How to Perform First Aid for Electric Shock?

Electric shock is a common situation where the effects vary depending on the source of the shock. For example, electric shocks caused by light fuses generally follow a moderate course, while electric shocks from industrial power sources can lead to severe clinical symptoms. Electric shock is defined as the contact of electric current with the body's surface or its passage through the body. This can occur in any environment where there is electric current. It should be noted that high-voltage shocks or electrical burns require urgent medical intervention. You can follow the rest of the article for more information on other topics related to electric shock.

What is Electric Shock?

Electric shock refers to the contact of electric current with the body. As a result of this condition, burns can occur in both the internal and external structures of the body, leading to organ damage. Electric shocks that occur in home environments are generally milder compared to other shocks; however, care is recommended because contact with electrical outlets or plugged-in wires can quickly become serious, especially for small children.

Various factors can influence the clinical course of electric shock cases beyond the source of the shock. Some of these factors can be summarized as follows:

  • Voltage
  • Duration of contact with the source
  • Overall health status
  • The path of electric current through the body
  • Whether the current is direct or alternating

What are the Symptoms of Electric Shock?

The symptoms of electric shock can vary depending on the type of shock and voltage level. Generally, the symptoms that can be associated with electric shock include:

  • Numbness and tingling
  • Burns
  • Seizures
  • Irregular heartbeats
  • Shortness of breath
  • Vision and hearing problems
  • Muscle spasms
  • Headaches
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Cardiac arrest

How Does Electric Shock Affect the Body?

Electric currents can cause four types of damage to the body:

  1. Flash Electric Shock: Flash (arc) injuries are typically electrical shocks that cause superficial burns. These types of electric shocks cannot penetrate beneath the skin due to the heat effects that occur during an arc flash.
  2. Flame Injuries: These are electric shock injuries that occur when a person's clothing catches fire during an arc flash.
  3. Lightning Strike: Lightning strikes involve short but high-voltage exposure to electricity. In these cases, the electric current continues to flow through the person's body.
  4. True Electric Shock: These are electric shocks that occur when contact with electric current causes the person's body to act as part of an electric circuit, allowing the current to pass through the body.

As a result of electric shocks, some individuals may experience an unexplained discomfort in their bodies, while others may develop severe pain and obvious tissue damage. Individuals with no significant damage and who have normal results from heart-related biochemical analyses within the first 24-48 hours are considered to have a low risk of developing long-term complications.

What Causes Electric Shock?

Electric shocks are situations that develop after direct contact with electric current. There can be various reasons for this contact:

  • Lightning strikes
  • Contact with exposed wires due to damage to transformers
  • Contact with outlets using objects or direct finger contact
  • Contact with damaged electrical cables or components
  • Contact with overloaded electrical panels

What Should Be Done in the Event of Electric Shock?

If you encounter an electric shock outside the home, the first thing you need to do is ensure the safety of the environment and yourself. Then, there are various steps you can take to assist the individual who has been exposed to electric shock. It is crucial to avoid direct contact with the person while taking these steps, and you should remember that your first action should be to contact emergency services before any intervention.

How to Provide First Aid for Electric Shock?

In the event of an electric shock, especially in cases of serious current exposure, the first aid strategy that can be applied is as follows:

  • Move as far away from the current as possible
  • Call the emergency assistance hotline
  • Avoid excessive movement aside from moving away from the electrical source
  • Even if the electric shock is mild and there are no noticeable symptoms, it is recommended to seek medical attention to evaluate any potential internal organ damage that may not be visible.

If you encounter someone who has been exposed to electric shock, after ensuring the safety of yourself and the environment, the first aid steps you can take are as follows:

  • Do not touch the person who is still in contact with the electrical source
  • Avoid moving the person unless there is an ongoing risk of electric shock
  • If possible, cut off the power to the source of the shock; if that is not feasible, use non-conductive materials to move the source away from the person
  • Stand at least 20 steps away from high-voltage electric shock incidents
  • Contact emergency services
  • Once you have ensured that there is no ongoing risk to yourself or others, check the patient’s breathing and pulse while waiting for help. If necessary, begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) immediately
  • During your observation of the patient, if signs of shock such as vomiting or paleness are present, elevate their legs slightly
  • If there are any burn wounds, cover them with sterile dressings or gauze if possible, and avoid using adhesive bandages
  • Ensure the person remains warm.

How is Electric Shock Treated?

Even if the injuries sustained from an electric shock seem minor, it is essential to seek medical attention and evaluate any damage to internal tissues. Depending on the type of injury that has occurred, various treatments that can be applied within the scope of electric shock treatment include:

  • Burn treatment using antibiotic creams and sterile dressings
  • Pain management
  • Administering fluids intravenously
  • Administering a tetanus vaccine

In cases where the electric shock is caused by very high voltage sources, patients may require hospitalization for several days or longer for monitoring and treatment. It is crucial to ensure that there is no cardiac or serious internal organ damage in cases of high-voltage electric shocks.

How to Prevent Electric Shock?

There are various measures that can be taken to prevent electric shock in the home environment. These preventive measures can be summarized as follows:

  • Properly closing or hiding electrical outlets
  • Ensuring that electrical wires are adequately insulated
  • Not leaving children unattended in environments with pools or hot tubs where electric currents may be present

In addition to these home practices, there are also various precautions that can be taken against electric shock incidents that may occur outdoors. Some of these precautions include:

  • Reporting any overturned transformers or broken power lines seen on the road to the authorities
  • Avoiding crossing areas with electric wires that come into contact with water puddles, whether by car or on foot

Electric shocks can vary in clinical presentation from mild cases to very serious incidents. Generally, it is crucial to regularly check home electrical circuits and ensure they are not damaged to protect against accidental electric shocks that may occur in the home environment. Individuals engaged in the installation or maintenance of electrical systems in outdoor settings must comply with necessary safety regulations.

Electric shocks almost always occur accidentally and are preventable events. While low-voltage electric shocks typically result in minor injuries, it is essential to remain aware that in some cases, depending on the source and voltage of the current, they can lead to loss of life. Medical Park health institutions provide diagnostic services aimed at evaluating cardiovascular health. We wish you healthy days.

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