Calcium: What It Is, Its Deficiency and Symptoms, Treatment of Deficiency

Calcium is an essential mineral with important functions that cannot be synthesized by the body and must be obtained through diet. Calcium is directly related to growth, development, the nervous system, the circulatory system, and bone health. Therefore, calcium deficiency can lead to some serious symptoms.

What Is Calcium Deficiency?

Calcium is one of the most vital minerals found in the body. It cannot be synthesized within the body and must be obtained through food or dietary supplements. An adult human has about 1-2 kg of calcium. Of the total calcium in the human body, 99% is stored in the bones, while the remaining 1% is dissolved in intracellular and extracellular fluids.

Calcium plays an important role in nerve transmission, muscle contraction, the formation and preservation of bones and teeth, blood coagulation, and the regulation of metabolism. It helps with the absorption of vitamin D and is involved in the structure of hormones and enzymes.

The failure to intake this valuable mineral for various reasons is referred to as "calcium deficiency." Consuming less calcium than the required daily amount can eventually lead to calcium deficiency, resulting in serious symptoms and diseases.

What Are the Symptoms of Calcium Deficiency?

Symptoms of calcium deficiency can vary from person to person. Other symptoms of calcium deficiency include:

  • Changes in nail color and nail breakage
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Heart rhythm disturbances
  • Loss of appetite
  • Tingling and loss of sensation in fingers and toes
  • Muscle cramps
  • Dry skin
  • Epileptic seizures
  • Insomnia
  • Cataracts
  • Increased menstrual bloating
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety and personality disorders
  • Depression
  • Hair loss
  • Hallucinations
  • Blood pressure problems

How Is Calcium Deficiency Diagnosed?

One of the tests used to diagnose various diseases is the calcium test. After a physical examination, your doctor may want to check your calcium levels based on your complaints and symptoms. Therefore, your doctor will request a blood test. A blood sample is taken from a vein, and the blood test measures the total amount of calcium in the blood. Although a blood test is generally preferred when assessing calcium levels, a urine test may also be used in patients suspected of having kidney stones to determine whether the kidneys are performing their calcium filtration function.

There are several points to pay attention to before the test to ensure accurate measurement of your calcium levels:

  • Provide accurate information to your doctor about any medications and supplements you are taking during the examination.
  • If you are taking medications that affect calcium levels, such as lithium, thiazide diuretics, calcium-containing antacids, vitamin D supplements, and calcium supplements, make sure to inform your doctor before the test so they can advise you on whether to stop them.
  • Avoid consuming calcium-rich foods before the test. Especially foods or beverages high in calcium, such as milk and dairy products, can increase calcium levels in your blood and affect test results.
  • Your test results will be compared with a specific reference range to determine your calcium level. This reference range may vary from laboratory to laboratory. The reference range for calcium levels in adults is approximately between 8.6 and 10.2 milligrams per deciliter. Having a high calcium level in the blood is termed "hypercalcemia," while a low level is referred to as "hypocalcemia." Based on the results of the blood test, your calcium levels will be assessed as low or high, and appropriate treatment will be initiated.

What are the Symptoms of Calcium Deficiency?

Calcium deficiency can affect the body in countless ways. Approximately 99% of calcium in the body is stored in the bones and teeth. It is not surprising that symptoms of calcium deficiency are more frequently observed in these areas. Calcium is stored in the bones, and when the amount of calcium in the blood decreases, calcium is released from the bones into the bloodstream. The reduction of stored calcium and the subsequent appearance of symptoms of calcium deficiency can take a long time.

Calcium deficiency primarily affects the bones. Some individuals with calcium deficiency may develop osteopenia (low bone mineral density). In patients with osteopenia, the bones become weak, fragile, porous, and more prone to fractures. If left untreated, it can progress to osteoporosis, which is particularly common in women.

Calcium plays a crucial role in muscle contractions. One of the most serious symptoms of calcium deficiency is the inability of the heart muscle to contract. Healthy heart function requires strong heart muscles. Calcium deficiency reduces the number of contractions of the heart muscle, which can lead to sudden heart attacks.

One of the significant symptoms of calcium deficiency can also be seen in the teeth. Clinical studies have found a correlation between low calcium intake and tooth loss. Due to the deficiency of calcium, which is abundant in tooth structure, the brittleness of the teeth increases, leading to potential tooth loss.

What Causes Calcium Deficiency?

Many people are at risk for calcium deficiency. Various factors can contribute to calcium deficiency:

  • Long-term insufficient calcium intake
  • Use of diuretic medications that reduce calcium absorption
  • Certain medications such as phenytoin, phenobarbital, and rifampin
  • Hormonal changes observed in women
  • Genetic factors
  • Kidney failure
  • Insufficient vitamin D intake
  • Various infections
  • Stress, anxiety, worry
  • Intense and heavy exercise
  • Gastrointestinal problems like diarrhea and constipation
  • Cancer
  • Excessive caffeine and alcohol consumption
  • Intense mercury exposure
  • Menopause
  • Celiac disease
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Eating disorders like bulimia and anorexia
  • Pancreatitis

Who is at Risk for Calcium Deficiency?

Individuals with chronic conditions such as gastrointestinal disorders, pancreatitis, kidney failure, liver failure, and anxiety disorders, who also experience deficiencies in vitamin D, folate, and magnesium and do not include calcium-rich foods in their diets, as well as those who follow a vegan diet, are at significant risk for calcium deficiency.

How is Calcium Deficiency Treated?

The treatment of calcium deficiency is straightforward. It typically involves adding more calcium to your diet. Under your doctor's guidance, you can take calcium supplements, and you can regain the calcium you feel deficient in through calcium-rich foods. Keep in mind that uncontrolled use of calcium supplements without medical supervision can disrupt metabolic balance and lead to various health issues, including kidney stones. For patients with extremely low calcium levels who do not see improvement with calcium supplements and dietary changes, regular calcium injections may be administered. The patient is closely monitored for 1-3 months.

Calcium Supplements

Calcium supplements are available in syrup, tablet, and chewable forms. When taking calcium supplements, it is essential to pay attention to the type of calcium, the daily required amount, and interactions with other vitamins. Not all types of calcium are absorbed in the same way in the body. When purchasing a calcium supplement, check the label to find out the type of calcium it contains. For example, calcium citrate can be taken before or after meals, while calcium carbonate is recommended to be taken during meals to ensure it is broken down by stomach acids and absorbed by the body.

The daily calcium requirement varies by age. For newborns, the daily calcium needs are approximately 200-1000 mg, while adolescents aged 9-18 years require 1300-3000 mg, those aged 18-50 need 1000-2500 mg, and adults over 50 require 1200-2000 mg. Dividing the daily calcium intake into 2-3 doses according to your age and needs can facilitate calcium absorption.

After taking calcium supplements, care should be taken regarding interactions with medications that reduce absorption. Some medications that can interact negatively with calcium supplements include beta-blockers used for blood pressure control, aluminum-containing antacids, estrogen medications, diuretics, and certain antibiotics such as fluoroquinolones or tetracyclines.

What Are Calcium-Rich Foods?

To prevent calcium deficiency or to enhance the effectiveness of its treatment, it is recommended to consume calcium-rich foods. The most well-known foods high in calcium include:

  • Eggs
  • Milk and dairy products
  • Spinach
  • Sardines, salmon, anchovies, herring, cod, tuna
  • Onions
  • Chickpeas
  • Cabbage
  • Broccoli
  • Celery
  • Peanuts
  • Sesame
  • Almonds
  • Beans
  • Figs
  • Flaxseeds
  • Tahini and molasses

If you have one or more of the symptoms associated with calcium deficiency, you may suspect that you are calcium deficient. Calcium deficiency can lead to serious health issues. Therefore, do not forget to seek medical assistance from healthcare institutions as soon as possible for accurate diagnosis and treatment.

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