oxidative stress by activating the immune system and strengthening antioxidant mechanisms. Another study found that ozone therapy accelerated wound healing and minimized infection risk in individuals with diabetic foot ulcers.
  • Combatting viral diseases such as AIDS and SARS caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).
  • Some musculoskeletal disorders such as herniated discs, fibromyalgia, arthritis (joint inflammation), and carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Disinfection of wounds and reduction of infection risk.

What Does Ozone Therapy Help With?

Ozone can deactivate many pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeasts, and protozoa. Ozone therapy can treat the following conditions:

  • Arthritis
  • Joint injuries
  • Diabetes
  • Immune disorders
  • Respiratory disorders
  • Cancer
  • HIV
  • Pathogenic infections
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