Causes and Treatment of Muscle Wasting in Old Age

As people age, the frequency of muscle wasting increases, with Prof. Dr. Çağatay Öktenli, an Internal Medicine Specialist at Anadolu Health Center, noting that 4 out of every 10 people over the age of 80 face this issue.

The muscle mass, which constitutes about one-third of the total body weight in youth, decreases by half by the age of 75. The decline in muscle strength, which begins in the 50s, manifests as a loss of strength, particularly in the back, arms, waist, and leg muscles during the 70s.

What is Muscle Wasting (Sarcopenia)?

The reduction of muscle strength and endurance due to aging is defined as "muscle wasting" (sarcopenia). Preventing muscle wasting in the elderly is crucial for reducing the risk of falls and increasing the ability to live independently. The most significant consequences of muscle wasting in the elderly include a decrease in mobility and independence, as well as becoming bedridden due to injuries and fractures from falls.

Causes of Muscle Wasting

Muscle wasting appears earlier in women; however, muscle loss is more pronounced in men. A decrease in protein intake is the most significant cause of muscle wasting. Alongside reduced food, especially protein intake, the lack of physical activity also ranks among the key factors contributing to muscle wasting as one ages. Blood flow to the muscles is also an important factor in maintaining muscle development and endurance. In the elderly, there can be insufficiencies in blood flow to the muscles due to vascular stiffness or accompanying chronic diseases such as heart failure. Additionally, the nerves that stimulate the muscles are crucial for the sustainability of muscle strength. Without adequate nerve stimulation, muscle mass declines rapidly. Hormones such as growth hormone and testosterone, which facilitate protein synthesis in muscles, also decrease with age, making them another significant factor in muscle wasting.

Muscle Wasting Due to Nutritional Deficiency

Elderly individuals tend to feel full quickly. Moreover, their senses of taste and smell diminish with age. Depression, dementia, chronic illnesses, and medications can also contribute to a lack of appetite, further worsening nutritional intake. Therefore, elderly individuals experiencing muscle wasting due to nutritional deficiency need to consume protein-rich foods and ensure an intake of at least 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight daily. In addition to protein, vitamin D deficiency also exacerbates muscle and bone loss, and deficiencies in folic acid and vitamin B12 should also be investigated.

Preventing Muscle Wasting

Muscle wasting can be prevented through a balanced diet combined with regular exercise. Resistance training with light weights, stretching, and strengthening exercises help regulate both muscle and nerve stimulation. Strengthening exercises not only prevent muscle loss but also increase the amount of muscle mass lost. This significantly reduces the risk of falls in the elderly while also enhancing overall mobility.

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Prof. Cihan Top


Internal Diseases (Internal Medicine) Department

Prof. Çağatay Öktenli


Internal Diseases (Internal Medicine) Department

Prof. Nevrez Koylan


Internal Diseases (Internal Medicine) Department

Prof. Zülfikar Polat


Internal Diseases (Internal Medicine) Department

Assoc. Prof. Enes M. Atasoyu


Internal Diseases (Internal Medicine) Department

MD. Ali İhsan Aker


Internal Diseases (Internal Medicine) Department

MD. Eyyüp Kenan Özok


Internal Diseases (Internal Medicine) Department

MD. Fatih Bünül


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MD. Sebahattin Erten


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