Anadolu Medical Center
Anadolu Medical Center

What is Obesity Surgery?

Obesity surgery began in the 1950s and is still practiced today. There are various methods used in obesity surgery.

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, so the most suitable method for the patient should be applied, considering the patient’s expectations and the cause of obesity. Obesity surgery is divided into two categories: restrictive methods and methods that prevent the absorption of food in the intestines (such as bypass). A third group includes procedures that combine both features. Restrictive methods include adjustable gastric banding (gastric band) and sleeve gastrectomy (gastric sleeve). These surgeries, which were previously only performed on a limited number of patients and conducted openly, have become more common due to the increase in obesity rates. With the development of laparoscopic surgery, obesity surgeries can now be performed minimally invasively, even through a single incision at the belly button.

Sağlık Merkezi
Anadolu Sağlık Merkezi

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Prof. Ali Uğur Emre


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Prof. Cengiz Erenoğlu


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Prof. Sedat Karademir


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Prof. Vafi Atalay


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Assoc. Prof. Abdulcabbar Kartal


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Assoc. Prof. Ayhan Erdemir


General Surgery

MD. Surgeon Kemal Raşa


General Surgery

MD. Surgeon Ömer Faruk Inanç


General Surgery

Prof. Ali Uğur Emre


General Surgery

Prof. Cengiz Erenoğlu


General Surgery

Prof. Sedat Karademir


General Surgery

Prof. Vafi Atalay


General Surgery

Assoc. Prof. Abdulcabbar Kartal


General Surgery

Assoc. Prof. Ayhan Erdemir


General Surgery

MD. Surgeon Kemal Raşa


General Surgery

MD. Surgeon Ömer Faruk Inanç

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